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Sadie, Stephen, Olivia, Alonzo, and Merim

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1 Sadie, Stephen, Olivia, Alonzo, and Merim
RESPIRATION Sadie, Stephen, Olivia, Alonzo, and Merim

2 Parts of the Lungs The Thyroid gland is a large gland in the front part of the Adam's Apple. It is wrapped around the trachea, and its function is to produce thyroid hormone, which is responsible for regulating metabolism and organ function. After a signal is sent from the hypothalamus gland, the pituitary gland sends another message to the thyroid , which T3 & T4 hormones into the bloodstream. This then stimulates the metabolism of the heart, liver, muscle and other organs. The Trachea (aka the Windpipe of Breathing Tube), is a tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs to allow the passage of air The Apex is the rounded upper part on the human lung which extends to the root of the neck. The Bronchi are the two airway passages which branch off from the trachea and connect to the lungs. As they got deeper into the lungs, they become bronchioles.

3 What Do We Breathe? Air is made up of 78.6 % nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 0 –4% water vapor depending on temperature and humidity, and minor gases - argon, neon, helium, methane and ozone

4 Process of Breathing: First Stage
First Stage: Breathing inspiration breathing in, moves air from outside the body into the lungs inside the body expiration breathing out moves air from the lungs back outside of the body

5 Process of Breathing: Second Stage
Second Stage: External Respiration Exchange of O2 and CO2 between the inspired air inside the lungs and the blood. Gas Exchange delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and the elimination of carbon dioxide from the blood to the lungs

6 Process of Breathing: Third Stage
Third Stage: Internal Respiration Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the body’s tissue cells.

7 Process of Breathing: Fourth Stage
Fourth Stage: cellular respiration series of energy releasing chemical reactions that take place within cells.

8 Categorized Breathing
eupnea apnea dyspnea hyperpnea hyperventilation respiratory arrest

9 Lung Disease

10 Common Ailments Pneumonia Bronchitis Asthma

11 Lung Cancer Uncontrolled cell growth in lungs
Reduces respiratory surface of lungs symptoms Main cause is smoking tobacco 80% die within first 5 years

12 Distribution of Nutrients as a result of Respiration: Diffusion
-Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide diffuse across the alveoli wall. Oxygen Diffuses into capillaries. Carbon Dioxide Diffuses into the alveoli to be exhaled. -This process is called. Gas Exchange, the exchange of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen in the alveoli that takes place on the respiratory surface.

13 Distribution of Nutrients as a result of Respiration: Capillaries
-The purpose of the Lungs is to extract necessary nutrients (Oxygen) from air and fill blood with the nutrients for distribution around the body. -The air from the lungs will diffuse into the capillaries, smaller, thinner blood vessels that lead to the veins and arteries.

14 -Glucose comes from diet -Oxygen is taken in by Lungs
Distribution of Nutrients as a result of Respiration: Cellular Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy -Glucose comes from diet -Oxygen is taken in by Lungs -Water and Carbon Dioxide escape in breath -Energy is needed for bodily functions

15 Functions of Respiration
-Oxygen must diffuse from lungs into blood -Gas exchange on the respiratory system -Internal Respiration


17 Bronchioles - The small airways of the lung extending from the bronchi (lung air passages that diverge from the windpipe) to the alveoli (miniscule round sacs where gas exchange takes place in the lungs). Three Parts -Lobular Bronchiole -Terminal Bronchioles -Respiratory Bronchioles

18 Alveoli - Where gas exchange takes place.
- Carbon Dioxide is delivered to the Alveoli - When you first breath in oxygen it is taken to the Alveoli and then to the rest of the body. - Produces Surfacant (compounds that lower the surface tension of liquid) Gas exchange occurs in the Alveoli because of its... -Thin walls -Large surface area -Fluid lined enabling gases -Surrounded by capillaries

19 Lungs -The overall respiratory organ that allows all living things to breath. -Transport oxygen from the air into the bloodstream then release Carbon Dioxide. 11 Parts of the Lungs - Larynx - Bronchioles - Primary Bronchi -Secondary Bronchi - Tertiary Bronchi - Cardiac Notch - Trachea - Pulmonary Artery - Pulmonary Vein - Alveolar Duct - Alveoli

20 Diaphragm - The portion separating the chest and abdominal captivities
- The main muscle the body uses for breathing. - It draws air into the body and helps get air out of the lungs. - Used for non respiratory functions by expelling bodily fluids, and acid reflux by exerting pressure on the esophagus.

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