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Energy: The Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy: The Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy: The Basics

2 Energy The ability to do work Types of Energy
Mechanical (kinetic & potential) Heat/Thermal Radiant Chemical Nuclear Electrical

3 Thermodynamics 1st Law of Thermodynamics — 2nd Law of Thermodynamics —
The lower the quality, the harder it is to convert it to work. conservation of energy energy goes from high quality to lower quality--heat. Entropy

4 “Saving” Energy Efficiency: getting more output from a given amount of input Ex: Conservation: Using less input. Cogeneration: The capture and reuse of waste heat. getting more mpg by tuning engine Turning off lights when leaving a room Garbage incineration produces heat, can be used for electrical production.

5 Measurements of Energy
joule: energy to move 1 kg the distance of 1m calorie: energy needed to raise 1 g of H2O 1oC 1 cal =4.2 J watt: unit of power. Joule/second 1 kilowatt (kW) = 1000 watts Kilowatt-hour (kWh): unit of energy 1 kW used for 1 hour 1 btu (British Thermal Unit) = 1,055 joules Used to describe heat (energy) content of fuels

6 Ex: If a kWh if selling for $0
Ex: If a kWh if selling for $0.14 in NJ (2007 avg), how much does it cost to run a 60 watt lightbulb for 2 hours? If the average house in NJ used 730 kWh monthly, what would be the cost? The average household in TN used 1340 kWh, yet paid $ monthly. What was the rate per kWh there?

7 http://www. eia. gov/electricity/monthly/update/end_use

8 http://www. eia. gov/electricity/monthly/epm_table_grapher. cfm

9 http://commons. wikimedia

10 How is Electricity Generated

11 U.S. Primary Energy Consumption by Source and Sector,  2011 (Quadrillion Btu)

12 New Jersey’s Investor-Owner Utilities

13 Electricity Production in NJ

14 Powerplants in NJ and Region

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