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U.S. in Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. in Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. in Cold War

2 Social U.S. Atmosphere The Feminine Mystique-
Ideal of the 50’s woman- women can find ultimate fulfillment in housewifery Many women expressed unfulfillment in housewifery Women tend to find fulfillment in sex to make their life more exciting The book dismantles the Feminine Mystique idea Launched the modern women’s movement

3 Social U.S. Atmosphere Rock and Roll Fast food Drive in movie theatres
Elvis Presley Fast food McDonald’s 1955 Drive in movie theatres 1950’s nuclear family Modern, shop happy mother Corporate father Two kids-one boy, one girl A dog Bomb Shelters




7 Economics in 1950 Bretton Woods Conference- Ford cars
Established the International Monetary Fund Encouraged world trade and regulated currency rates Ford cars Thunderbird Truck Sedan Two car household

8 Thunderbird

9 Sedan

10 Truck

11 Home Improvement New construction Levittown’s-
Assembly line style house building Specialized groups setting each phase of the house Foundation Walls Roof Electricity and plumbing Insulation




15 1950s Computer

16 Shopping Mall

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