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James Fowler's Stages of Faith

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1 James Fowler's Stages of Faith

2 Biography Fowler was Professor of Developmental Psychology at Emory University Wrote several books but his best known is “Stages of Faith”

3 Stages of Faith Stage 1- Intuitive-Projective Faith (Early Childhood, 2-6) -Fantasy filled stage -Self aware and egocentric (“I’m the center of the world”) -First aware of death/sex - Child can be heavily influenced by examples, stories, and actions, By mainly parents -Limited or no logical thought allows for unrestrained fantasies

4 Stages of Faith Stage 2 – Mythic-Literal Faith (Childhood, 7-11, and beyond), - Beliefs, attitudes, morals are met with literal interpretations -Faith begins to have more meaning Can connect stories and myths To personal experiences.

5 Stages of Faith Stage 3 – Synthetic-Conventional Faith (Adolescence and Beyond, 11-13), Not everyone Practices religious faiths- What about people who do not? This theory does not address them or those who are apathetic Faith provides a connector between the involvements in ones life (family, work, friends etc…) Faith provides a basis for identity

6 Stages of Faith Stage 4 Individuative-Reflective Faith (young adulthood and beyond), Take burdens, responsibilities, commitments, lifestyles … seriously Stage of critical reflection on self and beliefs.

7 Stages of Faith Stage 5 – 40+
Conjunctive Faith (Early Mid-life and beyond), Look over what was suppressed or unrecognized in stage 4 Look into ones “deeper self”- knowing who you really are Realise true meanings of who you are and what you believe

8 Stages of Faith Stage 6 – Rare Universalising Faith

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