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Chess Club Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. Sources The Kids’ Book of Chess.

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Presentation on theme: "Chess Club Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. Sources The Kids’ Book of Chess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chess Club Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. Sources The Kids’ Book of Chess by Harvey Kidder. Solitaire Chess game. Thinkfun. for training chess tactics


3 1. Chess Oldest game King’s game
Chess comes from the Persian word shah, or “king” Castle also called rook Checkmate comes from the Persian shah mat, meaning “the king is dead”

4 Rules White always has the first move. Black is to defend.

5 2. First Moves Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. “The first 10 or 15 moves of a game are usually called the “opening” Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant Southern general in the Civil War, said of victory in battle that it was merely getting there “fustest with the mostest. (Remember “Little Ophant Annie”)”. He was a master at striking where he was least expected. Remember “Fustest with the mostest” when playing chess … especially when we get chess clocks!

6 First Moves “The first 10 or 15 moves of a game are usually called the “opening” Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant Southern general in the Civil War, said of victory in battle that it was merely getting there “fustest with the mostest. (Remember “Little Ophant Annie”)”. He was a master at striking where he was least expected. Remember “Fustest with the mostest” when playing chess … especially when we get chess clocks!



9 3. More on First Moves Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. Remember: “The first 10 or 15 moves of a game are usually called the “opening” Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Southern general in the Civil War and “Fustest with the mostest” when playing chess … especially when we get chess clocks!



12 4. More on First Moves Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. Remember: “The first 10 or 15 moves of a game are usually called the “opening” Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Southern general in the Civil War and “Fustest with the mostest” when playing chess … especially when we get chess clocks!


14 Defense! Defense! Defense!
5. Bad Opening Moves if Defended! 4 Move Checkmate (Scholar’s Mate) – How to Win Chess in 4 Moves Posted on January 29, 2014 by Jill Defense! Defense! Defense!

15 6. Castling Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions.




19 7. En passant intro Essential Question: How can I problem solve by seeing the big picture and looking for multiple solutions. The En Passant Pawn Capture  

20 8. Watch “En Passant Rule for Chess”

21 9. Real Life Math

22 Now for the Tournament 2 = Win 1 = Draw 0 = Loss

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