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Dwight D. Eisenhower By Nicholas Horne.

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1 Dwight D. Eisenhower By Nicholas Horne

2 Years in office:

3 Early Biography Eisenhower gradated Abilene high school in After that Eisenhower worked to support his brother to get a Edgar’s college education a friend urged him to apply to the Naval Academy. He first tried the Naval Academy but was to old so he joined up with the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York in Eisenhower graduated in the upper half of class in 1915.

4 Presidential Accomplishments
He ended the Korean war. He singed the bill for the Interstate high way system. He also ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration.

5 Interesting Facts He was ranked one of the top ten presidents.
He was a 5 star General in the army.

6 The Question I would Ask My President
What was it like being president?

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