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Mitosis Flip Book This project allows you to make a “moving” animation. You can use a pencil to number the pages on the far left where the staples will.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis Flip Book This project allows you to make a “moving” animation. You can use a pencil to number the pages on the far left where the staples will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis Flip Book This project allows you to make a “moving” animation. You can use a pencil to number the pages on the far left where the staples will go. To better keep track, you might want to make your drawings before cutting out the frames of the flip book. Once you’re finished drawing, cut out the frames and staple together in a staggered fashion so that they “flip” easily. Ask for help if you’re unsure how to make this happen.

2 Mitosis Flip-Book Guidelines
Structures to include: Nuclear Membrane, Centrioles, Spindle Fibers, and 4 strands of DNA. Remember: Mitosis starts after interphase, so the DNA is copied (attached at the centromeres), so there is actually 8 total sister chromatids, not yet condensed into short thick x-chromosomes. Use 3 frames for each stage of mitosis. Example: The nuclear membrane disappears during prophase, so you would draw a solid line for the nuclear membrane, then a dashed line in the next frame, then dotted line in the next, then no membrane in the next. When you flip through it will appear to disappear. Use a separate color for each structure. Be sure to draw non-moving items the same size and in the same place in each frame. Otherwise they will appear to move. I would focus on one structure at a time and draw its changes through several frames.

3 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Nuclear Envelope disappears
Chromatin condenses into Chromosomes (DNA shortens and thickens) Centrioles move to the poles Spindle Fibers begin to grow (late in prophase). Metaphase Spindle Fibers attach to chromosomes and move them to the middle. Anaphase Spindle Fibers shorten, pulling sister chromatids apart and to opposite sides of cell. Telophase Nuclear envelopes reappear. Chromosomes unwind back to chromatin

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