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Presented By:Brandon Lindvall, Ricardo Texis, and Jake Hopper

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1 Presented By:Brandon Lindvall, Ricardo Texis, and Jake Hopper
Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies c. 600 BCE to c. 600 CE Presented By:Brandon Lindvall, Ricardo Texis, and Jake Hopper

2 The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions
Brandon Codifications and further developments of existing religious traditions provided a bond among the people. New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread. Belief systems affected gender roles (for example Buddhism encouraged a monastic life and Confucianism emphasized filial piety/respect for one’s elders). Other religious and cultural traditions continued (shamanism and animism and also ancestor veneration). Artistic expressions, including literature and drama, architecture, and sculpture, show distinctive cultural developments. Hint:KNOW THIS FOR THE QUIZ!!!

3 Religions and Philosophies
Jake Hopper Judaism Founded by the prophet Abraham Holy Book is the Torah Monotheistic Vedic Religions Also known as Ancient Hinduism, Brahmanism, and Vedism Liturgy composed in Sanskrit Founded around 2000 BC Existed around the northern India region

4 Religions and Philosophies
Jake Hopper Buddhism Originated in Ancient India Leader is known as the Buddha The Buddha is who created teachings about traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices

5 Religions and Philosophies Ricardo
Development and codification of religious and cultural traditions for , Greco- Roman philosophy and thinking, Greece is very well known for their first thoughts about democracy,establishments of many cities , literature of poems , essays, poetry and drama.Its philosophy . Greece and Rome led to future intellectual inspiration for Christianity,Stoicism and Islamic theologians.Based on morality and ethics and everything based on human reasons. Roman were the first to bring up the thought of a Republican government , bringing citizens right by bringing a constitution and bringing a fixed body of law

6 Animism and Shamanism Ricardo
Animism - animate , everything in the world has a purpose and is filled with life Shamanism - a person that feels they can connect with evil and good spirits in the world

7 Continuation of Shamanism and Animism Ricardo
They both continued because people believed that the good is from nature and environment , not from rulers and hierarchy “be one with the universe”

8 Religions and Philosophies
Brandon Confucianism Confucianism’s core beliefs and writings originated in the writings and lessons of Confucius (began in China). Promoted social harmony by outlining proper rituals and social relationships for all people in China. Emphasis on the importance of harmony, order, and obedience. If five basic relationships were sound (Emperor/subject, Father/son, Older brother/younger brother, Husband/wife, and Friend/friend), all of society would also be. Accepted and endorsed inequality as an important part of an ordered society. It confirmed the power of the emperor, but held him responsible for his people. Reinforced the patriarchal family structure that was already in place in China. Focused on social order and political organization. Generally seen as a philosophy rather than a religion.

9 Religions and Philosophies
Brandon Daoism (greatly influenced the development of Chinese culture) Laozi is believed to be the founder of Daoism Focused on the immense realm of nature and its mysterious unfolding patterns. The central concept of Daoism is Dao (refers to the way of nature, the underlying and unchanging principle that governs all natural phenomena) Withdraw from the world of political and social activism, and align with the way of nature. The less government, the better. Encourages introspection, development of inner contentment, and no ambition to change the Dao. Christianity A religion based on the teachings and life of Jesus. Monotheistic- believe in God (three forms: God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit) Sacred book- The Bible Belief that if whoever believes in Jesus Christ as their savior will have eternal life.

10 Architecture Jake Hopper Religion and culture influenced the architecture of some civilizations India: Cylindrical columns are used and sometimes sculptures and designs are created on the columns Multiple stories/stacked rooms Domed roofs Greece: Tall columns surrounding buildings, much like the supreme court bulding Squared or circular buildings Rectangular or flat roofs

11 Architecture (cont.) Roman Empire: Mesoamerica Jake Hopper Flat roofs
Arches within windows and open spaces Tall columns Domed ceilings Mesoamerica Pyramidical shape Square top Stair-like landscape Temples used for sacrifice and worship

12 The Development of States and Empires
Brandon Key Points The number and size of imperial societies grew dramatically. Political unity began. Empires and states developed new techniques of imperial administration. Imperial societies displayed unique social and economic dimensions. The collapse of some empires and states occurred.


14 Development of the Persian Empires
Jake Hopper Persia developed around 1000 B.C.E as a group of migration peoples. These people were known as Iranians. The Iranians were groups of migrants from central Europe and from the southern part of Russia. The Persian Empire developed as a peaceful land full of cities and communities all under Persian rule. The main focus of the development of the Empire was for extensive trading among the people within the Persian boundaries.

15 Development of the Qin and Han Empires
Jake Hopper The Qin and Han dynasties both emerged around 200 B.C.E and they unified China to become a central empire. The Qin dynasty was short lived (220 B.C.E to 206 B.C.E.) and the Han dynasty immediately followed for a much longer period of time (202 B.C.E. to 220 C.E.) They were based off of Legalist and Confucian thoughts and practices. The Qin dynasty mainly followed a legalistic standpoint whereas the Han dynasty followed more of a Confucian standpoint. Over 300 years of the Han dynasty, the Chinese empire expands greatly with some Qin principles of legalism and many Confucian values.

16 Greek City-States Ricardo
They called a City state a “polis “, each polis had their own kind of government in the main city that ruled the smaller cities, out of all these different city states many differents kinds of governments were used to control each of them, Democracy was first introduced by a city state called Athens, 2 most famous city states were called Athens and Sparta. (a citizen from these city state didn’t consider itself it considered itself as a person from its polis ex. Sparta-Spartan) much trade in between these polis and city states would take each other over, not much patriarchy in some city states such as Sparta where women ruled the state

17 Hellenistic and Roman Empires Ricardo
After death of Alexander the Great , Rome came up, Hallenistic ideas came from Greece and expanded to the world From kingdom to Republic had constitution and branches of governments Two consuls -civil and military After being Republic , it went to Empire (Julius Ceaser) Rome expanded, wealth by Urban development, attracted immigrants , first to use concrete to construct. No patriarchy

18 Maurya and Gupta Empires
Dynasty and highly efficient, organized autocratic state. Maurya’s religion was Jainism which promoted social and religious renewal and reform. They both had caste systems, used military force to unite , traded along Silk Road. Patriarchy was a big thing

19 Phoenicia Monarchy , was a monarch but could be controlled by the upper class people, invented the alphabet and were located around the Mediterranean sea , they traded a lot , their major cities were all trade cities such as Tyre and Byblos, religion was Ancient Canaanite Much patriarchy,

20 Development of Teotihuacan
Jake Hopper Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located about 25 miles northeast of modern day Mexico City. The city consisted of Mesoamerican pyramids, or ruins, that are now tourist attractions all throughout the region. Teotihuacan was the largest urban settlement in the region before the Aztecs arrived. One technological advancement found in Teotihuacan was a large floating field of crops called Chinampas. The city definitely flourished as a great source for the success of the Mesoamerican society.

21 Moche Religion polytheistic , large farming , and known for their pottery , traded many kinds of plants and domesticated animals such as llamas and guinea pigs .Sacrificed people , no form of writing,government made of rich people Not much patriarchy

22 Maya City-States Ricardo
Hierarchical government ruled by king and priest,independent city states,consisting of rural city states, and large urban ceremonial centers. No standing armies but warfare important in religion , power and prestige. Social hierarchy was major part.Much farming!Women were not a part of government

23 Fall and Decline of the Roman, Han, Persia, and Maurya and Gupta Empires.
Brandon The Roman, Han, Maurya and Gupta empires created difficulties that they could not manage. Political, cultural and administrative problems and challenges led to their decline and collapse. Common elements in the ends of these empires: Political corruption and deterioration - The politics became corrupt. Provinces came under the control of local leaders and empires decentralized. The migration of the Huns - A nomadic group called the Huns migrated south and west during this time period. This brought them in contact with settled classical civilizations. They attacked and raided the Han and Gupta, putting pressure on them. As they pushed westward, they forced Germanic peoples to put pressure on the Roman Empire. Over-extension of borders - All empires expanded their borders to large and their military had trouble guarding them. Empires did not have enough resources to maintain their huge amounts of area. The Chinese could not fully control the Great Wall with soldiers to keep out the Huns. Rome grew so large that they did not have the amount of soldiers and supplies to protect all of their land.. The spread of epidemics and disease - The trade routes that connected civilizations and allowed them to prosper also spread diseases that killed many people. Han China and Rome lost thousands of people to disease. This lessened the amount of tax base needed to raise revenue for the empires.

24 Fall and Decline of the Roman, Han, Persia, and Maurya and Gupta Empires.
Continued Brandon Imperial governments generated social tensions and economic difficulties by concentrating too much wealth in the hands of elites. External problems resulted from security issues along their frontiers, including the threat of invasions between: Northern China and Xiongnu Gupta and the White Huns Romans, Parthians, Sassanids and Kushan

25 Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange (Trade Networks)
Brandon Long-distance trade increased dramatically due to the organization of large- scale empires. Most trade occurred because of the demand for raw materials and luxury items. Land and water routes connected the major regions and empires across Europe, Asia, and Africa. People, technology, religion, cultural, food crops, domesticated animals, and disease were also exchanged across networks of communication and exchange. In the Americas trade occurred through localized networks of exchange.


27 Silk Roads Brandon The Silk Road- The Silk Roads are an overland trade route from Western China to the Mediterranean. Most of the items traded were expensive luxury goods. Silk was the most popular export from China, but they also exported teas, salt, sugar, and many types of spices. Many people had a want for luxury goods such as ivory, gold, silver, and cotton. Food and animals such as horses, walnuts, and apricots were also traded along the Silk Roads. The central Asian nomads were the primary group of people that transported goods along the Silk Roads. Two of the world’s major religions, Buddhism and Christianity, spread far beyond their places of origin because of the Silk Road Trade Routes.

28 Brandon Indian Ocean Sea Lanes The Indian Ocean Sea Lanes- The Indian Ocean trade routes connected eastern Africa, the Middle East, southern China, India, and Southeast Asia. They were water routes controlled by seasonal monsoons that occurred in the Indian Ocean. Spices, bananas, pearls, and other tropical fruits were all traded on the Indian Ocean trade routes. The Indian Ocean trade routes were a major factor in the spread of cultures to new places. A trading class with mixture of cultures emerged.

29 Trans-Saharan Caravan Routes
Brandon Trans-Saharan Caravan Routes- These trade routes connected places in western Africa south of the Sahara to the Mediterranean. Salt and Gold are the two most common items that were traded along the Trans- Saharan Trade routes. Salt came from the Sahara and gold came from countries in western Africa. Wheat, olives, and some manufactured goods came from the Mediterranean. The camel was a major reason the trade across the Sahara Desert was possible.

30 Mediterranean Sea Lanes
Brandon The Mediterranean trade route was a great source for trading wealth. It was connected to the Silk Roads in the east and it was used to transport goods around Europe and to parts of Asia and Africa. Gold coins, glassware, grapevines, jewelry, artwork, perfume, wool, linen textile and olive oil were traded throughout the Mediterranean Basin. Goods were sometimes transported to the Silk Road and Indian Ocean by ships from Western Europe, Northern Africa and the Byzantine Empire. Because the Mediterranean Sea was surrounded by three different continents it was a very efficient place for trade.

31 Technology that Permitted Long Distance Trade
Brandon Technology that Permitted Long Distance Trade Innovations in maritime technologies and advanced knowledge of the monsoon winds stimulated exchanges along maritime routes from East Africa to East Asia.( the lateen sail and dhow ships). LATEEN SAILS- Triangular sail dating back to the Roman Mediterranean and used heavily in the Indian Ocean trade DHOW SHIPS- Ships with one or more Lateen sails primarily used in the Indian Ocean Trade New technologies permitted the use of domesticated pack animals (such as horses, oxen, llamas and camels) to transport goods across longer routes.( yokes, saddles, and stirrups) YOKES- Wooden beam that allows work animals to pull together SADDLES- Supportive apparatus to support riders on horses, camels, etc STIRRUPS- After the Chariot & Saddle, it's the most important advancement in warfare prior to gunpowder.

32 Impact of Long Distance Trade
Brandon The spread of crops, such as sugar, rice and cotton from South Asia to the Middle East, caused changes in farming and irrigation techniques (such as the development of the qanat system). The spread of diseases killed many people and lowered urban populations and contributed to the decline of some empires (such as Rome or China) PLAGUE OF GALEN- Smallpox killed 5 million people in Rome in 165 CE PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN- Bubonic Plague in 541 CE killed almost half of the people in of Constantinople and then spread killing 25 million others PLAGUE OF CYPRIAN- Smallpox outbreak in 250 CE that lasted 20 years. Religious and cultural traditions (including Chinese culture, Christianity,Hinduism and Buddhism) were transformed as they spread CHRISTIANITY- Took on a structure like the Roman Empire and added the “Trinity” (Three names for God) BUDDHISM- Took on different characteristics wherever it spread (China, Southeast Asia, Japan) HINDUISM- Southeast Asian societies made Hinduism fit their own society and culture.


34 Quiz #1. Where did Confucianism originate from, and whose ideas started it? #2. The central concept of Daoism is It refers to the way of #3. Based on your knowledge about world history and monotheistic religions, what religion laid the foundation for the emergence of Christianity? # goods were the most common goods traded along the Silk Roads. #5. Which of the transregional networks of communication and exchange do you think was the most successful in spreading religious and cultural beliefs? Explain why in 2-3 sentences.

35 Quiz Continued #6. Name two new technologies that allowed for transregional trade during this period. #7. Name two monotheistic religions you learned about in the presentation. #8. The thoughts and practices of the Qin and Han dynasty were _______ and Legalism. #9. Teotihuacan was the (smallest/largest) urban settlement in the Mesoamerican region. #10. What was the main focus of the Persian Empire?

36 Quiz Continued #11. The Vedic Religions’ liturgy is composed in ______. #12. List five empires/states that developed during this time period. #13. Name two empires/states that collapsed due to invasions from foreign peoples. #14. Explain one reason that caused the decline/collapse of an empire (explain the reason and give what empire if effected). #15. What specifically shows distninctive cultural developments?

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