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Portrait by Shaina MacDonagh

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1 Portrait by Shaina MacDonagh
VALUE: the lightness or darkness of a color. Value Scale: a range of values from dark to light. Value, day 1

2 . Draw a value scale with at least 6 values
have students draw value scales in sketchbooks, while they work look for 6 levels of value and help those who need it min


4 Watch the video linked to the diagram, then draw a sphere in full value. Label the parts of the sphere, as shown on the image. Play video, then demo with document camera or play video again while they start to draw in sketchbooks. Check drawings as they work min

5 Draw a mouse. squeeeeeek.


7 Object Drawing Pick 1 object from your backpack or the classroom.
Photograph it to think about composition. Contour exercise Draw the object at least 2x larger than life. Make sure to include all 6 values

8 Contour Drawing In contour drawing the artists focuses on drawing the outlines and interior lines that describe an object. It’s a good way to really observe an object. Demo contour drawing, mention using pencil to compare proportions and how line weight/ variety creates interest and movement. Have students complete a full page contour drawing in sketch book minutes

9 Value Drawing Now draw your object in full value. You should use all 6 levels of value in your work. Remember to think about composition. Talk about why drawing example has an effective composition. Have students use cell phones or view-finders to plan composition (take 3 photos), then start drawing in sketchbook (full page). Students should spend the rest for class time drawing.





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