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Hello and welcome Introduction 1.

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1 Hello and welcome Introduction 1

We’ll start off by going over the grounding principles of MCC.

3 What is MCC The Millennium Challenge Corporation is a U.S. Government agency designed to reduce poverty through economic growth in select developing countries. Good governance Investments in people Economic freedom What is MCC? MCC is an innovative foreign aid agency leading the U.S. fight against global poverty We are a grant provider to countries committed to good governance, economic freedom and investment in their citizens. Through two types of grants, called Compacts and Threshold Program Grants, MCC supports countries’ efforts to reduce poverty through economic growth. MCC’s largest grants are Compacts; these range from $100 to $700 million dollars over the course of five years. MCC was created by the U.S. Congress in 2004 with strong bipartisan support. Our funding is appropriated by Congress for each fiscal year. MCC is led by a Board of Directors; chaired by the Secretary of State and including the Secretary of Treasury, the U.S. Trade Representative, the USAID Administrator, and members of the private sector. MCC is relatively small government agency; we are capped by Congress at 300 employees. This enables MCC to be innovative and nimble in its policies and practices. 3

4 Created with bipartisan support by the U.S. Congress in 2004
MCC’s Mandate Reduce poverty through economic growth Created with bipartisan support by the U.S. Congress in 2004 Led by a governing Board of Directors: Secretary of State (Chair) MCC Chief Executive Officer Secretary of the Treasury U.S. Trade Representative USAID Administrator Four members of the private sector

5 Two Types of Programs MCC Compacts Threshold Programs 5-year grants
Large-scale and complex Awarded to eligible countries as determined by MCC’s eligibility criteria and final vote of the MCC Board of Directors $8.8 billion awarded as compact grants 24 partner countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific (16 active compacts) Implemented by the partner country government with guidance and oversight from MCC 2- or 3-year grants Smaller in scale and objectives Awarded to countries not compact- eligible but committed to improving policy performance $495 million awarded as Threshold grants 21 partner countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia (5 active) Implemented by MCC and USAID in consultation with the partner country government Large-scale Compacts generally range from $100 to $700 million over five years. Smaller-scale Threshold Programs generally range from $12 to $100 million over two or three years.

6 Competitive selection
What’s Different About MCC Competitive selection Country-led design Country-led implementation Focus on results Country ownership Good policies Results matter Competitive selection: Countries must become eligible to receive MCC grants based on their performance on certain indicators of governance and freedom Like primary education rates, immunization rates, freedom of press, efforts to combat corruption, and relative openness of the economy Country-led solutions: Selected countries identify priorities for economic development and develop proposals in broad consultation within their society, including with private sector stakeholders, NGOs, and members of the public. MCC teams then work in close partnership with countries to refine their programs. Country-led implementation: MCC administers a Millennium Challenge Account, or MCA, in each partner country. Each partner country government is responsible for setting up the MCA as an independent government agency or within an existing government agency. The partner country government manages and oversees all aspects of implementation. Monitoring of funds is rigorous and transparent. MCC monitors all disbursements and retains full control over funds in order to protect against potential for corruption and fraud. 6

7 Geographic Coverage Countries become eligible for MCC assistance by scoring well on a series of indicators. We’ll go a bit more in depth on these indicators shortly; in the meantime, you can see here a map of MCC-eligible countries here. Countries with blue labels have already signed MCC Compacts; countries with green labels have signed smaller Threshold Program grants, and countries with orange labels are eligible to develop an MCC Compact

8 Distribution of Investments
MCC believes strongly in the principle that true economic growth is the only sustainable form of poverty alleviation. In pursuit of economic growth, MCC focuses much of its investments on raising incomes. Investments in water supply and sanitation and health, education, and community services improve people’s abilities to participate in the local economy Investments in agricultural infrastructure, agricultural training, entrepreneurship, and renewable energy improve agricultural outputs. Investments in roads, bridges, railways, ports, and other transportation infrastructure improve farmers’ abilities to get their goods to market. Investments in good governance, finance and enterprise development, property rights and land policy, and gender integration strengthen policies and encourage entrepreneurial organization and democratic processes


10 Water Sector Project $355 million total
Zambia Water Sector Project $355 million total Procurement Timeframe Program Management Consultant 2012 Lusaka Water and Sanitation Projects – Works 2013 Lusaka Drainage Project – Works 2013–14 Technical Assistance Consultancies 2013 –14

11 Power Sector Project $350 million total
Malawi Power Sector Project $350 million total Procurement Timeframe Program Management Consultant 2012 TA Consultancies Works (TX, DX, GX)

12 WASH Sector Project $41 million
Cape Verde II WASH Sector Project $41 million Procurement Timeframe Study – WASH Sector Master Plan 2012 Technical Assistance – Project Management and Change Management (Sector/Utility Reform) End 2012 Supervisory Engineer – Water and Sanitation Projects Small Works – Water and Sanitation Projects

13 Green Prosperity (GP) Project $334 million
Indonesia PICTURE Green Prosperity (GP) Project $334 million Procurement Timeframe Project Arranger and Oversight Services 2012 Technical Assistance (TA) Consultants Land Use Planners Financial Facility Manager 2013 Program Management Contractors and Equipment Suppliers 2014 Engineers (design and works supervision)

14 Compacts in Development Timeframe for MCA Procurements
Country Timeframe for MCA Procurements Sector Ghana II ? Benin II Georgia II El Salvador II

This is a Footer

16 MCC and MCA Opportunities – What, Where
Compact procurements Administered by MCA Entities. Contract opportunities – all untied – are published to: Threshold procurements Administered by USAID. Most tied to US companies. Opportunities published to MCC corporate procurements Administered by MCC. Some tied to US companies.

17 Open, Planned & Awarded Opportunities at/above $200k all posted to
- A one-stop-shop for bidders So where to find these contract opportunities? This is the website potential bidders should first visit to learn how to bid and what to bid on. This website has links to the standard bidding documents, the procurement guidelines, and the list of open contract opportunities and planned procurement opportunities. Open, Planned & Awarded Opportunities at/above $200k all posted to

18 Typical Implementing Structure Sound Fiscal Accountability
$$ MCC Common Payment System Government Fiscal Agent/ Funds Control Accountable Entity MCC Rep Procurement Agent Bank Account Project Manager 1 Project Manager 2 Project Manager 3 $$ Vendor Vendor Vendor

19 MCC Program Procurement Guidelines
Fair Principles Transparent Competitive Open Similar to World Bank Procurement Guidelines with Important Exceptions: No Geographic Preferences US Prohibited Sources ineligible US or Local Currency only

20 Standard Bidding Documents
In Nov 2007, MCC decided to create Standard Bidding Documents for: Small works Consulting services Design bid build Design build Goods And others Why? Consistent approach International standards known in the market: FIDIC Cost/price management Risks consistent from contract to contract A bidder on a road in Tanzania can count on the same general conditions of contract if/when they bid on a road in another country Bidders will be comfortable that MCC uses standard “FIDIC” contracts. Templates available at Refer to back up slide if asked for more information.

21 Small Works, Goods & Consulting services
Forms of Contract Large Works MCC has purchased licenses from the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) for large works: Design bid build (Red Book) Design build (Yellow Book) MCC General conditions – identical in all FIDIC contracts Conditions of Particular Application (COPAs) supplement and amend the General Conditions For these contracts MCC is using World Bank standards with minor accommodations to reflect MCC regulatory requirements. Small Works, Goods & Consulting services

22 MCC Program Procurement Guidelines: The Bid Challenge System
First Level Review: Accountable/MCA Entity Second Level Review: Independent body

23 Lessons Learned Beware reliance on couriers (DHL, FEDEX) for bid deliveries Knowledge of local challenges – teaming is encouraged Read the requirements! Ask questions! Submit EVERYTHING that is requested Bid Security required – ensure it accompanies the bid Advance Payment requires a bank guarantee Performance Guarantees required from bank acceptable to the MCA entity – budget for them Price reasonableness – low bid doesn’t always win if it doesn’t make sense The SBD form contracts are MCC reviewed and approved – agree to them before bidding

24 MCC Model: A Fairer Playing Field
No preferences for U.S. or domestic contractors: Compacts are “untied” Government Owned Enterprises (GOE) not eligible Past experience and environmental, health, safety, labor standards matter Open and competitive procurements Award decisions made by technically qualified experts Professional independent oversight of contract performance All funds are obligated when Compacts enter into force Contractors paid directly by USG through the Common Payment System Checks and balances to guard against abusive discretion

25 For more information, visit

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