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Bell Ringer #8: Latin Suffixes

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1 Bell Ringer #8: Latin Suffixes
Directions: Open up to page 70 of your Collections textbook and read the information on Latin Suffixes Complete practice and apply questions 1-5. Use the chart (green suffix box and yellow example words) to help you answer the questions.

2 Housekeeping Home Learning: Complete weekly A3Ks by Sunday
Announcements: Make-Up Monday

3 The Fine Print Standards I can…
(L.3.4) Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible). Essential Question How can knowledge of word families assist you when determining the meaning of an unknown word?

4 Root Word Investigations
Cornell Notes

5 Affixes Affixes are added to a word to change its meaning. Examples:
prefixes suffixes

6 Prefixes A prefix is an element placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning. Examples: de- meaning “off; from; fall” non- meaning “not” re- meaning “back; again”

7 Suffixes A suffix is an element placed at the end of a word to form a derivative, such as -ation,  -fy, -ing, frequently one that converts the stem into another part of speech. Examples: Perforate  Perforation; navigate  navigation liquid  liquefy; satisfaction  satisfy Floor  flooring; wed  wedding

8 Bases vs. Roots -ject -JUDGE- Bases are words that can stand alone.
Roots are word parts that cannot stand alone. -ject -JUDGE-

9 Breaking apart an example
Prefixes “before” Roots ? Suffixes “to do/act” (denotes an action) pre- -SCRIP- -tion

10 We Do On a separate piece of paper, draw a moderate-sized circle and write the word scrib/scrip in the middle. Leave enough room to add to this circle later Also, leave room to add other circles. -scrib-/ -scrip-

11 We Do Write as many words as you can think of that use the root –scrib--scrip—and write them down. Leave enough room for part of speech and definitions before, drawing your circle. Take turns using the dictionary to look-up the meaning of each word. Everyone must look-up and define at least one word. scribe -scrib-/ -scrip-

12 We Do Write as many words as you can think of that use the root –scrib--scrip—and write them down. Leave enough room for part of speech and definitions before, drawing your circle. Take turns using the dictionary to look-up the meaning of each word. Everyone must look-up and define at least one word. scribe -scrib-/ -scrip-

13 Work Period Look to see what words the definitions share in common.
Based on the common words found in these definitions, what can you infer –scrib-/ -scrip- means? Scribe a person who writes Manuscript handwritten document Scribble To write quickly & is difficult to read -scrib-, -scrip- “to write” Transcribe Put thoughts Into written form Scripture Sacred writings

14 Example Break the word s o m n a m b u l i s t up into different parts. Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. One who sleep walks Insomniac One who doesn’t sleep Ambulator Someone who goes from place to place; A walker Insomnia Inability to sleep Ambulance Emergency vehicle Somn ambul sleep walk Ambulative Going forward on foot Ambulatory Capable of walking

15 Group #1 Break the word synchronize up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Syn = same; Chron = time Definition = to occur at the same time

16 Group #2 Break the word retrospect up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Retro = back Spect = to look Definitions = review of the past; period of time

17 Group #3 Break the word logophile up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Logo = words Phile = love Definition = a lover of words

18 Group #4 Break the word hypnophobia up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Hypno = sleep Phobia = fear Definition = irrational fear of being hypnotized or falling asleep

19 Group #5 Break the word patricide up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Patri = father Cide = to kill Definition = the killing of one’s father

20 Group #6 Break the word diarchy up into different parts.
Determine what each means. Then, put it all together for the word’s meaning. Di = two Cracy = government Definition = government by two independent authorities

21 Work Period 1) Technology 2) Early Finisher Conversation Level 1
Materials Needed: Pencil Computer Article Analysis Sheet Conversation Level 1 Navigate to Achieve 3000. Complete the assigned article: “Freedom: How We Got It” (BR poll – AR poll) Due at the start of next class. Conversation Level 0 Items MUST be completed in the following order: Check over today’s work before submitting. Check the No Name Paper Wall. Check your grades in Focus and work on any absent/late work you still can. Work on weekly A3K articles. Work on work for another class or read silently.

22 Packing Up Checklist HOMEWORK:
Weekly A3Ks due 11:59 P.M on Feb. 5 DO THE FOLLOWING: Return comp. book to the bin and submit article analysis sheets. Get clickers for the closing. Plug in your computers Return teacher’s supplies you borrowed where they belong Throw away trash Pack-up personal belongings Sit silently and wait for teacher to dismiss you

23 Closing Get your assigned clicker. For those assigned clicker #27, take out a piece of paper and number it 1-4.

24 Word Family Closing: Ocean Nation Hesitation
Word family: ethnicity, ethnic, ethnographer Root: ethn What is the meaning? Ocean Nation Hesitation

25 Word Family Closing: Education Sanitation Madness
Word family: maniac, maniacal Root: mania What is the meaning? Education Sanitation Madness

26 Word Family Closing: Skin Body Mind
Word family: epidermis, dermatology Root: derm What is the meaning? Skin Body Mind

27 Word Family Closing: Work Good Weak Word Family: laboratory, labor
Root: lab What is the meaning? Work Good Weak

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