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Presentation on theme: "Analysis-Synthesis-Thesis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis-Synthesis-Thesis
ˈsinTHəsəs/ noun combination or composition, in particular. the combination of ideas to form a theory or system. noun: synthesis; plural noun: syntheses "the synthesis of intellect and emotion in his work"

2 Analysis-Synthesis-Thesis
Synthesis allows you, the writer, to combine evidence from multiple sources into one argument. To make sure the reader can follow your argument, make sure you clearly analyze each piece of evidence, explain what it means, and then clearly explain how the separate pieces of evidence work together to support your overall argument. (Evidence + Analysis) + (Evidence + Analysis) = Synthesis Synthesis + Analysis + Explanation = Argument * ‘Thesis’ and ‘Argument’ are the same thing *

3 Here’s the basic premise
First “thing” to analyze: Coffee Second “thing” to analyze: Cream Drink Hot Has caffeine Tastes bitter Flavored Cream Cold Tastes sweet Too thick to drink by itself Synthesis: Coffee with Cream Drink Not quite as hot Has caffeine Tastes sweet

4 Turning this into an argument
Eduardo is tired in the morning, so he wants some caffeine. Using creamer, Eduardo sweetens his coffee. Now it tastes good and still has lots of caffeine. The coffee is bitter, so he doesn’t like it. TRIGGERED!!!! Unfortunately, the sweetened coffee tasted so good that Eduardo drank 10 cups in 2 hours; soon he flew into a caffeinated rage at work and flipped his desk over! So, my thesis is that adding sweet creamer to coffee is beneficial in the short term, but it can lead to unintended consequences: try to limit your caffeine intake to avoid losing your mind at work.

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