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Microsoft Bot Framework: changing how we communicate with users

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1 Microsoft Bot Framework: changing how we communicate with users
Tom Morgan Senior Development Consultant, Modality Systems



4 Bring Your Own Platform
Users will use whatever platform works for them.

5 vs Home WiFi Easy setup Complicated setup € €€€ Basic features
Less options Scales OK for most people Requires no special skills Complicated setup €€€ More powerful More options Scales better Requires specialist skills

6 Your Application Your Website Your Code
JOIN Office 365 Skype Online Meeting CREATE Website users without Skype for Business client JOIN Skype for Business client JOIN Mobile app users

7 2015 Skype Web SDK (2016 on Office 365) 2016 Mobile App SDK 2017…
New APIs for Office 365 2015 Skype Web SDK (2016 on Office 365) 2016 Mobile App SDK 2017…

8 Trusted Application API
Public Preview RESTful API model, HTTP-based Office365 today, “planned” for on-prem Meeting creation & management

9 Your Application Your Website Your Code
Skype Web SDK Trusted Application API JOIN Office 365 Skype Online Meeting CREATE Website users without Skype for Business client Mobile App SDK JOIN Skype for Business client JOIN Mobile app users

10 Remote-Advisor Scenario
Private Skype for Business meeting, automatically Access via Web or Mobile Fully Office365, no hardware needed Virtual Health care templates

11 Microsoft Bot Framework
Platform for Bot Development (others exist) Write Once, Deploy Many Use Microsoft Cognitive Services for intelligence


13 Create your own QnA Bot from an existing FAQ page.
Go to, create new service Azure: Create new Bot Service, once deployed generate API Key & Passcode, Choose C#, Q&A Sample Go to to configure bot

14 Not going to talk about... Cards, buttons and other visuals
Persistent state Authentication Hand-off to human

15 Bot Framework template LUIS – AI as a service Simple .NET coding
Building from scratch Bot Framework template LUIS – AI as a service Simple .NET coding

16 Bot Framework: not just for developers!
Build a FAQ Bot in QnAMaker Create an AI model in LUIS for your next project Explore what you can do with the Bot Framework

17 Microsoft Bot Framework: changing how we communicate with users
me: Tom Morgan where I work: Modality Systems where I write: where I tweet: @tomorgan


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