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Volunteer Orientation Training

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Orientation Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Orientation Training

2 Introductions

3 Flash Topics What is your favorite childhood book?
Why is volunteering with children important to you?

4 Foundation for Orange County Public Schools
The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools (FOCPS) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help create successful students and teachers by providing financial resources and effective programs for Orange County Public Schools.

5 The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools
Established in 1987 Supports more than 191,000 students, over 13,000 teachers in over 186 schools Serves the 10th largest school district in U.S. Four Strategic Goals Literacies First Quality Teaching Learning Support Engagement Core programs Read2Succeed Teach-In Teacher Grants Middle School Book Club Literacies First - Improve student literacy through reading at critical points along the educational pathway as identified by professional educators. Quality Teaching - Increase opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in high-quality professional development and certification programs. Learning Support - Increase resources and rewards for teachers who develop innovative and enriching approaches to helping students learn. Engagement - Increase family and community participation with the schools.

6 Program Overview: Read2Succeed
An enrichment program helping first and second graders improve their vocabulary and reading fluency skills. Reading volunteers meet with one student once a week for 30 minutes or a pair of students for 45 minutes, on school campus, during school hours. The program is designed to enhance students’ skills in reading.

7 What is your favorite childhood book?

8 Reading Enrichment The National Reading Panel Report (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD], 2000) summarized several decades of scientific research that clearly shows effective reading instruction. It addresses five critical areas: • Phonemic awareness • Phonics • Fluency • Vocabulary • Comprehension

9 First Grade Vocabulary Enhancement Program

10 What is the program? Created to increase and improve their vocabulary and background knowledge. Improvement is measured by administration of a pre- and post-test and district approved assessments. Students selected to participate are identified by their teacher or reading coach Program is non-remedial and administered by non- educators; students should have a basic understanding of story elements and be willing to learn in a one-on-one environment. Students will not be required to read aloud but are rather called upon to discuss story structure, story elements, words and their meaning.

11 Why Vocabulary Enrichment?
Research indicates major inequalities in vocabulary acquisition among children from different economic circumstances. In a typical hour: Family Status Actual Differences in Quantity of Words Heard Actual Differences in Quality of Words Heard Welfare 616 words 5 affirmations, 11 prohibitions Working Class 1,251 words 12 affirmations, 7 prohibitions Professional 2,153 words 32 affirmations, 5 prohibitions

12 Why Vocabulary Enrichment?
Cumulatively: Family Status Words heard per hour Words heard in a 100-hour week Words heard in a 5,200 hour year Words heard in 4 years Welfare 616 62,000 3 million 13 million Working Class 1,251 125,000 6 million 26 million Professional 2,153 215,000 11 million 45 million

13 Our Program Step by Step
Step 1-Connecting with the student (3-5 mins) Step 2-Review the rules of the program (1 min) Step 3-Introduce or review the read aloud book (1-2 mins) Step 4-Introduce vocabulary (3-5 mins) Step 5- Read the book aloud until the recommended stopping point (7-9 mins) Step 6-Review selected vocabulary words and paste into word journal (1-2 mins) Step 7-Write a sentence and illustrate vocabulary word (4-6 mins) Step 8- Vocabulary review and praise (3-5 minutes)

14 Reading Material (sample)
A.R. Level: 2.4 A.R. Level: 2.1 A.R. Level: 2.2 A.R. Level: 2.5 A.R. Level: 2.6

15 Reading Material (sample)
A.R. Level: 3.8 A.R. Level: 2.8 A.R. Level: 3.3

16 Supplies Pre/Post Test with mailing envelope
6 fiction and non-fiction books* Journal sheets Vocabulary review cards 1 book ring Glue stick Highlighter Set of colored pencils Pencil sharpener Journal Praise stickers Bag

17 Why is volunteering with children important to you?

18 Second Grade Reading Fluency

19 What is the program Goal is to improve targeted students’ reading fluency Improvement is measured by noting the students’ beginning and ending score on a simple one minute timed reading of a non-fiction passage. Further progress will be marked by improved scores district approved assessments. Students are identified by their teacher or reading coach as needing extra assistance with fluency typically reading between 25 and 50 correct words per minute (cwpm). Program is non-remedial and administered by non-educators; therefore the students should have a basic understanding phonics and strong letter sound recognition.

20 What the Research Tells Us
Read2Succeed (R2S) recognizes the importance of improving students’ reading fluency. The National Reading Council has named fluency as one of the essential components of reading and its direct correlation with reading comprehension has been noted in numerous studies. Our volunteers use a research based program called, “The Six-Minute Solution: A Reading Fluency Program,” with permission from Cambium Learning Group-Sopris. The Six Minute Solution builds fluency through interactive, repeated readings of high-interest and targeted readability passages.

21 Our Program Step by Step
Step 1: Establish a personal connection. Step 2: Review the three components of reading fluency. Step 3: Model through the day’s passage reading aloud. Step 4: Skim for difficult words. Step 5: Echo read. Step 6: Choral read all together. Step 7: Timed reading Step 8: Games and independent reading time. *Adapted from The Six-Minute Solution: A Reading Fluency Program with permission from Cambium Learning Group-Sopris. The Six Minute Solution (steps): Minute 1: Teacher announces it is time for fluency practice; students retrieve fluency folder. Partners record date on their record sheets. Minute 2: Partner 2 begins timer when Partner 1 begins to read. As Partner 1 reads, Partner 2 marks errors and stopping point Minute 3: Partner 2 tells Partner1 how many words he/she read and how many errors were heard, and provides error correction procedures. Partner 1 records the numbers on his/her Student Fluency Graph. Minute 4: Partner 1 begins timer when Partner 2 begins to read the same passage. As Partner 2 reads, Partner 1 marks errors and stopping point Minute 5: Partner 1 tells Partner 2 how many words he/she read and how many errors were made, and provides error correction procedures. Partner 2 records the numbers on his/her Student Fluency Graph. Minute 6: Students return their passages, Student Fluency Graph and materials.

22 Supplies Volunteer Folders- Includes passages, student log, page protector, reading comprehension questions and helpful hints Student Folders-- Includes passages, page protector, program rules, and fluency graphs Timer, pencils, stickers, dry erase board, dry erase markers, Magic Tree House Books (2) for independent reading with volunteer.

23 The Importance of Closure and Saying Goodbye

24 Program Overview/Recap

25 Volunteering

26 Guidelines Dress Code Checking-in/out + Nametags
Meeting with a Student Physical Contact Volunteers as Role Models Confidentiality Disciplining of Students School Calendar

27 Additional Resources Enrichment Sessions Monthly E-Newsletter
Foundation Website Resources and Tips End of the Year Celebration Interest Session Checklist

28 Next Steps ADDitions application Video Training with survey
Materials and Placement Gift

29 Thank you for your willingness to learn about our program!

30 First Grade
Second Grade Program Overview

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