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Instructor: Abdirahman Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

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1 Instructor: Abdirahman Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018
PART II Writing with Word IN THIS PART: CHAPTER Learning Word’s Basics CHAPTER Making Your Words Look Good CHAPTER Adding Lists, Tables, and Graphics CHAPTER Using Word’s Advanced Features Instructor: Abdirahman Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018 Time: 6:16 PM

2 Learning Word’s Basics
IN THIS CHAPTER: Add a Bulleted List Add a Numbered List Create a Table of Contents About Word Tables Create a Quick Table Create a Table Manage Tables Create a Cover Page Insert Graphics into a Document Draw with Word Add a Chart or Worksheet to a Document Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

3 Add a Bulleted List Office supports multiple levels of bulleted lists. Therefore, as you might do in an outline, you can indent portions of an already-bulleted list to create sublists. Word makes bulleted lists easy to include in documents. You only need to type the list’s items and click a button to convert that list to a bulleted list. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

4 Add a Bulleted List Type the First Item
Anytime you want to begin a new bulleted list, simply type an asterisk (*) followed by a space and then the first line of your list. Do this on a new line. So, to start your list, type an asterisk, a space, and then the text for the first item in your list. Continue the List Indent the List Convert Text to a Bulleted List Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

5 Add a Bulleted List NOTE
If Word doesn’t create a bulleted list automatically, Click your Office button, select Word Options, click the Proofing tab, and then click the AutoCorrect button. Under AutoFormat As You Type, make sure that you’ve clicked to check the option labeled Automatic Bulleted Lists. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

6 Add a Numbered List Office supports the use of numbered lists, which are indented lists with numbered items, in much the same way it supports bulleted lists. If you delete an item from a numbered list, Word renumbers the remaining items so that the numbers order properly. To start a numbered list, you only need to type 1. or i. or I. to signal to Word that you’re typing the first item in a numbered list. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

7 Add a Numbered List Type the First Item
simply type a number followed by a period or closing parenthesis, such as 1. or 1), followed by a space and then the first line of your list. End the List To end your list, after the final item press Enter twice. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

8 Add a Numbered List Add or Delete Items
The true power of Word’s numbered lists is Word’s capability to renumber the entire list when you add or remove list items. Change Your Number Format Click the Home ribbon’s Numbering button’s arrow to display the various number formats available. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

9 Create a Table of Contents
Table of contents—a table in the front of many books that typically tells on which page number a book’s chapters and other elements appear. To Create: Find Text for the Table Request the Heading 1 Style Determine the Style Click the References ribbon’s Table of Contents button to display a list of table of contents styles. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

10 Create a Table Tables might contain numbers, text, graphics, or combinations of any of these. Each row and column intersection is called a cell. NEW TERMS Tables—Collections of information organized in rows and columns. Cell—A row and column intersection in a Word or Excel table or worksheet. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

11 Create a Table To create tables from your keyboard. You type a series of plus signs and hyphens, and Word will interpret that as the start of your table. For example, suppose you type the following: +––––––+––––––+––––––+–––––––+–––––––+–––––––+ Word then converts that to a one-row table with six columns. NOTE If Word doesn’t create a bulleted list automatically, Click your Office button, Word Options, Proofing tab, AutoCorrect button. AutoFormat As You Type, check Automatic Table.. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

12 Create a Table Word includes several predefined quick tables that include calendars and other table formats you might want to begin with. Quick tables—A collection of predesigned tables such as calendars and two-column lists that you can begin with. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

13 Create a Quick Table Word offers predesigned quick tables that you can quickly drop into your document and use as is or format to your liking. These tables include the following: • Calendars • Double-column tables • Matrix tables • Tables with subheads Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

14 Create a Quick Table Request a Quick Table
Click the Table button on your Insert ribbon, and then click Quick Tables. Choose a Quick Table Insert the Quick Table Format Your Quick Table Edit Your Quick Table Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

15 Type to Create a Table Type to Create a Table
Open a new document to practice creating tables. Type a plus sign, followed by 10 hyphens. Type another plus sign and another 10 hyphens. Keep doing this until you type six sets and close with a plus sign. You can copy and paste these sets of hyphens instead of typing each one. Complete the Lines Press Enter after the final plus sign Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

16 Type to Create a Table Insert a Premade Table
Click the Insert ribbon’s Table button to display the grid of table cells. Drag your mouse over the grid to tell Word the size of the table, in rows and columns, that you want to insert. Format Your Table When the empty table cells appear in your document, Word provides a series of table designs at the top of the ribbon. As you point to the table designs, your document’s table updates to show what your table will look like if you select a design. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

17 Type to Create a Table Draw to Create a Table
Click where you want to create your table, and on the Insert ribbon, click the Tables group. Click the Draw Table button, and you’ll notice that your mouse cursor changes to a pencil. Create a New Table Style To create your table style, click the down arrow next to the list of available table styles and select New Table Style. Word displays the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box. Select from the options given to determine your table style and assign a name to your style in the Name text box. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

18 Manage Tables To put data into your table, you just go to the cell and type the data. Formatting a table and getting data into it is most of the battle because creating the table’s outline is so simple. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

19 Manage Tables Resize the Columns
Move your mouse pointer to an edge of the column you want to resize (to either increase or decrease the column width). Delete a Column Select a column, Right-click and a menu appears. Select Delete Columns. Insert a Column Select an entire column when you want to insert a new column. Right-click select Insert and either Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right, depending on where you want the new column. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

20 Create a Cover Page Word can insert a cover page for you at the beginning of your document. No matter where your text cursor (the insertion point) appears when you request a cover page, Word creates and inserts the cover page at the beginning of your document. Click the Insert ribbon’s Cover Page button. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

21 Insert Graphics into a Document
Word enables you to put pictures in your documents. Those graphics images can have captions and borders, and you can specify how the text around such images wraps. Word supports the inclusion of all the following kinds of graphics images: • Graphics images from a file, such as bitmapped images • Graphics images from Office’s gallery • Graphics images that you scan into your document • Graphics images produced in Office’s other products such as PowerPoint • Excel charts Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

22 Insert Graphics into a Document
TERM Gallery—A collection of graphics supplied by Office programs that you can insert into your documents. Word can search online for graphics images from a database of thousands that Microsoft provides free of charge. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

23 Insert Graphics into a Document
Request a Picture display the Insert ribbon and click Picture. NOTE Office supports all popular graphics file formats, including JPG, GIF, and BMP files. Adjust the Size Whenever a picture is selected, eight sizing handles appear around the picture that you can drag to increase or decrease the picture’s size. NEW TERM Handles—Eight places that appear around selected pictures to allow you to resize the image without moving the image from its current place in your document. Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

24 Draw with Word Word supports drawing tools with which you can create the following: Lines Rectangles Polygons Curves Freeform art Arrows Flowcharts Callouts Stars and banners Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

25 END 6:16 PM Course: CAT Date: September 21, 2018

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