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Mental Health & Addictions Program Community Liaison Social Worker

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1 Mental Health & Addictions Program Community Liaison Social Worker
March 7th, 2018 Brad Hunt, MSW, RSW

2 Presentation Overview
Description of Community Liaison Social Worker Role Brief Descriptions - Adult Mental Health & Addictions Program(s) Overview of Inpatient Psychiatric Units Questions


4 Community Liaison SW Position Description
Position Origin Came about as a result of Navigators and Networks: Harnessing resources and meeting the needs of individuals with complex needs (2008) It is recommended that each of the government organizations (HRLE, EH, HCS, Justice, and NLHC) designate positions/individuals as liaisons/navigators for their system. This will be the "go to" person with the knowledge, contacts, authority to respond to requests, and ability to direct people to programs or services within their organizations which address the particular concern or issue. Start date August 2008 Many other liaison positions in social service / government departments since 2008 (DAES, NLHousing, EH - inpatient navigators, MH Systems Navigator, etc. ).

5 Position Description Responsible for community linkages, consultation and systems navigation for persons with complex mental health needs Organize and oversee development and implementation of service plans in collaboration with community systems (i.e.. DAES, Stella's, Choices,THRIVE, EH-CSP,etc ). Involvement in the development and implementation of an Intersystem Collaborative Network (NavNet). Act as provincial resource consultant to services providers re: mental health services. Located at Waterford Hospital

6 Scope of Work Based upon the needs of the mental health program
Case conferencing large portion of work Consultation on complex cases on psychiatric and other units of hospitals Consultation on complex cases in the community – government services, non-profit, community sector NavNet Steering Committee member and team facilitator. Resource for health professionals and families, consumers Committees: i.e.. Complex Discharge Committees, Ethics Committees, Intergovernmental Liaison Committees, various community based committees – i.e.. Ending Homelessness St. John’s – Coordinated Access Initiative No caseload – Important component of position

7 Multiple /Complex Needs -What’s Working?
Continual and flexible client engagement is key Collaboration works well but needs to be coordinated Moving away from “your client” mentality Challenging policies that create barriers is crucial If it makes sense – Do it!

8 How? Who? Where? What?

9 Referral / Contact Who Can Refer? Anyone No paper work required
Call or Brad Hunt

10 Mental Health and Addictions Program
Offers promotion, prevention, urgent/emergent, acute rehabilitative and continuing care services to children and youth, adults and seniors with mental health and substance use/gambling problems; addictions and mental illnesses both in our hospitals and in the community. Services range from assessment, counseling, detoxification, treatment and follow up to vocational rehabilitation, housing services, case management and leisure programming. These services range from prevention and early intervention to long-term therapy, from crisis response to support services.

11 Mental Health & Addictions Program
Adult Central Intake (ACI) Outpatient – Counselling, Addictions, Case Management, Recreational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychiatry. Location based – 4 Teams

12 Adult Central Intake Community MH &A team CENTER Community MH &A team
EAST Community MH &A team WEST Adult Central Intake Community MH &A team CBS CAST (formerly Concurrent disorders) Outpatient Psychiatry Traumatic Stress Services

13 Referral Options Fax: Self Referral/Phone: *all programs with the exception of Psychiatry and Traumatic Stress Services. *Please note all referrals must include demographic information

14 Referral Form

15 Referral Form

16 Mental Health & Addictions Program
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) – process own referrals Mental Health and Addictions Services for Youth (Outpatient) al Child and Adolescent (Youth) Central Intake – Emergency Services Mental Health Crisis Line /Mobile Crisis Response Team Provides confidential 24 hour service province wide. Offers support through exploring options and solutions as well as connecting individuals with other hospital and community supports. Mobile team can visit (greater St. John's area) people in their homes or community. New model will be launched March 31st. Every Mobile visit will include a mental health professional and plain clothes police officer in unmarked car. (1-888) Location: RNC Headquarters

17 Mental Health & Addictions Program
24 Hour Walk-In ER Service Psychiatric Assessment Unit (PAU) – Waterford Site Primary ER for assessment of mental health needs. Psychiatric Emergency Service – (HSC and St. Clare’s)

18 Hospital Inpatient Units
Acute Care – WAT -W3A beds - WAT -E3A beds - HSC Psych Unit - 20 beds Short Stay and Assessment Unit (WAT-SSAU) W2A – 7 beds + 3 holding beds –Psychiatric Assessment Unit (WAT-PAU) Geriatric - WAT -E2A Assessment Unit – 18 beds - WAT - N2A Transitional / Residential beds - Pleasant View - W4S beds Forensics Unit – WAT -N4B -17 beds (unable to refuse admission) Psychiatric Rehabilitation Unit - WAT - N3A 12 beds Janeway J4D – 8 Beds

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