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Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5

2 Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill

3 a a apple /a/

4 e e Ed /e/

5 i i itch /i/

6 o o octopus /o/

7 u u up /u/

8 Chicken Letter qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well.

9 digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.

10 th th thumb /th/

11 ch chin /ch/ ch

12 sh ship /sh/ sh

13 wh whistle /w/ wh

14 ck sock /k/ ck

15 Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading

16 m m man /m/

17 n n nut /n/

18 Make the /m/ sound. Plug your nose. Make the /n/ sound. These are nasal sounds because they come from the nose. This means it sometimes makes the short vowel sound different.

19 Welded Sounds The consonants change the short vowel sound. The vowel is still considered short.

20 am ham /am/ am

21 an fan /an/ an

22 b b b a a a t ck d b an am

23 t d p a am an

24 Part 3 Wordcards

25 ham

26 than

27 fan

28 jam

29 Pam

30 Sam

31 pan

32 Jan

33 Dan

34 can

35 man

36 am

37 sham

38 dam

39 ban

40 ram

41 bam

42 yam

43 zam nonsense word

44 zat nonsense word

45 han nonsense word

46 kem nonsense word

47 roff nonsense word

48 heg nonsense word

49 kep nonsense word

50 cax nonsense word

51 quan nonsense word

52 tham nonsense word

53 lan nonsense word

54 vam nonsense word

55 bap nonsense word

56 yex nonsense word

57 pesh nonsense word

58 zat nonsense word

59 Part 4 Wordlist Reading (get books)

60 Part 5 Sentence Reading

61 Jill can nap on the bed.

62 Dad sat in the pig pen!

63 The dog ran on the path.

64 Pat hid the jam in the shed.

65 Did Beth get the fan from the den?

66 Sam will get in the tub for a bath.

67 The ram on the hill is big.

68 Beth had a red and tan hat.

69 Pam and Bob had fun at the mill.

70 Sam has a bad rash on his leg.

71 Did Pam get that wig at the shop?

72 Dad will dash to get the ham.

73 The moth fell in the yam.

74 I am sad about the loss.

75 Can Liz and Rich do the job?

76 Ed and Tom will jam in the shed.

77 Dan had to rush the pup to the vet.

78 The man got a cash tip for the job.

79 Mash that yam in the pan.

80 Seth had ham with his egg.

81 Part 6 Quick Drill (in reverse Cookie Sheets)

82 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z
qu r s t u v w x y z sh th ch ck all am an wh

83 Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling

84 Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences

85 Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading

86 Part 10 Listening Comprehension

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