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How Doing Good For Others Is Good For Your Well-Being -

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Presentation on theme: "How Doing Good For Others Is Good For Your Well-Being -"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Doing Good For Others Is Good For Your Well-Being -
Intro/welcome How Doing Good For Others Is Good For Your Well-Being - Why CSR is considered a “benefit”? Katy Keene Manager, Employee Health and Well-Being

2 What I Hope You Get Out of Today’s Presentation
What is Well-Being and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) How Well-Being and CSR connect How CSR is a benefit As an individual As an organization Examples and resources Intro: Who I am, what I managed and where I work Speaking primarily on wellness and now there’s a big push for philanthropy

3 Overview Crowley Marine solutions, transportation and logistics
125 year old family owned company Over 5,300 employees, multiple locations and environments 260 vessel fleet, terminals, warehouses, tank farms, office buildings, trucks, trailers, containers, chassis, cranes and other specialized vehicles. Basic review of the company and my role

4 Health/Wellness/Well-being
“The condition of being happy, healthy, or prosperous” Wellness: “The quality of state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal lifestyle that promote wellness” - Discuss the different ‘terms’ used for health and the evolution and how they are open to interpretation and definition based on each organization. - Customizable to what fits each organization/group Well-being: “The state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous.”

5 Well-being Physical Social Mental Community Emotional Financial Purpose How to define well-being for your organization and examples of Crowley

6 Corporate Social Responsibility
“a company's sense of responsibility towards the community and environment in which it operates.” How to define philanthropy/community service for your organization/group Examples of what it means for each of us Any examples!? Volunteering Fundraising 5k Runs for charity Building a house with a team Sponsoring an event Donating to your favorite charity Planting a tree

7 Corporate Social Responsibility
“a company's sense of responsibility towards the community and environment in which it operates.” - How community service initiatives overlap with well-being and how they integrate - Leverage the correlation

8 Volunteering improves health
UHC and VolunteerMatch Study – Volunteerism: 75% of U.S. adults feel physically healthier by volunteering 93% reported an improved mood 79% reported lower stress levels 88% reported increased self-esteem by giving back Volunteers are significantly more likely to feel they have greater control over their health and well-being Giving makes us happy. - Statistics on volunteerism and improved health

9 CSR as an Employer Cone Communications Employee Engagement Study:
64% of employees feel their work and personal lives are becoming increasingly blended 93% want to work for a company that cares about them as an individual 51% won’t work for a company that doesn’t have strong social and environmental commitments 74% say their job is more fulfilling when they are provided opportunities to make a positive impact at work Statistics on volunteerism/community service and understanding as an employer Two ways to think of ‘benefit’ Benefit as an advantage as an individual…health benefit Benefit as an employer as a ‘perk’ for employees

10 CSR as an Employer - Continued
Cone Communications Employee Engagement Study: 58% consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work 55% would choose to work for a socially responsible company, even if the salary was less 70% would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to important issues 71% want their company to provide opportunities for them to help make a positive impact on the company’s social and environmental commitments - Statistics on volunteerism/community service and understanding as an employer

11 CSR as an Employer - Continued
Strategic partnerships Reckitt Benckiser “Health-Hygiene-Home” and Save the Children’s health and hygiene program Whirlpool and Habitat for Humanity Community good will and recognition Apply for awards and recognition Companies with Heart Recruiting tool - Statistics on volunteerism/community service and understanding as an employer

12 CSR as an Employee Benefit
Well-being (connect to current wellness program) Perk or ‘bonus’ of the job Happiness in the workplace Increased Engagement Teambuilding CC Review 2015 CC Review 2016 Volunteering as an employee benefit – making the connection and providing examples Reconfirming the correlation to health

13 CSR Concepts Create a mission statement/goal
Employee Committee and grassroots efforts Leverage current activities Teambuilding events Recognition Scholarships Volunteer Time Off (VTO) Foundation & Match Program Employee Hardship Grants - Examples of implementation from minimal financial commitment to large budget initiatives

14 CSR Examples Focuses and aligns employee and corporate charitable outreach in our communities, including donations of time, talent and money. Focus Areas: Education and Wellness - Examples of implementation from a school district

15 RESOURCES Search for volunteer events:
Search for charities: and Leverage United Way’s network in your area or others similar Host events: Company platforms: Benevity, Bright Funds, Foundation Source Employee Relief Fund: Emergency Assistance Foundation Examples, resources and tools

16 Thank you Thank you

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