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6TH Grade Science Notebook

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1 6TH Grade Science Notebook
1st Semester 2017 WEATHER AND CLIMATE

2 Science: TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # A
[on the inside front cover…] First and Last Name Science Period TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # 9/11/17 9/12/17 9/13/17 9/14/17 9/15/17 9/18/17 9/19/17 9/20/17 9/21/17 9/22/17 9/25/17 9/26/17 9/27/17 9/28/17 9/29/17 10/2/17 10/3/17 10/4/17 10/5/17 10/6/17 10/9/17 10/10/17 10/11/17 10/12/17 10/13/17 Syllabus Science Safety SpongeBob Safety Pre-Assessment World Weather and Climate Peer Assessment How do Scientists Study the Earth? How do Scientists Study continued How do Scientists use data? The Scientific Process Views From Space Introducing storms Storms Storms Continued What is a Vortex? Interactive Notebook Quiz T-Storms, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes Severe Weather Severe Weather: Crash Course SW:CC Continued Crash Course Wrap-up Lab Set Up Investigating rates of heating and cooling Rates of heating and cooling continued Graphing and Interpreting data Notebook check 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 A

3 Science – Sept. 11, 2017 9/11/17 Syllabus Date Activity Title pg. #
10/16/17 10/17/17 10/18/17 10/19/17 10/20/17 10/23/17 10/24/17 10/25/17 10/26/17 10/30/17 10/31/17 11/1/17 11/2/17 11/3/17 Graphing and Interpreting data pt. 2 The source of Earth’s Heat Extending your knowledge Interactive Notebook Quiz #2 Investigating the temperature of air Atmosphere: multilayered blanket of… Atmosphere continued Temp of Air Lab Temp of Air Lab pt 2 Graphing Air Temperature Data Investigating how air moves lab Weather forecast/making meaning Interactive Notebook Quiz #3 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-77 78-79 Tape in: Ms. Guiler’s Expectations and Procedures D 1

4 Science – Sept. 11, 2017 9/11/17 2 3 Science Safety
LT: I can review the science safety expectations with my teacher, classmates and caretakers. Do Now: List 3 safety rules that you think are important to follow in the science classroom. I will be successful when I have: Read through my safety contract and signed it with my caretaker REFLECTION (IQIA) What do you think is the most important safety rule? Why? Homework: Safety Contract Due: Friday, 9/15/17 2 3

5 Science – Sept. 12, 2017 9/12/17 4 5 SpongeBob Safety
What could SpongeBob and Patrick do differently? LT: I can review science safety procedures with my classmates. Do Now: During a lab, is it ok to walk over to another lab station to see what they are doing? Why or why not. (Extra points for citing the rule) Broken Rule Fixed Rule I will be successful when I have: Worked with a partner to completed my SpongeBob safety rules worksheet. Fix at least 5 broken safety rules. REFLECTION (IQIA) Give an example of how you will be successful in the science classroom this year. (use at least 2 science safety rules in your explanation) TAPE IN: Sponge Bob Safety Homework: Safety Contract Due: Friday, 9/15/17 4 5

6 Science – Sept. 13, 2017 9/13/17 6 7 Pre-Assessment
LT: I can explain my understanding of weather and climate. Do Now: What is science? What do scientists do? How many different kinds of scientists can you think of? I will be successful when I have: Completed my weather and climate pre-assessment. REFLECTION (IQIA) How do you think weather and climate differ in Washington state? Homework: Safety Contract Due: Friday, 9/15/17 6 7

7 Science – Sept. 14, 2017 9/14/17 8 9 World Weather and Climate
LT: I can predict where weather events take place on our planet. Do Now: What do you know about hurricanes and how they form? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary: What is the main difference between weather and climate? I will be successful when I have: Predicted global weather and climate patterns using a world map. Taken at least 10 thoughtful notes on weather and climate REFLECTION (IQIA) What do you know now about weather and climate? What do you still wonder? TAPE IN: Weather and Climate World Map Homework: Safety Contract and Syllabus Due: Friday, 9/15/17 8 9

8 Science – Sept. 15, 2016 9/15/17 10 11 Peer Assessment
B A M E Has at least 6 of the 9 things completed from the list in Meeting Has at least 7 of the 9 things completed from Meeting All of the following are complete (you have referenced these with the online notebook) TOC Dates & Titles Page #s Do Nows LTs Notes Tape-ins Reflections Index Notebook has everything from Meeting plus… Is neat and organized Papers are taped in correctly! Success Criteria is self-evaluated LT: I can demonstrate my learning by providing feedback on a classmates interactive notebook. Do Now: What should you have in your notebook in order to score a “meeting”? I will be successful when I have: Finished my notes from yesterday. Updated the index Peer assess interactive notebook I gave you this score because ________________. To improve your score you can _______________. REFLECTION (IQIA) What did you do to improve your score in your notebook before you turned it in? TAPE IN: INB CHECK RUBRIC Homework: Safety Contract and Syllabus Due: TODAY, Friday, 9/15/17 10 11

9 Science – Sept. 18, 2017 9/18/17 How do scientists study the Earth? LT: I can analyze my own data and identify how scientists use data. Do Now: What is data and what do scientists use data for? I will be successful when I have: Analyzed class data Read and marked the text. What does the above data tell us about our class? How does it compare to other classes? What can we do to improve our data? REFLECTION (IQIA) How do scientist know which data to collect? Use textual evidence from the article to support your answer. Cite the paragraph that you found the information in. TAPE IN: “How Scientists Study the Earth” article Homework: none Due: n/a 12 13

10 Science – Sept. 19, 2017 9/19/17 14 15 How do scientists study cont.
LT: I can analyze my own data and identify how scientists use data. Do Now: What does the data on page 15 tell us now? Based on your reading, what did you find out about how scientists collect data? What do they need to do to collect it and how do they know what to collect? (Hint: check out your reflection from yesterday.) I will be successful when I have: Analyzed class data Read and marked the text. REFLECTION (IQIA) How is the work of a scientist like that of an explorer, an inventor, an engineer, and a writer? Homework: none Due: n/a 14 15

11 Science – Sept. 20, 2017 9/20/17 16 17 How do scientists use data?
LT: I can use reading strategies to better understand how scientists use data to study the Earth. Do Now: What do you think is the most important type of scientist from the reading and why? How does this kind of scientist use data? Take a few minutes to look through your notes from yesterday to add highlighted key words to your index. Create a list of those words on this page. (minimum of 8 words) Starting with Weather and Climate as the center, add vocabulary to create a concept map that shows the connections between these words. I will be successful when I have: Analyzed class data Added key words to my index Designed a graphic organizer to connect prior learning Summarized main points of article REFLECTION (IQIA) Explain your concept map connections in a (minimum 5 sentence) paragraph in order to summarize the main points of the article. TAPE IN: Concept map Homework: none Due: n/a 16 17

12 Science – Sept. 21, 2017 9/21/17 18 19 The Scientific Process
LT: I can explain how the scientific process enables scientists to generate accurate data. Do Now: What are some reasons scientists do experiments? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary: I will be successful when I have: Take at least 2 thoughtful notes per slide. REFLECTION (IQIA) How do scientists know if their results are accurate? Homework: none Due: n/a 18 19

13 Science – Sept. 22, 2017 9/22/17 20 21 Views from Space
Main Idea/?s Notes 1. According to the article, why did astronomers begin taking photos of Earth from space? 2. Why do you think the Earthrise photo had such a big effect on people who saw in in 1968? 3. What sorts of information can we gather about Earth that we could not have gathered before the 20th century? Summary: How has technology advanced since the 1960s to help us better predict weather? LT: I can explain how improvements in technology have helped the fields of atmospheric and earth science advance. Do Now: How do you think meteorologists are able to track hurricanes? What kind of instruments do they use? I will be successful when I have: Read and marked the text Worked with a partner to answer the questions using the text and citing textual evidence REFLECTION (IQIA) What kind of technology do you think we’ll have in the future that will help us predict storms and prevent loss of life? TAPE IN: Views from space Homework: none Due: n/a 20 21

14 Science – Sept. 25, 2017 9/25/17 22 23 Introducing Storms
Main Idea/?s Notes Question 2, A-D on page 22 Summary: Why do you think these storms move in a spiral? What is this spiral called according to the introduction on page 20? LT: I can view satellite images of clouds and identify movement patterns within the clouds. Do Now: Look back at your map from last week. Where do you think most hurricanes and tornadoes occur? Do you think there are similarities in the weather or climate of the areas where these two kinds of storms occur? Explain your thinking. I will be successful when I have: Finish reading views from space and answering questions Read Introducing Storms on page 20 Made predictions about patterns that occur in storm formation. Worked to answer the questions using the text and citing textual evidence REFLECTION (IQIA) Based on your reading from Friday, What are two types of technology we use to measure and/or predict these storms? TAPE IN: Introducing Storms Homework: none Due: n/a 22 23

15 Science – Sept. 26, 2017 9/26/17 24 25 Storms
LT: I can explain the movement of air in a hurricane or tornado using a model. Do Now: How would you define the word “vortex” based on your reading from yesterday? 1. Procedure (pgs 23-25) (paraphrase) 2. According to the article on pages 24-25, What is a tornado watch and what is a tornado warning? 3. Diagram of model 4. Summary questions A-C on page 25 I will be successful when I have: Created a working definition for the word “vortex.” Paraphrased the lab procedure and diagrammed the storm in a bottle model. Worked with a partner to model a vortex. Answered summary questions on page 25. REFLECTION (IQIA) What should you do if a tornado warning is given? Use text based evidence to support your thinking. Homework: none Due: n/a 24 25

16 Science – Sept. 27, 2017 9/27/17 26 27 Storms Continued
LT: I can reflect on what I’ve learned about vortices. Do Now: What does the water in the bottle represent in a real hurricane or tornado? What do the beads and glitter represent? Main Idea/?s Notes I will be successful when I have: Worked with a partner to answer questions on page 27. REFLECTION (IQIA) How does extreme weather information get to the public? Homework: none Due: n/a 26 27

17 Science – Sept. 28, 2017 9/28/17 28 29 What is a vortex?
LT: I can read to learn more about vortices and how they form. Do Now: Based on your diagrams from yesterday, what limitations do you think your model has when comparing it to a real tornado or hurricane? Main Idea/?s Notes I will be successful when I have: Read “What is a Vortex?” Answered the discussion questions in complete sentences using textual evidence. Finish notes from yesterday REFLECTION (IQIA) According to the reading, what elements are necessary for a vortex to form in the atmosphere? TAPE IN: What is a Vortex? Homework: none Due: n/a 28 29

18 Science – Sept. 29, 2017 9/29/17 30 31 Interactive Notebook Quiz
LT: I can demonstrate my learning by scoring a MEETING or higher on the INB quiz. Do Now: Take a few minutes to look through your notebook and compare it with your elbow partner. Do you have a complete and up-to-date notebook? If not, take this time to update. I will be successful when I have: Updated notebook Completed interactive notebook quiz to the best of my ability. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Homework: none Due: n/a 30 31

19 Science – Oct. 2, 2017 10/2/17 T-Storms, Tornadoes and Hurricanes LT: I will describe t-storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes using the article provided. Do Now: What is severe weather? How is it different from regular weather? How is it different from climate? Main Idea/?s Notes on “T-Storms, Tornadoes & Hurricanes” Summary: What was something that surprised you from the article? What is something you still wonder about? I will be successful when I have: Worked with my elbow partner using AVID reading strategies and take thoughtful and important notes on the article. (15 minimum) REFLECTION (IQIA) Which storm that you read about in the article do you think is the most dangerous/destructive? Explain your answer using textual evidence. TAPE IN: T-Storms, Tornadoes & Hurricanes 32 33

20 Science – Oct. 3, 2017 10/3/17 34 35 Severe Weather
LT: I will add to my understanding of severe weather by marking the text and writing a summary of my learning. Do Now: If you had to suffer a thunderstorm, a hurricane, or a tornado, which would you choose? Explain why. Main Idea/?s Notes on “T-Storms, Tornadoes & Hurricanes” 5 additional notes (minimum) Summary: If you were to make a scale for THUNDER STORMS, what would it look like? Design one. Make sure you give each level of intensity a name or number, measure the intensity, and describe the type of damage for each level. I will be successful when I have: worked with my elbow partner using AVID reading strategies and taken notes on the article (minimum of 20 total for yesterday and today combined) REFLECTION (IQIA) What was something that surprised you from the article? What was something you still wonder about? 34 35

21 Science – Oct. 4, 2017 10/4/17 36 37 Severe Weather: Crash Course
LT: I will add to my understanding of severe weather by designing a thunderstorm scale. Do Now: Take 20 minutes to finish your thunderstorm scale. Be prepared to share your scale with the class. Main Idea/?s Notes Define: -Thunderstorm -Tornado -Hurricane Summary: I will be successful when I have: Finished your Thunderstorm scale and shared it with the class. Taken at least 10 thoughtful notes on the video REFLECTION (IQIA) How do scales like the Enhanced Fujita scale, The Saffir/Simpson scale, and the scale you designed for Thunderstorms help scientists when predicting and preparing for severe weather? 36 37

22 Science – Oct. 5, 2017 10/5/17 Severe Weather: Crash Course Cont. LT: I will add to my understanding of severe weather by taking notes on the video. Do Now: What were some of the measurements that other students included in their thunderstorm scale. Which do you think was the most important measurement when deciding intensity of a thunderstorm? Why? Main Idea/?s Notes Define: -Thunderstorm -Tornado -Hurricane Summary: What was the biggest take-away from the video? Why is it so important? I will be successful when I have: Taken at least 10 thoughtful notes on the video (including your three definitions from yesterday) REFLECTION (IQIA) What do thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes have in common? What are some major differences between these three types of severe weather? 38 39

23 Science – Oct. 6, 2017 10/6/17 40 41 Crash Course Wrap-up
LT: I will add to my understanding of severe weather by taking notes on the video. Do Now: What are some pieces of data that scientist collect about severe weather? Why is this data important? Main Idea/?s Notes Define: -Thunderstorm -Tornado -Hurricane Summary: What was the biggest take-away from the video? Why is it so important? I will be successful when I have: Taken at least 10 thoughtful notes on the video (including your three definitions and any notes from yesterday) REFLECTION (IQIA) What are you going to do or have you done to improve your score on the summative? How will you ensure that you score a meeting or higher on the notebook check next Friday? 40 41

24 Science – Oct. 9, 2017 10/9/17 42 43 Lab Set Up
LT: I will demonstrate my understanding of tomorrow’s lab by working with a partner to put the procedure in my own words. Do Now: What will be the name of the next hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean according to your article? (Hint: We just had Hurricane Maria.) Main Idea/?s Lab Procedure on pgs Steps 5-14 Safety Tips: Steps: Diagram of the lab set up: (look at figure 3.2 on page 42) I will be successful when I have: Go over safety tips for the lab Work with a partner to outline the procedure for tomorrow’s investigation REFLECTION (IQIA) What is your hypothesis for tomorrow’s investigation? How will the water and soil heat and cool? Will one heat up faster? Will one hold the heat? Explain your reasoning. Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check on Friday! 42 43

25 Science – Oct. 10, 2017 10/10/17 Investigating Rates of Heating & Cooling LT: I will observe and record the rates at which equal volumes of soil and water heat and cool. Do Now: What are variables in an experiment? (Hint: There are three types of variables) Main Idea/?s Notes Manipulated Variable Responding Variable Controlled Variable What we change on purpose in an experiment - There should only be one What we measure in an experiment (Results) What stays the same in an experiment (in order to isolate the MV and RV) - There should be more than one Summary I will be successful when I have: Identified the variables in an experiment Get a stamp for a complete procedure Followed the procedure of this investigation and record temperature data. REFLECTION (IQIA) How can we make sure our data is valid when we run the lab again tomorrow? TAPE IN: Worksheet 3.1a Testing the heating and cooling rates of soil and water Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check on Friday! 44 45

26 Science – Oct. 11, 2017 10/11/17 Rates of Heating & Cooling continued LT: I will interpret the data that I have collected. Do Now: Look at the chart on the right. Interpret the three pieces of data. What does this mean for our class? What are our next steps? I will be successful when I have: Followed the procedure of this investigation and record temperature data. Interpret the data that you collected REFLECTION (IQIA) What did this investigation reveal about the heating and cooling of Earth’s surfaces? TAPE IN: Worksheet 3.1a Testing the heating and cooling rates of soil and water Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check on Friday! 46 47

27 Science – Oct. 11, 2017 10/11/17 Rates of Heating & Cooling continued LT: I will interpret the data that I have collected. Do Now: Look at the chart on the right. Interpret the three pieces of data. What does this mean for our class? What are our next steps? I will be successful when I have: Followed the procedure of this investigation and record temperature data. Interpret the data that you collected REFLECTION (IQIA) What did this investigation reveal about the heating and cooling of Earth’s surfaces? TAPE IN: Worksheet 3.1a Testing the heating and cooling rates of soil and water Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check on Friday! 46 47

28 Science – Oct. 12, 2017 10/12/17 48 49 Graphing and Interpreting data
LT: I will graph and analyze the heating and cooling rates of soil and water Do Now: What kind of graph would best represent the data we collected yesterday? Why? Main Idea/?s Notes on Graphs Bar Graphs Pie Graphs Line Graphs T.A.I.L.S. Comparing data Amounts Percentages Parts of a whole Fractions Changes Progression over time Title Axis Increment Labels Scale Summary What kind of graph should we use for our data? I will be successful when I have: Explained the purpose of different kinds of graphs. Graphed my data points from yesterday’s lab. Interpreted the graph comparing heating and cooling of water and soil over time. REFLECTION (IQIA) What story does our data tell us? Which heated up faster, soil or water? Which cooled down faster? How do you know? Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check on Friday! 48 49

29 Science – Oct. 13, 2017 10/13/17 50 51 Notebook Check #2
A M E Has at least 6 of the 9 things completed from the list in Meeting Has at least 7 of the 9 things completed from Meeting All of the following are complete (you have referenced these with the online notebook) TOC Dates & Titles Page #s Do Nows LTs Notes Tape-ins Reflections Index Notebook has everything from Meeting plus… Is neat and organized Papers are taped in correctly! Success Criteria is self-evaluated LT: I will demonstrate my learning by providing feedback on a classmates interactive notebook. Do Now: Take 10 minutes to finish your graph from yesterday. I will be stamping for completion. Make sure you include T.A.I.L.S. I will be successful when I have: Peer assessed my neighbors interactive notebook and gave them feedback on how to improve their score. REFLECTION (IQIA) I gave you this score because ________________. To improve your score you can _______________. What did you do to improve your score in your notebook before you turned it in? TAPE IN: INB RUBRIC Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check TODAY! 50 51

30 Science – Oct. 16, 2017 10/16/17 Graphing and interpreting Data pt. 2 LT: I will interpret data to compare ocean and land temperatures Do Now: What story does our data tell us? Which heated up faster, soil or water? Which cooled down faster? How do you know? (Hint: look at the graph on the right.) I will be successful when I have: Read “weather vs. climate” on page 44. Finished graphing my data points from our lab. Answer “reflecting on what you’ve done” questions A-E on page 45. Answer “reflecting on what you’ve done” questions A-E on page 45. REFLECTION (IQIA) What does this data tell us about the heating and cooling of the land and oceans on Earth? What would you expect the climate to be like near the ocean? What would you expect it to be like in areas not near the ocean? TAPE IN: Graph Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook quiz (Friday) 52 53

31 Science – Oct. 17, 2017 10/17/17 54 55 The Source of Earth’s Heat
LT: I will explain what happens to energy from the sun when it reaches the Earth. Do Now: What would you expect the climate to be like on the coast (near the ocean) compared to the climate of the land that is far away from any major bodies of water? Explain why using evidence from our lab. Main Idea/?s Notes from Article (12 total notes) Summary Draw a diagram of what happens to the energy from the sun when it enters Earth’s atmosphere. I will be successful when I have: Read “The Source of Earth’s Heat” on pages in my text book. Worked with a partner to mark the text and answer discussion questions 1&2 at the end of the article. REFLECTION (IQIA) Discussion questions 1-2 on page 49 of your text book. Add at least 3 new words to your index TAPE IN: “The Source of Earth’s Heat” article Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook quiz (Friday) 54 55

32 Science – Oct. 18, 2017 10/18/17 56 57 Extending your Knowledge
LT: I will use the article to further explain how the uneven heating of the Earth affects the atmosphere. Do Now: According to the article, “The Source of Earth’s Heat,” what is the cause of seasons on Earth? (you may draw a diagram to help you explain your thinking.) I will be successful when I have: Finished reading “The Source of Earth’s Heat”, marking the text, and taking notes (12 total). Answered discussion questions 1&2 at the end of the article (yesterday’s reflection) Answered the refection questions on the half sheet REFLECTION (IQIA) *Half sheet provided Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz Friday “A” DAY 56 57

33 Science – Oct. 20, 2017 10/20/17 60 61 Interactive Notebook Quiz #2
LT: I can demonstrate my learning by scoring a MEETING or higher on the INB quiz. Do Now: Take a few minutes to look through your notebook and compare it with your elbow partner. Do you have a complete and up-to-date notebook? If not, take this time to update. I will be successful when I have: Updated notebook Completed interactive notebook quiz to the best of my ability. Finished reading “The Source of Earth’s Heat”, marking the text, and taking notes (12 total) and answered discussion questions 1 & 2 if not finished. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz Today! “A” DAY 60 61

34 Science – Oct. 23, 2017 10/23/17 Investigating the temperature of Air LT: I will explain the procedure for the upcoming lab. Do Now: How do surface temperatures of the earth affect the air above it? (How do the geosphere and hydrosphere affect the atmosphere?) I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Steps 5-12 of the Procedure (pgs 61-63) Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set-up on page 62 of your text book. Read as a class the introduction Worked with a partner to put steps 5-12 on pgs of my text book into my own words. REFLECTION (IQIA) What are the variables for this experiment? MV RV CVs Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz Today! “B” DAY 62 63

35 Science – Oct. 24, 2017 10/24/17 Atmosphere: a multilayered blanket of air LT: I will describe the atmosphere and its layers. Do Now: Look at the data on the right. Was the quiz on Friday fair? Why or why not? (5th period: make a prediction about our final summative score. What kind of growth do you think we will see?) I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere on page 51 of your text book. Read “The Atmosphere: A multilayered blanket of air”, marked the text, and taken at least 8 notes on the right hand side. Diagrammed the layers of atmosphere on Earth. Added important words to my index. REFLECTION (IQIA) We live in the troposphere. Could we live in any of the other layers of the atmosphere? Why or why not? TAPE IN: “The Atmosphere…” article Homework: Update Notebook Due: n/a “A” DAY 64 65

36 Science – Oct. 25, 2017 10/25/17 66 67 The atmosphere continued
LT: I will describe the atmosphere and its layers and explain how the wind blows. Do Now: According to “The atmosphere” article, how is the atmosphere like a blanket? I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere on page 51 of your text book. Taken the pre-assessment on wind Finished reading “The Atmosphere: A multilayered blanket of air”, marked the text, and taken at least 8 notes on the right hand side. Diagrammed the layers of atmosphere on Earth. Added important words to my index. REFLECTION (IQIA) Why is it important to record baseline data before starting our experiment tomorrow? Homework: Update Notebook Due: n/a “B” DAY 66 67

37 Science – Oct. 26, 2017 10/26/17 Investigating the temp of air lab LT: I will investigate the effect of surface temperature on the temperature of the air above the surface and it’s resulting movement. Do Now: According to “The atmosphere” article, does temperature always decrease at higher altitudes? Use evidence from the article to explain your thinking. I will be successful when I have: Followed the steps of the procedure and collected data with my lab group. Draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere on page 51 of your text book and add vocab to your index REFLECTION (IQIA) What did the data you collected today tell you about how the Earth’s surface temperature affects the temperature of the air above it? TAPE IN: Lab worksheet 4.1 Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “A” DAY 68 69

38 Science – Oct. 30, 2017 10/30/17 Investigating the temp of air lab pt 2 LT: I will hypothesize about the transfer of heat from the earth’s surface to the air above it. Do Now: What kind of graph should we use for the data that we will collect in this lab? Why is that the best choice? I will be successful when I have: Followed the steps of the procedure and collected data with my lab group. Graph my data REFLECTION (IQIA) Write a conclusion that explains the results from your lab. Tell whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect and how you know. Explain how the temperature of the surface affects the temperature of the air above it. TAPE IN: Lab worksheet 4.1 (2nd version) Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “B” DAY 70 71

39 Science – Oct. 31, 2017 10/31/17 Investigating how warm and cold air move LT: I will be able to explain the procedure for the up coming lab. Do Now: Make a hypothesis: How do warm and cold air move differently? Why? Explain your thinking. (Hint: you can use prior experience with convection tubes or use what you know about the Earth.) Main Idea/?s Steps 4-9 of the procedure (pages 64-67) Safety Tip: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the picture on page 64 of your text book I will be successful when I have: Graph my data from air temp lab Worked with a partner to put steps 4-9 on pgs of my text book into my own words. Drawn a diagram to represent the set up for tomorrow’s lab REFLECTION (IQIA) What are the variables for this experiment (4.2)? MV RV CVs TAPE IN: Graph for Investigating Temp of Air Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “A” DAY 72 73

40 Science – Nov. 1, 2017 11/1/17 74 75 Investigating how air moves Lab
LT: I will compare and contrast the movement of warm air and cool air. Do Now: What is the testable question for this experiment? Main Idea/?s Notes Testable Question Formula: Qualitative data: Quantitative data: How does the MV affect the RV? Descriptive data, observations Numerical data, measurements Summary Draw a diagram and describe what you observed. Make sure you show the movement of the air in your drawing using arrows and labels. I will be successful when I have: Followed the steps of the procedure and collected data with my lab group. Write a conclusion for your lab results REFLECTION (IQIA) Write a conclusion that explains the results from your lab. Tell whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect and how you know. Explain how the temperature of the air affects its movement inside the convection tubes. Are these qualitative or quantitative results? Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “B” DAY 74 75

41 Science – Nov. 2, 2017 11/2/17 76 77 What’s the Weather Forecast?
LT: I will extend my knowledge of how the weather is predicted. Do Now: How is finding patterns important in the study of weather? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary How can computers be important in the forecasting of weather? I will be successful when I have: Read and marked the text with an elbow partner. Taken at least one note per paragraph. Included new vocabulary in my index. Written a meaningful summary of the article. REFLECTION (IQIA) According to the article, the science of weather forecasting is a lot like the science of medicine. How so? TAPE IN: Article “What’s the weather forecast” Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “A” DAY 76 77

42 Science – Nov. 2, 2017 11/2/17 Chalk Talk Protocol:
= Making Meaning Chalk Talk Protocol: The ONLY talking during Chalk Talk is the marker moving on the paper (completely silent)! Comment on other people’s ideas on the paper by simply drawing a connecting line to the comment (kind words ONLY). Add comments like: I’m adding to this because I disagree because Yes! I agree because Ms. G said…. You can add a new Comment if it’s a new idea or concept We will have 3 minutes at each table! LT: I will provide evidence to support my thinking around the uneven heating of earths surfaces and how it affects air temperature. Do Now: : What have you discovered so far about how the temperature of air affects the way it moves? I will be successful when I have: Participated in the chalk talk and the Socratic seminar Taken notes on each question on my graphic organizer Used at least 2 pieces of evidence/data to support my thinking on the exit ticket. REFLECTION (IQIA) *Exit ticket ESS2-5: surface temperatures and air temperatures. TAPE IN: Socratic Jigsaw Homework: Update Notebook Due: INB QUIZ FRIDAY 11/3/17 “A” DAY 76 77


44 Science – Nov. 3, 2017 11/3/17 78 79 Interactive Notebook Quiz #3
LT: I will demonstrate my learning by scoring a MEETING or higher on the INB quiz. Do Now: : Take a few minutes to look through your notebook and compare it with your elbow partner. Do you have a complete and up-to-date notebook? If not, take this time to update I will be successful when I have: Updated notebook Completed interactive notebook quiz to the best of my ability. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Homework: none Due: INB QUIZ TODAY, 11/3/17 “B” DAY 78 79

45 Science – Nov. 6, 2017 11/6/17 80 81 Wild Weather
LT: I will understand the factors that influence severe weather. Do Now: What are some factors that may influence severe weather? Main Idea/?s Video Notes Summary What were the big “take-aways” from the video? What surprised you? I will be successful when I have: Watched video for understanding Took at least 15 thoughtful notes from the video – make sure to include the 3 factors that influence all weather REFLECTION (IQIA) What kinds of severe weather would you predict could happen here in Tacoma? Explain your thinking using evidence from the video. Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “A” DAY 80 81

46 New Notebook 11/7/17

47 Science: TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # A
[on the inside front cover…] First and Last Name Science Period TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Activity Title pg. # 11/6/17 11/7/17 11/8/17 11/9/17 11/13 /17 11/14/17 11/15/17 11/16/17 11/17/17 11/20/17 11/27/17 11/28/17 11/29/17 11/30/17 12/1/17 12/4/17 12/5/17 12/6/17 12/7/17 12/11/17 12/12/17 12/13/17 12/14/17 1/2/18 1/3/18 1/4/18 1/5/18 Wild Weather Notes Convection Currents in the Air Convection Currents in the Air pt. 2 Convection Currents in the Air Lab Reflecting on What You’ve Done Why does the wind blow? Why does the wind blow continued Summative Review Summative: Why does the wind blow? Wind Unit Wrap-up Weather Fronts Weather Fronts Continued Weather Fronts Wrap-up Modeling the Effects of Air Lab Write Up INB CHECK #3 Temperature, pressure & cloud formation Modeling the effects of air lab Dixie Alley Dixie Alley Continued Pre-assessment The Greenhouse Effect The Greenhouse Effect part 2 INB Quiz #3 The Truth about Air The Truth About Air part 2 Investigating the storm surge write up INB QUIZ #4 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 A

48 Science: TOC Date Activity Title pg. # B C 1/8/18 1/9/18 1/10/18
1/11/18 1/12/18 1/16/18 1/17/18 1/18/18 1/19/18 1/22/18 1/23/18 1/24/18 1/25/18 Investigating the storm surge write up Investigating the storm surge lab Investigating the storm surge lab cont. 2005: the year of hurricane firsts Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina Continued Water cycle review Summative review INB QUIZ #5 Intro to climate change research Climate change research data Climate change research topic Climate change research topic cont. 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-77 78-79 B C

49 Science – Nov. 6, 2017 11/6/17 Wild Weather Notes
Date Activity Title pg. # . Tape in: Wild Weather Video Notes D 1

50 Science – Nov. 7, 2017 11/7/17 2 3 Convection Currents in the Air
LT: I will set up an investigation that demonstrates what happens to two air masses when they meet Do Now: Take a few minutes to read the introduction to convection currents in the air on page 74. In your own words, what is a convection current and how does it relate to the wind blowing? Main Idea/?s Steps 5-9 of the procedure (pg. 78) Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the picture on page 77 of your text book I will be successful when I have: Read introduction. Read “Air Masses” on pg 66. Worked with a partner to put steps 5-9 on pgs of my text book into my own words. Drawn a diagram to represent the set up for tomorrow’s lab REFLECTION (IQIA) What are the variables for this experiment? MV RV CVs Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “B” DAY 2 3

51 Science – Nov. 8, 2017 11/8/17 4 5 Convection Currents in the Air pt 2
LT: I will set up an investigation that demonstrates what happens to two air masses when they meet Do Now: In your wild weather notes from Monday, what were the three factors that affect all weather? Main Idea/?s Steps 5-9 of the procedure (pg. 78) Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the picture on page 77 of your text book I will be successful when I have: Read “Air Masses” on pg 66. Worked with a partner to put steps 5-9 on pgs of my text book into my own words. Drawn a diagram to represent the set up for tomorrow’s lab Finish quizzes REFLECTION (IQIA) What are the variables for this experiment? MV RV CVs TAPE IN: worksheet 5.1a – “When air masses meet” Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “A” DAY 4 5

52 Science – Nov. 9, 2017 11/9/17 6 7 Convection Currents in the Air Lab
LT: I will collect qualitative data to explain what happens when two air masses meet. Do Now: Take 5 minutes to make sure your procedure from yesterday is complete. You will need a stamp to be able to participate in today’s lab. I will be successful when I have: Followed the steps of the procedure and collected qualitative data with my lab group. Write a conclusion for you lab results REFLECTION (IQIA) Write a conclusion that explains the results from your lab. Tell whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect and how you know. How did the air move when two cold air masses were tested? Two hot air masses? How did the air move when a hot air mass and cold air mass were tested? Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “B” DAY 6 7

53 Science – Nov. 13, 2017 11/13/17 8 9 Reflecting on what you’ve done
LT: I will relate the movement of air within the convection model to the formation of wind. Do Now: Take a worksheet from the front and follow the directions to explain what you discovered in Thursday’s lab. Main Idea/?s Reflection questions 1-3 on page 79 1. 2. 3. Convection Current: Weather Front: Summary Read “Air Masses” on page 66 again. Where in the US do you think air masses with different temperature and humidity conditions might meet? I will be successful when I have: Fill out the worksheet to explain my thinking about Thursday’s lab Worked with an elbow partner to answer reflection questions 1-3 on page 79 of your text book. Add to index: Convection Current and Weather Front REFLECTION (IQIA) Exit Ticket - What do you know now about why the wind blows? TAPE IN: Worksheet 5.1b “Convection on the Earth” Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “A” DAY 8 9

54 Science – Nov. 14, 2017 11/14/17 10 11 Why does the wind blow?
LT: I will compare the movement of air within the model to the formation of land and sea breezes and the development of tornadoes. Do Now: How are “unstable air mass,” “convection current,” and “weather front” connected? Explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Draw a diagram of a land breeze and a sea breeze using red and blue to indicate what is warm and what is cool. I will be successful when I have: Number the paragraphs Read and mark the text. Circle words that are unfamiliar in red and circle words that seem important in green. Highlight main ideas. Take at least one note per paragraph. Include new vocabulary in your index. REFLECTION (IQIA) How does the model from the lab demonstrate what causes all winds? Use evidence from the article to support your thinking. TAPE IN: Article “Why does the wind blow?” Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “B” DAY 10 11

55 Science – Nov. 15, 2017 11/15/17 Why does the wind blow continued LT: I will compare the movement of air within the model to the formation of land and sea breezes and the development of tornadoes. Do Now: Take 5 minutes to make sure you have marked the text and be prepared to share your circled words. Then: Take a look at your refection from yesterday. How does the model from the lab demonstrate what causes all winds? Use evidence from the article to support your thinking. Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Draw a diagram of a land breeze and a sea breeze using red and blue to indicate what is warm and what is cool. I will be successful when I have: Finished reading and marking the text. Circle words that are unfamiliar in red and circle words that seem important in green. Highlight main ideas. Taken at least one note per paragraph. Included new vocabulary in your index. REFLECTION (IQIA) What is the difference between a land breeze and a sea breeze? (Hint: explain what is happening and why in your summary diagrams. Use evidence from the article to explain your thinking.) Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “A” DAY 12 13

56 Science – Nov. 16, 2017 11/16/17 14 15 Summative Review
LT: I will demonstrate my learning by using textual evidence to support my understanding of why the wind blows. Do Now: According to your article, the Jet Stream helps high-flying airplanes travel east. Planes going west try to avoid the Jet Stream. Can you figure out why? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary What was the biggest take-away from the video? Did you notice anything in the video that was also in the article? Explain. I will be successful when I have: Take at least 10 notes on the video. REFLECTION (IQIA) Exit ticket: why does the wind blow? Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “B” DAY 14 15

57 Science – Nov. 17, 2017 11/17/17 When you are finished you may:
Summative: Why does the wind blow? LT: I will demonstrate my learning by scoring a meeting or higher on the quiz Do Now: Take out your notebook. You will have approximately 5 minutes to look through your notes. Write down any questions you still have and we will go over them before we begin the quiz. I will be successful when I have: When you are finished you may: Read a book Draw Work on something from another class Please stay at volume zero until everyone is finished. Used my notebook and the rubric to score a meeting or higher on the quiz. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Explain your thinking Homework: Update INB Due: INB QUIZ Friday, 11/17/17 “A” DAY 16 17

58 Science – Nov. 20, 2017 11/20/17 18 19 Wind Unit Wrap-Up
LT: I will update my notebook and choose a summative to study for and retake Do Now: We will be taking the first 20 minutes of class as silent work time in order for everyone to finish their summative from Friday Main Idea/?s Notes on summative retake of your choice I will be successful when I have: Finished wind summative. Identified my lowest summative score on my progress report. Get a computer and get on our classroom website in order to update your notebook and study for the summative you will be retaking tomorrow. REFLECTION (IQIA) What summative are you retaking tomorrow? What steps will you take to ensure you improve your score and therefore your grade in this class? Homework: Update INB, study for retake Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday 11/21/17 “B” DAY 18 19

59 Science – Nov. 27, 2017 11/27/17 20 21 Weather Fronts
LT: I will create a fictitious weather forecast using my knowledge of weather and climate. Do Now: Based on what we have covered so far, what is the weather like on the boundary of a weather front? How do you know? Main Idea/?s Notes on summative retake of your choice Forecast includes all aspects of a good forecast: temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, wind, high/low pressure, and direction of the Jet Stream and one weather front. Geography of our region should be taken into account (hint: we are near the Pacific Ocean)- forecast is accurate for our region’s climate. I will be successful when I have: Close read weather fronts. Take 4 notes on the video “what are weather fronts” Create your own fictitious weather forecast that includes all aspects of a good forecast and at least one weather front REFLECTION (IQIA) Why was the name “occluded front” given to that particular weather system? TAPE IN: Weather Fronts Article Homework: Interactive Notebook Check Due: Friday 12/1/17 “B” DAY 20 21

60 Science – Nov. 28, 2017 11/28/17 22 23 Weather Fronts Continued
Meeting/ Exceeding Approaching Beginning # of days included in forecast 5 days in forecast 4 days in forecast 3 days or less in forecast Information in forecast Cloud cover, precipitation type, temperature (high/low), fronts Lacking in one of the previously mentioned criteria Lacking in 2 or more of the previously mentioned criteria Reasoning for forecast Shows a complete understanding of weather systems and uses our regions climate as a guideline Shows a fairly good understanding of weather systems Shows some understanding of weather systems Visual Aid Weather map complete with proper use of symbols, or forecast with icons, large enough for us to see (fronts and high and low pressure) Weather map or forecast with partial or incorrect use of symbols or icons, large enough for us to see Weather map or forecast, no use of symbols or icons, but large enough for us to see LT: I will create a fictitious weather forecast using my knowledge of weather and climate. Do Now: According to your Article from yesterday, What is the difference between a warm front and a cold front? I will be successful when I have: Watch weather forecast video (notes optional) Create your own fictitious weather forecast that includes all aspects of a good forecast and at least one weather front – use the rubric on the right side to write your weather forecast. REFLECTION (IQIA) You may have noticed in the video that low pressure systems occur where warm and cold fronts meet. Why is this? Explain your thinking. TAPE IN: Weather map Homework: Interactive Notebook Check Due: Friday 12/1/17 “A” DAY 22 23

61 Science – Nov. 29, 2017 11/29/17 24 25 Weather Fronts Wrap-Up
Meeting/ Exceeding Approaching Beginning # of days included in forecast 5 days in forecast 4 days in forecast 3 days or less in forecast Information in forecast Cloud cover, precipitation type, temperature (high/low), fronts Lacking in one of the previously mentioned criteria Lacking in 2 or more of the previously mentioned criteria Reasoning for forecast Shows a complete understanding of weather systems and uses our regions climate as a guideline Shows a fairly good understanding of weather systems Shows some understanding of weather systems Visual Aid Weather map complete with proper use of symbols, or forecast with icons, large enough for us to see (fronts and high and low pressure) Weather map or forecast with partial or incorrect use of symbols or icons, large enough for us to see Weather map or forecast, no use of symbols or icons, but large enough for us to see LT: I will create a fictitious weather forecast using my knowledge of weather and climate. Do Now: What kind of weather fronts are red? What direction is the red front near Texas moving? How do you know? I will be successful when I have: Watch weather forecast video (notes optional) Continue to work on your fictitious weather forecast – use the rubric on the right side to write your weather forecast. This is due at the end of the period. Share your weather forecast with a elbow partner before turning it in. Have them give you a score based on the rubric. REFLECTION (IQIA) What kind of weather front or pressure system would you hypothesize is happening outside right now? Explain your thinking. Homework: Interactive Notebook Check Due: Friday 12/1/17 “B” DAY 24 25

62 Science – Nov. 30, 2017 11/30/17 Modeling the Effects of Air Write-up LT: I will set up an investigation that models and describes the air pressure conditions under which clouds form. Do Now: What do you already know about the water cycle? You may draw a picture to help you explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Steps 6-9 on pg 100 & steps 1-7 on pgs Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the pictures on pages 100 and 101 of your text book I will be successful when I have: Read “Hurricane formation and the water cycle” on pg 98. Worked with a partner to put steps 6-9 on pg. 100 and steps 1-7 on pages of my text book into my own words. Drawn a diagram to represent the set up for Monday’s lab REFLECTION (IQIA) Is the data we are collecting in this experiment qualitative or quantitative? Explain your thinking. What are the variables for experiment 6.2? MV RV CVs Homework: Interactive Notebook Check Due: Friday 12/1/17 “A” DAY 26 27

63 Science – Dec. 1, 2017 12/1/17 28 29 Notebook Check #3
A M E Has at least 6 of the 9 things completed from the list in Meeting Has at least 7 of the 9 things completed from Meeting All of the following are complete (you have referenced these with the online notebook) TOC Dates & Titles Page #s Do Nows LTs Notes Tape-ins Reflections Index Notebook has everything from Meeting plus… Is neat and organized Papers are taped in correctly! Success Criteria is self-evaluated LT: I will demonstrate my learning by providing feedback on a classmates interactive notebook. Do Now: Review the last ten pages in your notebook and update it with an elbow partner. I will pass out the rubric in a few minutes. If you need a computer I will send a few students to help pass them out I will be successful when I have: Peer assessed my neighbors interactive notebook and gave them feedback on how to improve their score. REFLECTION (IQIA) I gave you this score because ________________. To improve your score you can _______________. What did you do to improve your score in your notebook before you turned it in? TAPE IN: INB RUBRIC Homework: Update Notebook Notebook Check TODAY! “B” Day 28 29

64 Science – Dec. 4, 2017 12/4/17 Temperature, Pressure & Cloud formation LT: I will analyze weather maps, classify fronts, identify high and low pressure systems, and determine the weather conditions associated with each. Do Now: What do we know about how clouds form? Main Idea/?s Notes Video Notes Questions A-C on page 96 of your book Summary What are the similarities and differences between the three maps? I will be successful when I have: Taken at least 5 video notes. Worked with an elbow partner to analyze the weather maps on pages of the book. Gotten a stamp on your procedure for the lab tomorrow REFLECTION (IQIA) Write a hypothesis for the lab tomorrow. What will happen when you rub the ice on the outside of that bottle? What will happen when you squeeze the bottle? Explain your thinking. Make sure you have finished your procedure for the lab tomorrow. Raise your hand when you are ready for a stamp. TAPE IN: Temp., pressure and cloud formation Planner: Dixie Alley Cont. Homework: none “A” DAY 30 31

65 Science – Dec. 5, 2017 12/5/17 Record your observations:
Modeling the effects of Air Lab Record your observations: Answer questions A-E on page (Hypothesis) What did you see? (Observation) Why did this happen? (Inference) Draw a diagram of what you observed. LT: I will model and describe how water evaporates and condenses and how these processes play a part in cloud formation. Do Now: Take 5 minutes to make sure your procedure from yesterday is complete. You will need a stamp to be able to participate in today’s lab. I will be successful when I have: Followed the steps of the procedure and collected qualitative data with my lab group. Write a conclusion for your lab results REFLECTION (IQIA) Write a conclusion that explains the results from your lab. Tell whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect and how you know. How did the air pressure affect what you observed in the bottle? How do you think this model represents how clouds form in the atmosphere? Homework: None “B” Day 32 33

66 Science – Dec. 6, 2017 12/6/17 34 35 Dixie Alley
LT: I will identify the atmospheric conditions that contribute to severe weather like tornadoes Do Now: Take a look at the reflection from yesterday. Take 10 minutes to finish writing your conclusion for the cloud in a bottle lab. Be prepared to share your findings. I will be successful when I have: Finish conclusion from yesterday’s lab Number the paragraphs Read and mark the text. Circle words that are unfamiliar in red and circle words that seem important in green. Highlight main ideas. REFLECTION (IQIA) Pre-read the article tonight and come up with a level 2 or 3 question for us to answer tomorrow. TAPE IN: Danger in Dixie Alley article Homework: None “A” Day 34 35

67 Science – Dec. 7, 2017 12/7/17 36 37 Dixie Alley continued.
LT: I will identify the atmospheric conditions that contribute to severe weather like tornadoes. Do Now: Write down a level 2 or 3 question about the reading from yesterday. Main Idea/?s Video Notes 1 note per paragraph: Discussion Questions: Why do you think Dixie Alley, which used to be overlooked as an area of tornado danger, became prominent in the news after 2010? Do you think your home is built to withstand a tornado well? Why or why not? Summary What do you know now about tornadoes now? I will be successful when I have: Read and mark the text. Circle words that are unfamiliar in red and circle words that seem important in green. Highlight main ideas. Take at least one note per paragraph from yesterday’s article Include new vocabulary in your index. REFLECTION (IQIA) Why do you think the job of a storm chaser is so important? What can we learn from them? Homework: None “B” Day 36 37

68 Science – Dec. 11, 2017 12/11/17 38 39 Pre-Assessment
LT: I will complete my pre-assessment to the best of my ability. Do Now: Take 5 minutes to finish the reflection from Friday and be prepared to share your thoughts. I will be successful when I have: Completed pre-assessment to the best of my ability. Finished the video from Friday REFLECTION (IQIA) We have been talking about the water cycle. What role does it play in weather and/or severe weather like we saw in the video? Homework: Update Notebook INB QUIZ ON FRIDAY! “B” Day 38 39

69 Science – Dec. 12, 2017 12/12/17 40 41 The Greenhouse effect
LT: I will understand the causes and effects of global climate change. Do Now: What is climate change and what is it caused by? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary What do you know now about the greenhouse effect and climate change? I will be successful when I have: Watch and listen for understanding Take at least 15 notes Add “Climate Change” and the “Greenhouse Effect” to your index REFLECTION (IQIA) What is the greenhouse effect? What is climate change? How do humans play a part in climate change? Homework: Update Notebook INB QUIZ ON FRIDAY! “A” Day 40 41

70 Science – Dec. 13, 2017 12/13/17 42 43 The Greenhouse effect Part 2
LT: I will understand the causes and effects of global climate change. Do Now: How are the greenhouse effect and climate change similar and how are they different? Main Idea/?s Notes Summary What do you know now about the greenhouse effect and climate change? I will be successful when I have: Watch and listen for understanding Take at least 15 notes Add “Climate Change” and the “Greenhouse Effect” to your index REFLECTION (IQIA) What can we do as individuals to slow the effects of global climate change? Give at least 2 examples. Homework: Update Notebook INB QUIZ ON FRIDAY! “B” Day 42 43

71 Science – Jan. 2, 2018 1/2/18 46 47 The Truth About Air
LT: I can explain the properties of air and how barometric pressure affects weather. Do Now: What was the most memorable part of your winter break? What did you do? Where did you go? What did you eat? What gifts did you get? (minimum 1 paragraph – 3 to 5 sentences) Main Idea/?s Notes Define: Barometric pressure Summary Draw a picture of what you think Torricelli’s barometer looked like I will be successful when I have: Read and marked the text in “The Truth About Air” article. (8 notes) Identified and described barometric pressure as a factor that affects the weather. Added barometric pressure to index REFLECTION (IQIA) Give two examples of how barometric pressure affects the weather. Why does this happen? TAPE IN: “The truth about air” article Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz Friday! “A” DAY 46 47

72 Science – Jan. 3, 2018 1/3/18 48 49 The Truth About Air pt 2
LT: I can explain the properties of air and how barometric pressure affects weather. Do Now: Why does a weather forecast frequently include a barometer reading? (Use the article as evidence to support your claim) What were two examples of how barometric pressure affects the weather? Main Idea/?s Notes Define: Barometric pressure Summary How does a barometer work? I will be successful when I have: Finished reading and marked the text in “The Truth About Air” article. (8 notes) Identified and described barometric pressure as a factor that affects the weather. Added barometric pressure to index Draw a diagram of the barometer and explain how it works. REFLECTION (IQIA) If you had to design a barometer using materials available in your home or classroom, how would you do it? Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz Friday! “B” DAY 48 49

73 Science – Jan. 4, 2018 1/4/18 Investigating the storm surge write up LT: I can review previous knowledge of hurricanes and their locations for the up coming lab. Do Now: If you knew a hurricane was on it’s way to Tacoma (because you saw the mercury falling), what preparations would you make for you and your family if you were unable to leave the area? Explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Steps 2-15 on pgs Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the pictures on pg 117 I will be successful when I have: Read “Hurricane Formation and impact” on pages of the text book. Work with a partner to paraphrase steps 2-15 for the up coming lab. REFLECTION (IQIA) Is the data we are collecting in this experiment qualitative or quantitative? Explain how you know. What are the variables for experiment 7.1? MV RV CVs Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz TOMORROW, 1/5/18! “A” DAY 50 51

74 Science – Jan. 5, 2018 1/5/18 When you are finished you may:
INB QUIZ #4 LT: I will demonstrate my learning by scoring a meeting or higher on the quiz Do Now: Take out your notebook. You will have approximately 5 minutes to look through your notes. Write down any questions you still have and we will go over them before we begin the quiz. When you are finished you may: Read a book Draw Work on something from another class Please stay at volume zero until everyone is finished. I will be successful when I have: Used my notebook and the rubric to score a meeting or higher on the quiz. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Explain your thinking Homework: Update Notebook Due: Notebook Quiz TODAY, 1/5/18! “B” DAY 52 53

75 Science – Jan. 8, 2018 1/8/18 Investigating the storm surge write up pt 2 LT: I can review previous knowledge of hurricanes and their locations for the up coming lab. Do Now: Before we go over the data, share with me how you felt about Friday’s quiz. Was it fair? Why or why not? Do you feel differently now that you see the data? Explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Steps 2-15 on pgs Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the pictures on pg 117 I will be successful when I have: Gone over quiz from Friday Work with a partner to finish paraphrasing steps 2-15 for tomorrow’s lab. Gotten a stamp for completion of lab write up REFLECTION (IQIA) Is the data we are collecting in this experiment qualitative or quantitative? Explain how you know. What are the variables for experiment 7.1? MV RV CVs Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “A” DAY 54 55

76 Science – Jan. 8, 2018 1/8/18 Investigating the storm surge write up pt 2 LT: I can review previous knowledge of hurricanes and their locations for the up coming lab. Do Now: Before we go over the data, share with me how you felt about Friday’s quiz. Was it fair? Why or why not? Do you feel differently now that you see the data? Explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Steps 2-15 on pgs Materials: Safety Tips: Steps: Summary Draw a diagram of the lab set up using the pictures on pg 117 I will be successful when I have: Gone over quiz from Friday Work with a partner to finish paraphrasing steps 2-15 for tomorrow’s lab. Gotten a stamp for completion of lab write up REFLECTION (IQIA) Is the data we are collecting in this experiment qualitative or quantitative? Explain how you know. What are the variables for experiment 7.1? MV RV CVs Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “A” DAY 54 55

77 Science – Jan. 9, 2018 1/9/18 Investigating the storm surge (Lab) LT: I can investigate and model the factors that affect the height of storm surge. Do Now: Take 5 minutes to make sure you have finished your steps (2-15), materials list, safety tip, and diagram. You will need a stamp for completion of these things to participate in today's lab. I will be successful when I have: finish paraphrasing steps 2-15 for today’s lab. Gotten a stamp for completion of lab write up REFLECTION (IQIA) (Draw diagram with dimensions provided by teacher) TAPE IN: Student Sheet 7.1 Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “B” DAY 56 57

78 Science – Jan. 10, 2018 1/10/18 Investigating the storm surge (Lab) cont. LT: I can investigate and model the factors that affect the height of storm surge. Do Now: What challenges did you have creating your shorelines yesterday? What is your plan of attack today? I will be successful when I have: Worked with my group to design a cliff and a sloping shoreline using the dimensions in my notes. Collected data about how the shape of the shoreline affects the height of the storm surge. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? Explain your results. Work with your group to answer questions D – H on your student sheet. TAPE IN: Student Sheet 7.1 Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “A” DAY 58 59

79 Science – Jan. 11, 2018 1/11/18 2005, the year of hurricane firsts LT: I can learn about the behavior and effects of hurricanes. Do Now: Looking at your data from yesterday, what conclusions can you draw about how shoreline shape affects storm surge? I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Why were there so many hurricanes and tropical storms in 2005? Work with your group to answer questions D – H on your student sheet. Read and mark text for “2005 – the year of hurricane firsts.” REFLECTION (IQIA) What factors combine to make a hurricane destructive to a particular geographic area? TAPE IN: “2005 – the Year of Hurricane Firsts” Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “B” DAY 60 61

80 Science – Jan. 12, 2018 1/12/18 62 63 Hurricane Katrina
LT: I will understand the factors that need to be present in order for a hurricane to form Do Now: What is storm surge and why is it so dangerous? I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Notes Summary What was your biggest take-away from the video? What is something you still wonder? Taken at least 15 thoughtful notes (using complete sentences) on the events that led up to Hurricane Katrina. Contributed at least once to the reflection question discussion. REFLECTION (IQIA) What sorts of data were collected to forecast and track Hurricane Katrina? Can you think of any other data that would have been helpful to collect? Explain Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “A” DAY 62 63

81 Science – Jan. 16, 2018 1/16/18 64 65 Hurricane Katrina continued
LT: I will understand the factors that need to be present in order for a hurricane to form Do Now: Look at your summary from Friday. What was your biggest take-away from the video so far? Be prepared to share with the class. I will be successful when I have: Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Taken thoughtful notes on the remainder of the video Taken the formative assessment on the impact of Hurricane Katrina using your notes from Friday and today. Contributed at least once to the reflection question discussion. REFLECTION (IQIA) In the future, how can we better prepare for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina? Explain. TAPE IN: “Hurricane Katrina Worksheet” Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “B” DAY 64 65

82 Science – Jan. 17, 2018 1/17/18 66 67 Water cycle review
LT: I will explain the process of the water cycle and how its responsible for storms and severe weather like hurricanes. Do Now: Take a look at your reflection from yesterday. In your opinion, how can we better prepare for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina in the future? Explain your thinking. Main Idea/?s Notes Summary Draw a picture of the water cycle and its three main parts. Don't forget to label! (refer to page 99 in your text book) I will be successful when I have: Take at least 8 thoughtful notes on the water cycle video. Work with a partner to update you notebook back to January 8th. (if time allows) REFLECTION (IQIA) How is the water cycle responsible for hurricanes like Katrina? Explain your thinking (minimum 3-5 sentences). Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz 1/19/18 “A” DAY 66 67

83 Science – Jan. 18, 2018 1/18/18 68 69 Summative Review
LT: I will collaborate with a partner to come up with question for our up coming summative. Do Now: Take a look back through your notes. What questions do you still have about the water cycle, storm surge, and hurricanes? Be prepared to share your questions with the group. Main Idea/?s Questions about water cycle, storm surge, and hurricanes () Level 1 question: Level 2 or 3 question: I will be successful when I have: Work with your small group to come up with 3 different Costa’s questions about the water cycle, hurricanes and/or storm surge. Question Gallery walk REFLECTION (IQIA) Did this activity help you feel more prepared for tomorrow’s quiz? Why or why not? Is there anything we could do to improve this study session for next time? Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz TOMORROW, 1/19/18 “B” DAY 68 69


85 Use information from your notes and these sentence starters to create a level 1 test question.

86 Use information from your notes and these sentence starters to create a level 2 test question.

87 Use information from your notes and these sentence starters to create a level 3 test question.

88 Science – Jan. 19, 2018 1/19/18 When you are finished you may:
INB QUIZ #5 LT: I will demonstrate my learning by scoring a meeting or higher on the quiz Do Now: Take out your notebook. You will have approximately 5 minutes to look through your notes. Write down any questions you still have and we will go over them before we begin the quiz. When you are finished you may: Read a book Draw Work on something from another class Please stay at volume zero until everyone is finished. I will be successful when I have: Used my notebook and the rubric to score a meeting or higher on the quiz. REFLECTION (IQIA) Was this quiz fair? Why or why not? Explain your thinking Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz TODAY, 1/19/18 “A” DAY 70 71

89 Science – Jan. 22, 2018 1/22/18 72 73 Intro to climate change research
LT: I will investigate the use of plant fossil data as an indicator of past climate. Do Now: What is climate change? Is it real? What evidence do scientists have to support this? I will be successful when I have: Completed formative assessment probe Read Prehistoric Climate Change on page REFLECTION (IQIA) Discussion questions on page 203. Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz TBD “B” DAY 72 73

90 Science – Jan. 23, 2018 1/23/18 What are the variables for your graph?
Climate change research (?s about data) LT: I will analyze a graph of data related to climate change for a research project. Do Now: Take a look at your reflection from yesterday. Why is it particularly important to see how plants, rather than animals, adapt to climate change? What are the variables for your graph? MV: RV: What is the testable question? (Hint: use the formula for the TQ) Due Date: TBD I will be successful when I have: Work with your team to research a data set and its impact on climate change on Earth. REFLECTION (IQIA) Synthesize your information. What did you find out today about your data? What does it mean? What evidence does it provide concerning climate change? How do you know? (Minimum 3-5 sentences) TAPE IN: Student worksheet 10.2 Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz TBD “A” DAY 74 75

91 Science – Jan. 24, 2018 1/24/18 General research topic: Claim:
Climate Change Research Topic General research topic: Claim: Evidence: Reasoning: Conclusion: LT: I will conduct research on my graph’s data and subject. Do Now: What was the most interesting thing you found out about your data yesterday? I will be successful when I have: Finished questions about data with your team. Started step 4: begin researching the general research topic provided. Come up with an outline of your research plan. (Claim, 3 pieces of evidence, reasoning provided for each piece of evidence as an explanation of how they support your claim, and a conclusion.) REFLECTION (IQIA) What did you find out today about your research topic? What evidence did you find concerning your topic? How does it support your claim? (Minimum 3-5 sentences) Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz & research project TBD “B” DAY 76 77

92 Science – Jan. 25, 2018 1/25/18 Climate Change Research Topic cont. (ESS3-5) General research topic: What is your question? Claim: Evidence: Reasoning: Conclusion: LT: I will conduct research on my graph’s data and subject. Do Now: Take a look at part for of your worksheet (10.2). What is your claim for your research topic question? I will be successful when I have: Finished questions about data with your team. Started step 4: begin researching the general research topic provided. Come up with an outline of your research plan. (Claim, 3 pieces of evidence, reasoning provided for each piece of evidence as an explanation of how they support your claim, and a conclusion.) REFLECTION (IQIA) What did you find out today about your research topic? What evidence did you find concerning your topic? How does it support your claim? (Minimum 3-5 sentences) Homework: Keep INB up to date Due: Notebook Quiz & research project TBD “A” DAY 78 79



95 Science: Index INDEX A B C D Atmosphere, p 8-9, 14-15, 64-67
[FLIP notebook upside-down so this is the inside BACK cover…] INDEX A Atmosphere, p 8-9, 14-15, 64-67 B Biosphere, 8-9, 14-15 C Climate, 8-9, 14-15 Climate Change, 40-43 D

96 Science: Index INDEX INDEX E F G Greenhouse Effect, 40-43 H I J K L

97 Science: Index INDEX INDEX M N O P Q R S T Qualitative, 74-75
Quantitative, 74-75 R S T

98 Science: Index INDEX INDEX U V Vortices (Vortex), 22-29 W XYZ

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