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How Ecosystems Work Homework: Chapter 5: Read Pages

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Presentation on theme: "How Ecosystems Work Homework: Chapter 5: Read Pages"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Ecosystems Work Homework: Chapter 5: Read Pages 117-123
Define Key Terms (pg. 117): Photosynthesis Producer Consumer Decomposer Cellular Respiration Food Chain Food Web Trophic Level

2 Hierarchy of Life Simple  Complex Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue
Body System Organism Population Community Ecosystem

3 ACTIVITY: What’s the story?

4 First Principle of Ecology

5 Ecological Concepts The way organisms interact w/ each other and w/ nonliving surroundings.

6 Ecosystem A group of plants, animals and microbes interacting with each other and the physical environment in a sustainable way.

7 How big is an ecosystem?

8 Types of Ecosystems

9 Biomes: large terrestrial ecosystems

10 Biosphere Earth’s “super ecosystem” includes all life forms and the physical environments supporting life. Includes: air, land, surface rocks, and water w/in which life occurs, and which biotic processes take place!

11 Ecological Concepts

12 Ecological Concepts Limiting Factors
Factors that are critical to a species’ success. Abiotic or Biotic

13 Range of Tolerance Trout Black Bass
Live in fast flowing, cold water More dissolved oxygen Black Bass Adapted to lower oxygen concentrations and higher water temperatures Limiting Factors: water temperature and dissolved oxygen

14 Ecological Concepts Habitat and Niche Habitat Niche Ex: Beaver
Space organism lives (its address) Niche Functional role it has in its surroundings (its profession) Ex: Beaver Flooding, kills trees, enhances environment for other animals, and is a food source for predators.

15 Categories of Organisms (common to every ecosystem)
Autotrophs (producers) Self-feeding Typically, green plants

16 Categories of Organisms (common to every ecosystem)
Heterotrophs Consumers Must eat others 5 Types: Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Decomposers (bacteria and fungi) Detritus Feeders (scavengers)

17 Feeding Relationships
Predator-prey One organism kills and eats another Grazing Herbivore-producer Host-Parasite Parasite lives in host to derive nourishment. Host is generally harmed, but not killed immediately.

18 Energy Flow Through Ecosystem
Food Chains Show direction of energy flow b/w organisms in an ecosystem Bioaccumulation: build up of toxins in the food chain.

19 Energy Flow Through Ecosystem
Food Web Shows all possible pathways

20 Energy Flow Through Ecosystem Trophic Levels

21 Biomass Pyramid

22 Biomass Pyramid Continued
Shows the relative proportions of biomass at each trophic level. In most efficient ecosystems, there is only about 10% of food energy available for the next higher trophic level– what happened to the other 90%? Food chains in most terrestrial ecosystems rarely go higher than 4 trophic levels.

23 Activity

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