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James I and VI The Gunpowder Plot

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1 James I and VI The Gunpowder Plot
Andri Lõhek X A

2 Childhood The son of Mary Stuard and Henry Darnley
James was born on 19 June 1566 at Edinburgh Castle His father was killed and her mother had to flee to England Was crowned the king of Scots at the age of 13 Had many regents

3 Reign in Scotland Established royal government Treaty of Berwick
Preferred male company, but was forced to marry Anne of Denmark Had three children: Charles, Elizabeth and Henry Frederick Persecution of witches Promoted literature

4 Union of the crowns Was the only possible successor to the throne
Proclaimed king on 24 March 1603 Smooth succession

5 Reign in England Several conspiracies Ended Anglo-Spanish wars
He was ambitious to establish a single country under one monarch, one parliament and one law Law against Puritans and Roman Catholics

6 The Gunpowder Plot Assassination attempt against James I
Led by Robert Catesby Guy Fawkes was in charge of the explosives Plan was to blow up the House of Lords during the State opening of England’s parliament Fawkes was discovered garding 36 barrels of gunpowder and executed

7 Customs nowadays After summer holidays, a search is made in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament Guy Fawkes Day

8 After the Plot Harsh measures to control catholics Financial problems
James dismissed Parliament Died at Theobals House during a violent attack of dysentery in 1625

9 Legacy James was widely mourned despite his flaws
The Plantation of Ulster Colonisation of North America Followed by his son Charles

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