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Assesses the ability to construct meaning from text using:

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1 Assesses the ability to construct meaning from text using:
Daze Assesses the ability to construct meaning from text using: Word-recognition skills Background information and prior knowledge Familiarity with syntax and morphology Cause-and-effect reasoning skills home summer was Example: Refer participants to the DAZE Tab in the Quick Reference Guide. PARAPHRASE: Daze is a new measure in DIBELS® Next for grades 3 – 6. Daze is based on maze procedures for reading comprehension. The name comes from DIBELS® Maze. After playing in the dirt, Sam went to wash her hands. 1

2 Basic Early Literacy Skill
Daze Overview Reading Comprehension Basic Early Literacy Skill BOY Grade 3 through EOY Grade 6 Progress Monitoring as needed Administered Student Worksheets Scoring Key Timer Materials PARAPHRASE: Administered to a whole class at once. Students silently read and circle the word choice which best replaces the omitted word. Students complete the assessment independently and in silence. Students’ Daze results are entered on the web. Scores are automatically tabulated. 2

3 Daze Benchmark Goals Daze Adjusted Score
BOY MOY EOY Grade 3 8 11 19 Grade 4 15 17 24 Grade 5 18 20 PARAPHRASE: A student’s Daze score contributes to his/her Benchmark composite score. This table shows the minimum Daze adjusted score for each grade level and time of year. A student can never receive a negative score; the lowest score is zero. The adjusted score accounts for guessing. Each Daze test item has three possible choices. When students guess randomly, they will get about one-third of the items correct and about two-thirds of the items incorrect (so twice as many incorrect as correct). If we subtract half the number incorrect from the number correct, the Adjusted Score should come out very close to zero for students who randomly guessed on every item. Daze Adjusted Score Correct number of responses in 3 minutes minus half the number of incorrect responses

4 Daze Student Materials
Beginning of Year Benchmark Grade 5 PARAPHRASE: The grade-level, color-coded booklets from the kit contain the student materials for Daze. If participants have their kits, encourage them to review the Daze student booklets as well as the Daze teacher books with administration directions and scoring keys. DAZE student materials are consumable. The kit contains 10 of the 20 Progress Monitoring forms available for DAZE. Download additional Benchmark or Progress Monitoring forms from This is page 1 of 3 in the Grade 5 BOY Benchmark Daze assessment. A box containing one correct word and two distractor words replaces approximately every 7th word in the passage. Students silently read and circle the word choice which best replaces the omitted word. Assessment is timed for three minutes. Notice the “Keep going” note on the bottom of the page to remind students to complete all three pages in the measure.

5 Daze Administration Protocols
Ensure students have pencils ready and write their names on the booklets before beginning. Use the Scoring Key to read directions aloud verbatim. Allow 30 seconds for students to complete two practice items. Then review practice items. Set timer for 3 minutes. Start timer after you say, “Begin.” Score worksheets and enter results at without students present.

6 Daze As-Needed Reminders
If a student starts reading the passage aloud, say, “Remember to read the story silently.” If a student is not working on the task, say, “Remember to circle the word in each box that makes the most sense in the story.” If a student asks you to provide a word for him/her, or for general help with the task, say, “Just do your best.” PARAPHRASE: Introduce the as-needed reminders for Daze.

7 ✓ Daze Scoring Rules 1 of 2 chocolate get large chocolate get large
Correct Responses Count correct circled or otherwise marked correct responses. Circled Checked Underlined chocolate get large chocolate get large chocolate get large PARAPHRASE: The clearest method for students to mark answers is with a circled response. A check mark or other symbol (asterisk, underline) is also acceptable as long as it’s clear that this is the word the student has selected from the three choices. If there are erasure marks, scratched out words, or any other extraneous markings, yet the student’s final response is obvious, score the item based on the obvious final response.

8 ✓ ✓ Daze Scoring Rules 2 of 2 chocolate get large group became window
Incorrect Responses Mark a slash through incorrect or skipped responses. Item left blank prior to an item attempted More than one answer marked Wrong answer chocolate get large group became window gave stretched train PARAPHRASE: Mark incorrect any items left blank before the last item the student attempts within the 3-minute time limit (see middle example). It is clear that the student omitted this item because a subsequent item has been marked. Do not mark any items left blank because the student could not get to them before time ran out.

9 Entering Daze Results: Benchmark
Record Daze Save Results Refer participants to step-by-step screenshot directions in the Quick Reference Guide behind the DAZE Tab. Input total correct and incorrect responses. Assessment Date

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