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CNGS Proton Beam: Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "CNGS Proton Beam: Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 CNGS Proton Beam: Introduction
General layout Proton beam parameters Beam instrumentation specification Transfer line layout

2 Underground Structures

3 Proton Beam Parameters

4 Intensity Range

5 Requirement for Instrumentation
Proton beam intensity to 1 % Beam position precision less than 0.5 mm Beam angle measurement precision: 0.1 mrad Sigma measured to better than 5 % Dynamic range : commissioning beam and nominal beam with same beam structure, 1012 to p/extraction Beam loss monitors Right upstream of the target : intensity, positions, profiles Beam position and angle at target at every extraction

6 Profiles Profiles Profiles Beam Current Monitor Beam dump Beam loss
monitors CNGS&LHC beam SPS extraction point SPS beam Safety beam stopper to target TT40 to LHC SPS

7 Profiles BLM BLM Beam in TT41 Position Intensity Profiles BPM BPM T40 Profiles BLM BLM Profiles

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