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Persuasive Essay Basic 411.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Essay Basic 411."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Essay Basic 411

2 Foldable Create an eight-page mini book Title the pages as follows:
Cover Characteristics Purpose Thesis Dos Thesis Don’ts Argument... ...Development Text Structure

3 Characteristics T = Thesis early in paper to help reader
O = One area of change T = Tone appropriate for audience and purpose A = An Assured rhetorical stance L = Language precise; denotative/connotative

4 Purpose To cause the reader… To do To think To believe
...something different after reading your essay.

5 Thesis Dos Do express the point of the essay Do make it defensible
Do be specific Do be concise Do use strong verbs Do write a statement (declarative sentence)

6 Thesis Don’ts Don’t bifurcate Don’t describe the strategy of the paper
Don’t write the thesis as a question

7 Argument Structure Create four columns across two-page spread
Two Reason Strawman Concession Nestorian

8 Two Reason Structure Introduction: Hook Thesis Second Reason
First Reason Conclusion (call to action)

9 Strawman Structure Introduction: Hook Thesis Opposition Refuted
Opposing Argument +1 Reason Conclusion (call to action)

10 Concession Structure Introduction: Hook Thesis Transition Concession
Opposing Argument Argument(s) Conclusion (call to action)

11 Nestorian Structure Introduction: Hook Thesis Minor Arguments
2nd Best Argument Best Argument Conclusion (call to action)

12 STAAR Text Structure Two Equal Arguments Facts and statistics
Hook Thesis Two Equal Arguments Facts and statistics Expert testimony Example Anecdote Textual evidence Summary (clincher) Call to Action

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