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Approximate Date Written Location Where Written

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2 Approximate Date Written Location Where Written
Gospel The Evangelist Approximate Date Written Location Where Written Audience Image of Jesus & Examples Genealogy (if any) Matthew Unknown… the apostle/tax collector 2nd generation Jewish Christian of Palestinian origin AD 70-AD 85 (appears 1st in the NT b/c originally believed to be written 1st) Antioch (Syria) (Fun Fact: 1st place where followers of JC are called Christians) Jewish Christians Teaching Savior Traced back to Abraham Mark John Mark (a friend of Paul) a Gentile Christian (might be a disciple of Peter) AD 65-AD 70 30 yrs after Jesus’ Resurrection & Ascension into Heaven b4 & during the fall of Jerusalem & the Temple Roman Emperor: Nero = lots of Christian persecution & martyrdom probably Rome Gentile Christians-references the OT since the audience didn’t know about the Scriptures un-recognized, suffering, serving Messiah none- Jesus is a servant & servants didn’t have this time Luke a companion of Paul who was a physician & artist probably wrote Acts of the Apostles Greece Gentiles faced w/ struggles from w/in their pagan community that kept them from being true to the faith Compassionate Savior a savior of those who need him (outcasts/ poor/ sinners/ persecuted/ sick/ etc) teaches complete generosity Traced back to Adam John

3 Approximate Date Written Location Where Written
Gospel The Evangelist Approximate Date Written Location Where Written Audience Image of Jesus & Examples Genealogy (if any) John Unknown… the beloved disciple, John, the son of Zebedee a disciple of John probably wrote the 3 Letters of John & Revelations AD 90- AD 100 last Gospel to be written written from a different perspective (not just the summary of JC’s life) Ephesus (maybe Syria) All Christians Jewish Christians being expelled from synagogues after the Roman Revolt strengthen new Christians win converts life-giving divine savior Traced back to God

4 A Different Perspective
The Synoptic Gospels The Gospel of John chiefly concerned w/ JC’s ministry in the north emphasis on the kingdom JC as Son of David, Son of Man anticipation of the Church & references to the infant Church JC’s short sayings (parables) little commentary by the authors mentions only 1 Passover gives more coverage to JC’s ministry emphasis on JC JC as the Son of God (the divinity of JC) Gospel of the maturing Church many long discourses of JC (allegories) much commentary by John mention 3, possibly 4, Passovers


6 The Structure of John’s Gospel
Genesis The Prologue “God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness.” (1:4) “the light”=goodness God breathed life in Adam “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (1:5) “the light”=JC JC gives us eternal life JC continues to “breathe” God’s life-giving presence into creation! “no one has ever seen God”: God is a mystery where as JC (God made flesh) reveals to us God the Father and God the Holy Spirit (the complete Trinity)

7 The Structure of John’s Gospel (continued)
Pt I: The Book of Signs PT II: The Book of Glory the deeds & work of JC divided in 7 sections JC’s Passion, Death, & Resurrection The Point: JC is both human & divine. His mission was to reveal God.

8 The Book of Signs “But there are so many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (21:25) purpose: reveals the mission & divinity of JC based on the Incarnation the challenge: faith

9 The Book of Signs Presentation
The 7 Signs of Jesus In your group… The Cana (2:1-11) The Cure of the Royal Official’s Son (4:46-54) The Cure of the Paralytic (5:1-18) The Multiplication of Loaves (6:1-15) The Walking on Water (6:16-21) The Healing of the Man Born Blind (9:1-41) The Raising of Lazarus (11:1-44) read the Scriptural text of your group’s assigned sign develop a presentation include… an explanation of the miracle itself the context for the miracle (HINT: reading before/after the miracle occurs will help determine the context) the significance of the miracle who has faith in Jesus’ powers who accepted &/or rejected faith in JC everyone MUST participate in the presentation length: minimum 5 minutes; maximum 8 minutes completed together


11 described in 2-parts: ACCEPT Love COMMIT to Love
to the point of offering their lives for each other

12 Reflection: Witnessing Love
The Gospel According to John focuses on two parts of love: believers are to first accept love; then they are to commit to loving one another to the point of offering their lives for each other. Describe a loving relationship you have witnessed that has followed this pattern of acceptance and commitment.


14 “I AM” “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14) Jesus is divine…the SON OF GOD!!!
4 forms: JC identifies with something known by his listeners ex. “I am the bread” JC emphasizes the relationship b/w JC & his followers ex. “I am the gate” JC declares himself the life-giver ex. “I am the way, the truth, & the life” JC identifies himself ex. “I am he”

15 Reflection: I AM…to you?
Which “I AM” statement do you most identify Christ as in YOUR life? Explain. (HINT: Check out page 226 of your textbook for the complete list of “I AM” statements.)


17 Nicodemus a Pharisee & member of the Sanhedrin
struggled w/ accepting JC as the Son of God met w/ JC hoping to find a solution to his dilemma assisted Joseph of Arimathea in claiming & burying JC’s body gave JC a royal burial (spices) eventually accepted the gift of faith Nicodemus’ story reflects our story: a B..E…A…UTIFUL work in progress the choices we make ( or ) the trust we have in God

18 Reflection: So MANY Questions!
If you could ask Jesus anything, what would you ask him? Explain why.

19 Don’t Judge Others (‘cause you’re not perfect either!)
The 1st Evangelist: A Samaritan Woman The Woman Caught & Saved the culture: Jews don’t talk to Samaritans Men don’t speak to women they don’t know JC was a rebel! broke these boundaries by talking to the Samaritan woman she is the 1st to know JC’s identity & she doesn’t keep it a secret the culture: the penalty for adultery was death (&) by stoning the set-up: if JC protected the girl, he would have been in direct violation of Mosaic Law JC was SMART “Let anyone around you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (8:7) no takers? weird how that worked out! JC’s response: forgiveness


21 The Last Supper JC sets the example:
The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet (13:1-20) The New Commandment: “…love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (13:34) loving one another means serving one another w/o the expectation of receiving anything in return JC will never abandon the disciples (including us) “I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name-he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” (14:25-26) foreshadows Pentecost JC prays for God’s protection of the disciples…AND US! “I pray not only for them [the Apostles], but also for those who will believe in me [YOU!!!] through their [the Apostles] word…” (17:20)

22 The Book of Glory…continues…
JC on Trial: He has top authority (19:10-11) Pilate: “Do you not speak to me? Do you know that I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?” JC: “You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above.” JC approaches death: some differences in John JC carries the cross alone JC is in control of his death the soldiers cast lots for JC’s tunic the tunic is not torn-the Church is unified through JC Mary (his mom), his mom’s sister, Mary Magdalene, & John are at the foot of the cross JC: “It is finished” the soldiers pierce his side he gave his life (blood-the Eucharist) so we can have new life (water-Baptism)

23 The Resurrection & Appearances of JC
each aspect of our faith is interconnected the Resurrection is connected to our Baptism frees us from sin & gives us new life light v. darkness believe or don’t

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