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Vocabulary terms week #9

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1 Vocabulary terms week #9
6th Religion Vocabulary terms week #9 Most of the definitions are from the Diocese of Arlington, VA curriculum guidelines

2 Obedience In Old Testament times, to hear meant to obey. It means we are to do what we are told; to live according to God's laws.

3 Old Testament The first section of the Bible which tells us about creation, the fall of man, and God's preparation of the Chosen People for the coming of the Redeemer. It is composed of 46 books.

4 Orderliness the virtue by which one is able to organize one's life in a systematic, step-by-step plan This plan helps “order” us to God, to help us reach our final destination-heaven!

5 Ordination The ceremony during which a man is consecrated as a priest by the laying on of hands by the Bishop There is a difference in the faculties granted to a man when he is ordained a deacon versus when he is ordained a priest

6 Original Sin The first act of disobedience to God committed by Adam and Eve, our first parents. Because of original sin, the human race was separated from God, denied entrance into heaven and born without Grace

7 Parable A story that has a special lesson to learn. Jesus often taught by using parables. Name some parables:

8 Parts of the Mass The two major divisions of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

9 Paschal Mystery Refers to the suffering, death, and Resurrection of Jesus by which we are saved from our sins.

10 Patriarch A title given to the founding fathers of the Jewish people in the Old Testament: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

11 Patron Saint A special saint chosen to intercede for a particular person or group Who is the Patron Saint of the United States?

12 Penance The sacrament in which all sins committed after Baptism are forgiven. It is also something done to make up for sin.

13 Pentecost The Feast on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples Pentecost occurred 50 days after Easter (penta-fifty)

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