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Social protection in Southern and Eastern Africa

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1 Social protection in Southern and Eastern Africa
ILO Global Social Protection Retreat March 2017

2 Regional trends Renewed Economic Growth
Recovery from Fall in Commodity Prices Improved Macroeconomic and Debt management Reduction in Poverty Headcount, Depth, Severity (especially Urban Poverty) Rising share of Transient Poverty Country fragility associated with lower Human Development Drought puts 20 million at risk of famine. Conflicts and violent events on the rise Source: WB, 2016, Poverty in Rising Africa

3 Social Protection trends
Expansion of beneficiaries of non-contributory transfers (Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya) Stronger domestic investment in SP (Kenya, Zambia) BUT: Strong focus on Productive safety nets with massive WB financial support (HH poverty targeting; graduation) Threat to universal provision in some countries (Namibia, Botswana), slow progress in others (Uganda, Tanzania) Slow progress in regulation and extension of social security

4 Recent ILO impact Greater attention to rights based NSP (Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Zanzibar, Namibia) Coordination of Social welfare (Namibia) Maternity, EI branches (Rwanda, Tanzania) Release of South Africa Comprehensive social security reform paper Tanzania social security regulatory reforms, incl. pension fund merger underway; p Pension reform in Zambia Response to Presidential inquiry on pensions in context of hyperinflation (Zimbabwe)

5 Challenges Political instability (Lesotho)
Low priority to SP / Misconceptions (Botswana) Long policy processes (Zambia Bill, South Africa's comprehensive ss) and divergent interests across ministries (Zambia) Renewed focus on humanitarian support in context of severe drought divert from systems strengthening Low attention to benefit levels causing poverty Recurring corruption scandals distance donors from budget support and SP ownership processes Weak levels of social security education Poor Availability of Quality Data

6 Opportunities Comprehensive social security
Theme How to Comprehensive social security South Africa Trust in Fund to support design. SS policy and Law (Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho); Social security Law and Policy in Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya (Attention to short term social security in Kenya and Tanzania) Universal pensions and child benefits UP in Tanzania (implementation) and Zanzibar (law) Research and advocacy with Helpage Africa (Kenya, Malawi) Namibia UCG (advocacy) Covering the missing middle Community of practice on extension of coverage to informal economy.; Tripartite + TWG for coordinated efforts and aligned strategies (Zambia) Governance and administration of SPF; and M&E frameworks Learning modules inter agency; Irish Aid, EU systems Strengthening Collaboration with Prof. Noble and Wright on Tax benefit simulations; M&E Regional level work Education and awareness raising ECASSA MOU in collaboration with Tanzania, Rwanda and Zambia. Improving social security portability SADC, EAC and MMD project

7 Main priorities Establish new systems of social protection
Comprehensive social security policy and law (South Africa) Kenya and Malawi Employment injury funds Maternity branch in Zambia NAPSA Merger of pension funds and new unemployment fund in Tanzania Comprehensive SS in Botswana, Swaziland Extend coverage Promote new mechanisms for extension (South Africa, Kenya) Research, train and sensitize (CoP) Universal coverage design and implementation (Tanzania, Namibia) Improve governance of SP systems Comprehensive SP laws on Kenya, Zambia Social security policies in Tanzania Tax benefit simulation models in partnership with UN Wider program Institutionalization of governance and administration of SPF learning Social security training and education with ECASSA

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