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Surviving Your First Semester

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Presentation on theme: "Surviving Your First Semester"— Presentation transcript:

1 Surviving Your First Semester
This workshop will: Provide basic information on who, where and what to access for course information Suggest ways to organise yourself, your notes and course documentation Describe how University learning differs from school and college study Louise Livesey Academic Skills Advisor 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

2 Academic Skills Advice
Today’s Plan… What is expected of you Be organised Use the technology Transition into University study Ask for help Review and prioritise Enjoy! 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

3 Course staff are the first port of call
1.What is expected of you Administration Know which staff do what Read the small print: handbooks and other documentation: Learning objectives Marking criteria Deadlines and rules Reading lists Course topics Referencing rules Seeing tutors Course staff are the first port of call 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

4 Academic Skills Advice
2.Be organised Keep a timetable/diary/year planner Read and safely file all course documentation Keep your lectures notes etc. organised 1 2 Your course and module handbooks etc. contain lots of vital information about objectives, marking criteria, plagiarism policy, progression etc. 3 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

5 Academic Skills Advice
Oct Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Wk 1 Wk 2 Lecture 3-4 Lecture 11-12 ASA workshop 4-5 Seminar 10-11 Library research for essay Librarian App Wk 3 Work on essay draft Jenny’s birthday Wk 4 Lab practice ASA workshop 12-1 App with ASA re essay 10-11 Wk 5 Directed Study Week Essay Deadline 4pm Wk 6 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

6 Academic Skills Advice
Use colour to highlight important days on a wall planner Orange= today Yellow = directed study Red = coursework deadlines Blue = exams – you can add the specific dates for your exams as soon as the timetable comes out (usually early/mid-December) Green = vacation 15 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

7 Academic Skills Advice
3.Use the technology Make yourself aware of libraries, computing facilities etc. Find your way round the University website Find out what you can/can’t do online Attend workshops/ get help sheets/ practice Find out about technology Software licences Blackboard Check out the libraries, computing facilities, etc., early on – not 3 days before your essay is due in. Make the most of induction events, spend some time exploring the University website Think about ways you can work from home - what you can and can’t do online Check with your tutors about any software you need to use that is out of the ordinary, and practice using it Get as much help as you can to get used to our IT 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

8 Academic Skills Advice
3.Use the technology Activity 1: What technology can help you? 5 mins – in pairs, make a list Think about your ‘ideal world’ – what sort of technology, computer facilities, software etc. would help you in your studies. Then think about what is available that might help. Will find out soon where to go for help with IT questions Do not click on next slide as gives answers 5 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

9 Academic Skills Advice
3.Use the technology Blackboard (on campus and at home) Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Prezzi Library: catalogue, online renewals, subject databases PC labs Software licences (SPSS, Virus etc.) University website – support services IT Service E-vision End-note What we think you will need: Blackboard – course info, updates, documents, resources, lecture slides, links, discussion boards etc. etc. etc. – on campus and at home – vital info is passed on this way – don’t miss it! Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc. – if you’ve never used these, make yourself familiar before you need them for a deadline Library - catalogue, online renewals, databases, passwords and access, help sheets etc. PC labs - What software is available on these? Where are they? When are they open? How busy do they get? Licences - Do you have a PC at home? Do you have the software you need? University website – for information on where to find help Workshops – how to Google (properly!!!) E-vision - University mobile website/ webmail 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

10 Academic Skills Advice
4.Transition into University study 6 Your learning is your responsibility Different styles of teaching Attend classes for university and subject information Less contact time Check your university and BlackBoard regularly Get together with other students on your course Classes - Urgent announcements might be made at lectures, hints about assessment, exams etc. Blackboard - This is how the university makes announcements and how important information is delivered to you e.g. reminders about book return etc. Make contact with your personal tutor so they know who you are – don’t forget they work for you Those students who work together are often the most successful and happy at Uni If you struggle with communicating or dealing with new people/situations, contact Counselling for workshops and courses to boost your confidence 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice 7

11 Academic Skills Advice
5.Asking for help 8 Don’t suffer in silence: let us know if you have queries/ problems There are no stupid questions Ask lecturers Contact your personal tutor Use student services The university can and will help out with most problems you might have – but you have to let us know. Esp. mention deadline extensions Don’t be afraid to ask your lecturers if you don’t understand something Make contact with your personal tutor Make use of LDU, LC, etc. 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

12 Academic Skills Advice
5.Asking for help Activity 2: Quiz Blackboard Counselling Programme Leader Disability Service Hub Student Support Centre IT Help Desk Language Centre Lecturer Libraries Module Handbook Personal Tutor Student Academic Reps Students’ Union Subject Librarians Warden Career Development Service 9 10 mins verbal feedback If you’ve been to induction, looked at the leaflets etc. you’ve been given, browsed the website, you should know the answers to at least some of these questions. If not, have a guess 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

13 Academic Skills Advice
6.Review and prioritise Keep your plan up to date Be aware of what’s going on Review lecture notes etc. Be aware of, and implement, feedback Be selective Constantly review your plan and to-do list to make sure you are prioritising appropriately Keep an eye on Blackboard, your , and any noticeboards for any changes or updates or general information. Keep your ears open too. Look through your lecture and other notes regularly to keep ‘topped up’ with your subject so you don’t have to ‘cram’ Your tutors will provide feedback which is invaluable – it’s there to tell you how to improve so use it. If it isn’t specific enough (could improve your structure on essays – overall, paragraph, sentence?) or you don’t understand it – ask. Goes back to prioritising – easy/hard; deadline close/far; 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

14 Academic Skills Advice
7. Enjoy! Don’t forget to have a life! Make friends – on your course, in your halls, in Student Central, in activities Get involved Think about sports, societies etc. Don’t ignore your friends and family Try to make friends with others on your course/ in the University (if you live off campus etc. your family and friends can be very supportive, but they may not share the learning experience) Think about getting involved in the Union, societies, Academic Rep, voluntary work etc. Employs also like graduates who can juggle! Do something for yourself – needn’t be at Uni – dance classes, evening class in pottery etc. 10 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

15 Activity 3: Modelling fun
7. Enjoy! Activity 3: Modelling fun Finding info out about the university – no cheating First team to correctly guess the words, wins. 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

16 Academic Skills Advice
Help is at hand! On-campus Counselling service Student Central near SU 30 minute chat Confidential Confidence; home-sickness; anxiety; stress; sleep problems; exam nerves 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

17 Academic Skills Advice Service
Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23. Give us a call or come speak to us Monday- Friday 9am-5pm (closing at 4pm Fridays). Who am I? Louise, the dedicated workshop adviser. Who can help me with study and writing skills? Lucy and Russell run Instant Study Skills Advice sessions every weekday and Writing Skills Clinics three times a week. You can also access self-help resources on our webpage. Who can give me maths advice? Helen and Michael specialise in Maths support for students though clinics and pre-booked appointment. How do I get in touch? Telephone: 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

18 Academic Skills Advice
References 1–diary; 2 and 3–file; 6-connection; 7-puzzle; 8-climb; 11-question: Clip Art 4. Year planner from previous Academic Skills Advice Service PowerPoint Presentation 5: University of Portsmouth. Computer Suites. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth [online] Available at: [Accessed ] 9: Preuss & Knorr GbR. Lifesaver, red/white, 13.8 inches. Berlin: Preuss & Knorr. GbR [online] Available at: Accessed [ ] 10: CutestCatPics. (2013) Bunny, mouse, kitten and puppy. CutestCatPics. [online] Available at: Accessed [ ] 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

19 Academic Skills Advice
Any questions? Produced by Louise Livesey May 2014 11 21/09/2018 Academic Skills Advice

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