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31 Review.

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1 31 Review

2 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans

3 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism

4 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph

5 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene

6 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch

7 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch F – Pilate

8 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch F – Pilate G – Annas

9 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch F – Pilate G – Annas H – High Priestly Prayer

10 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch F – Pilate G – Annas H – High Priestly Prayer I – Jesus’ Death

11 Quiz Answers: #1 A – Samaritans B – Personal Evangelism C – Joseph
D – Mary Magdalene E – Tetrarch F – Pilate G – Annas H – High Priestly Prayer I – Jesus’ Death J – Passover

12 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man

13 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles

14 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry

15 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna

16 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna E – Galilee / Tiberius

17 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna E – Galilee / Tiberius F – Bethany

18 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna E – Galilee / Tiberius F – Bethany G – Caiaphas

19 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna E – Galilee / Tiberius F – Bethany G – Caiaphas H – 10/11

20 Quiz Answers: #2 A – God/Man B – Cycles
C – Miracles / Teachings / Ministry D – Canna E – Galilee / Tiberius F – Bethany G – Caiaphas H – 10/11 I – Holy Spirit / Truth

21 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True

22 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False

23 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True

24 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True

25 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False

26 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False
F – False

27 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False
F – False G – False

28 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False
F – False G – False H – False

29 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False
F – False G – False H – False I – False

30 Quiz Answers: #3 A – True B – False C – True D – True E – False
F – False G – False H – False I – False J – True

31 Total Points = 30 Your Score = __

32 Gospel from Different Perspectives
Matthew Messiah according to the Word and Prophets

33 Gospel from Different Perspectives
Mark Mark was secretary to Peter the Apostle Gospel demonstrating Jesus’ power

34 Gospel from Different Perspectives
Luke Historical Perspective

35 Gospel from Different Perspectives
John The people’s reaction to the Lord

36 The gospel is for us today!
Lessons The gospel is for us today!

37 Christianity is about Jesus
Lessons The gospel is for us today! Christianity is about Jesus

38 The best is yet to come Lessons The gospel is for us today!
Christianity is about Jesus The best is yet to come

39 Let’s be counted among the believers not the disbelievers when Jesus comes!

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