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Tools for DAML-Based Services, Query Answering, and

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1 Tools for DAML-Based Services, Query Answering, and
Ontology Development Richard Fikes Deborah McGuinness Sheila McIlraith Gleb Frank Jessica Jenkins Yulin Li Son Tran Honglei Zee Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University 7/19/01

2 Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University
Project Overview Hot DAML-enabled Web services Hot Reasoning with knowledge represented in DAML DAML language development Member of joint markup language committee Proposed co-chair of W3C WebOnt committee Developed and maintain axiomatic semantics Ontology development environments Chimaera ontology diagnosis tool Translators to enable interoperation with OKBC tools Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

3 Reasoning With DAML Knowledge Bases
JTP – a DAML+OIL reasoner Richard Fikes, Gleb Frank, Yulin Li Hybrid reasoning architecture FOL model elimination theorem prover Suite of special purpose reasoners Special purpose DAML+OIL reasoner Efficient storage of RDF statements (triples) Linking of property value sets Based on the axiomatic semantics Implemented in JAVA Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

4 Forward Chaining Infers RDF Statements
Assumed assertions (PropertyValue subClassOf Restriction Class) (PropertyValue subClassOf Class rdfs:Class) (Type subClassOf TransitiveProperty) (PropertyValue disjointWith Property rdfs:Class) Forward chaining rules (=> (and (Type ?p TransitiveProperty) (PropertyValue ?p ?x ?y) (PropertyValue ?p ?y ?z)) (PropertyValue ?p ?x ?z)) (=> (and (PropertyValue disjointWith ?cl ?super) (PropertyValue subClassOf ?sub ?super)) (PropertyValue disjointWith ?cl ?sub)) Inferred assertions (PropertyValue subClassOf Restriction rdfs:Class) (PropertyValue disjointWith Property Restriction) Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

5 Forward Chaining Infers Inconsistencies
Incorrect portion of translated Wines KB (Type color Property) (PropertyValue maxCardinality color 1) Assumed assertion (PropertyValue domain maxCardinality Restriction) Forward chaining rules (=> (and (PropertyValue domain ?prop ?dm) (PropertyValue ?prop ?fr ?val)) (Type ?fr ?dm)) (=> (and (PropertyValue disjointWith ?c1 ?c2) (Type ?i ?c1) (Type ?i ?c2)) false) Inferences (Type color Restriction) (PropertyValue disjointWith Property Restriction) false  Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

6 Current Challenges for JTP
Decrease time for loading knowledge bases Add functionality to backward chainer DAML query language DAML rationale language for explaining query answers More at Friday morning’s breakout session on reasoning Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

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