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Chapter 1 Communicating in Your Life

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1 Chapter 1 Communicating in Your Life
Business Communication Chapter 1 Communicating in Your Life Read page 3 Copyright South-Western Cengage Learning

2 The Communication Process
Message Sender Receiver Channel Feedback Read pages 4-5 © Photodisc / Getty Images Senders and receivers are important elements in the communication process. 1.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

3 Purposes of Communication
Obtain or share information Build goodwill and image Persuade Build relationships and self-esteem Read pages 6-7 © Digital Vision / Getty Images People communicate in meetings to share information. 1.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

4 Types of Business Communication
Formal and informal communication Communication direction Written and oral communication Read pages 7-9 © Photodisc / Getty Images Communication among peers is called lateral communication. 1.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

5 Protecting Confidential Information
Confidential information is data that should be kept private or secret Examples: Patient health records Employee salaries Plans for a new product Employees should not share confidential data with people who are not authorized to have it Read page 9 1.1 The Communication Process and Its Forms

6 Section 1.1 Applications Tom Wilson spoke to his coworker, Alice Wong, by telephone this morning. Tom:“Good morning, Alice. I am calling to let you know that the meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. today has been rescheduled. It will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the same location.” Alice:“Thanks, Tom. I will make a note of the time change.” Pg. 10

7 Communication Barriers
External barriers Poor lighting, heat or cold, and noise Document appearance Closed communication climate Internal barriers Educational background, experiences, and biases Lack of interest or motivation Read pg 1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

8 Audience Profile Questions
Overcoming Barriers The sender’s duties Audience analysis Message environment Symbol and channel selection Seeking feedback Read pg Audience Profile Questions © Digital Vision / Getty Images The message environment affects how listeners receive a message. 1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

9 Audience Profile Questions
What is the age and gender of the receiver? Does the receiver have experience or education related to the topic? What are the concerns and needs of the receiver? What are the beliefs and viewpoints of the receiver? Will the message make the receiver happy? sad? pleased? upset? BACK 1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

10 Overcoming Barriers The receiver’s duties Reading Listening
Read pg © Blend Images / Getty Images Readers should select a quiet location that is free from distractions. 1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

11 Checking Understanding
Reading skills are important for success At school On the job In personal activities Paraphrasing is a good way to check your understanding of a message Read pg. 17 1.2 Overcoming Communication Barriers

12 Section 1.2 Applications Overcoming Communication Barriers
Audience Analysis External Communication Barriers Pg. 18

13 Importance of Reading Reading and the job search
USAJOBS is the official job site of the U.S. government. Read pg 1.3 Reading in the Workplace

14 Importance of Reading Reading on the job Staying informed
Following procedures Handling transactions Providing customer service Making decisions and solving problems Read pg © Digital Vision / Getty Images Workers must read orders and packing slips. 1.3 Reading in the Workplace

15 Improving Reading Skills
Types of reading Skimming Scanning Careful reading Improving speed and comprehension Read pg 1.3 Reading in the Workplace

16 Section 1.3 Applications Purposes for Reading on the Job
Practicing Reading Skills Pg. 25

17 Free Reading Tests Free reading tests are available online
Search for speed reading test Questions What is your reading speed as shown by the free online test? How does your score compare with the speeds discussed in the text? 1.3 Reading in the Workplace

18 Chapter Summary The Communication Process
Overcoming Communication Barriers Reading in the Workplace Page 26

19 Vocabulary audience analysis business communication channel
communication barriers confidential information external communication barriers feedback goodwill grapevine internal communication barriers listening message message environment nonverbal symbols reading receiver scanning sender verbal symbols Page 27

20 Chapter Applications The Communication Process
The Purposes of Communication Communication Direction Verbal and Nonverbal Messages Pg. 28

21 Chapter Applications Internal Barriers Reading for Safety
Reading about Communication Barriers Editing Activities Page 29

22 Case Studies Contacting a Customer Handling Sensitive Information
Page 30

23 Career Case Study Communication for Health Science Careers Page 31

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