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Census Data The 2005 Census American Community Survey estimated 3,291,401 people used walking as their primary mode of travel for their journey to work.

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Presentation on theme: "Census Data The 2005 Census American Community Survey estimated 3,291,401 people used walking as their primary mode of travel for their journey to work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Census Data The 2005 Census American Community Survey estimated 3,291,401 people used walking as their primary mode of travel for their journey to work each week. (2005 The number of Americans who commuted to work primarily by bike in 2008 increased 14 percent from 2007, 36 percent since 2005, and 43 percent since (2008 American Community Survey)

2 Long Form and ACS 2005 and Beyond Continuous Survey
2000 (Last time) 1 in 6 Sample Every 10 Years Data down to Block Groups Pegged to April 1st Journey to Work Typical Mode Bike and Walk Separate modes 2005 and Beyond Continuous Survey Data Reported Annually Bike and Walk tend to be collapsed

3 ACS Products -- Standard Census Data
Tract and Block Group 5-year Period 20,000+ 3-year Period 65,000+ Annual Data for the Previous Year Released in: Population Size of Area Data Type

4 Items in Italics are best estimates
ACS Data release concept dates September Annual ACS data (65K+ areas) on all variables Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) for Annual areas October 3-year ACS period estimates PUMS for 3-year areas December 5-year ACS period estimates PUMS for 5-year areas Items in Italics are best estimates

5 Work Location and Mode One Job per person One Mode per worker Primary Mode

6 Resident Based (3-year period estimate)

7 Resident Based (3-year period estimate)

8 Where do you get this data?

9 What is the CTPP? The CTPP represents a collection of specially designed Census Transportation Planning Products designed by transportation planners for transportation planners. Historically, the CTPP has evolved from a single set of special tables into a multi-year program covering a variety of products.

10 3-Year Data Profiles l Uses ACS l Compares to 2000 l Focused on Transportation l Includes Significance Tests

11 Federal Highway Administration
Slides Available at Look under Travel Data Users Forum Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL

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