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Habitat What is a Habitat?

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Presentation on theme: "Habitat What is a Habitat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Habitat What is a Habitat?
1-Habitat: “The environment in which a specific species lives…” To survive animal need: 2- To meet other animals of the same species to reproduce 3- A shelter (home/house) 4- Food and water 5- A climate to which they are adapted.

2 Habitat

3 Habitat

4 Adaptation Adaptation: 6-Species must be adapted to their habitat.
Physical and behavioural adaptations 7-Physical: Change of fur color. 8- Behavioural: Hunt only in the morning.

5 Adaptation to Climate 9- Species will adapt physically to their environment.

6 Adaptation through how they move
10- Animal movement is adapted to specific habitats.

7 Adapting through how they eat
11- Every species has physical adaptations that help it eat.

8 Adapting through how they eat
12- Plants also have adaptations to their habitat that help them obtain food.

9 Adapting through how they eat
Epiphytic plant: 13- A plant that grows on another plant without harming it. Symbiosis: 14- A mutually beneficial relationship between two living organisms.

10 Adapting through the way they communicate
15- It helps individuals make contact with other individuals of the same or different species.

11 16-Means of communication:
Colours (birds) Gestures (Deer) Light (Fireflies) Odours (Skunks) Cries (Dolphins) Howls (Coyotes) Songs (Birds) Sounds (Beavers)

12 Adapting through the way they reproduce
Example: Reproduction of flowering plants 17- Since they cannot move about, they sometimes use insects to distribute their pollen.

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