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Giving USA 2014: The State of Philanthropy

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1 Giving USA 2014: The State of Philanthropy
Presented by Don Zeilstra, DM Vice President

2 Giving USA 2014 The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2013
Researched and written by Giving USA 2014 The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2013 Unless otherwise stated, all data and information contained in this presentation is sourced from: Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2013 (2014). Chicago: Giving USA Foundation. Please ask members of your audience to download the free Giving USA 2014 report Highlights at in order to have material for their own use.

3 What is Giving USA? The longest running, annual report about U.S. charitable giving Estimates for: Sources of giving Amounts received by type of organization Published by the Giving USA Foundation™ Started in 1956 by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel, now The Giving Institute Made possible by contributions from The Giving Institute™ members firms, foundations, and other donors Researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Longitudinal data, 60 years, story of philanthropy in America. Think about how this may affect your strategy and decisions Research conducted by Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University - partnership since 2001 Still “THE” most comprehensive document available for analysis of giving trends Research funded by Giving Institute member firms Alford has been a member since the early ’80s

4 Agenda Overview of factors affecting giving Giving by source Q&A
Giving by recipient type Trends in volunteering and number of organizations

5 Overview of factors affecting total giving in 2013
GDP Increased 2.0 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars from calendar year 2012 to calendar year 2013. S&P 500 Increased 27.8 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars between 2012 and 2013 (compared with 11.1 percent in 2012) Inflation Increased 1.5 percent in 2013, compared with +2.1% in 2012 and +3.2% in 2011 These are the economic factors that are used for estimating charitable giving GDP - only had modest growth of 2.0%. Could be a restraining factor. S&P health growth of 27.8 percent. Contributes to “wealth perception” Inflation - 1.5% increase was lower in 2013 compared to 2012 and 2011

6 Overview of factors affecting individual giving in 2013
Personal income Grew 2.9 percent in current dollars Personal disposable income Increased 1.9 percent in current dollars Unemployment rate Fell 0.7 percent between 2012 and 2013 Personal consumption expenditures Increased 3.2 percent in current dollars Consumer confidence In December 2013, the Conference Board’s measure of consumer confidence rose to 78.1. Overview on factors affecting individual giving in 2013. These economic variables grew more slowly in 2013 than in 2012, except unemployment. Personal income - grew 2.9% in current dollars Personal disposable income - increased only1.9% in current dollars. This is a strong predictor of individual giving. May have had a dampening effect on the influence of strong growth in S+P Wealth perception increased for many individuals and corporations, but personal disposable income is grew much more slowly. Unemployment - fell .07% Personal consumption expenditures - increased 3.2% Consumer confidence - rose to 78.1 in Conference Board’s measure

7 Overview of factors affecting corporate giving in 2013
Corporate pre-tax profits Increased 3.4 percent in current dollars. This is compared with an increase of 18.5 percent in 2012, an increase of 0.7 percent in 2011, and an increase of 25.0 percent in 2010. S&P 500 Increased 27.8 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars. This is compared with an increase of 11.1 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars from 2011 to 2012 and a decrease of 3.1 percent from 2010 to 2011. S&P % increase in inflation-adjusted. Compared to 11.1% increase from , and a decrease of 3.1% from Strong growth. Corporate pre-tax profits - 3.4% increase in current dollars. Compared to 18.5% increase in 2012, .7% in 2011, 25% increase in These are big differences. Pre-tax profits have been on a roller coaster the last several years.

8 2013 Source of Contributions Total = $335.17 Billion
Minor changes from 2012 Individual giving drives total charitable giving. If you combine individual giving, family foundations, and bequests, giving decisions by individuals account for 87% of total giving! Foundations - includes independent foundations, community foundations and family foundations. Family foundations account for 48% of all foundation giving. Don’t overlook family foundations; they account for 7% of total givin Family foundations includes Gates Foundation, which gives $3-4 billion per year accounting for about 1% of total charitable giving Giving by individuals comprised 72 percent of total giving in Giving by foundations—which includes grants made by independent, community, and operating foundations—amounted to 15 percent of all gifts made in Giving by bequest accounted for 8 percent of all gifts made in 2013. Giving by individuals, bequest, and family foundations amounted to an estimated 87 percent of total giving in Giving by corporations comprised 5 percent of total giving in 2013.

9 2013 Recipients of Contributions Total = $335.17 Billion
Religious organizations receive the largest share of charitable giving. Again. But growth was flat and it has declined over the years. We’ll see this more closely, later. Education, human services, etc. Religious organizations received the largest share of charitable dollars in 2013, at 31 percent of the total.4 The education subsector received the second-largest share of charitable dollars in 2013, at 16 percent of the total. Human services organizations received 12 percent of total charitable dollars in 2013, ranking third of total gifts received. Gifts to independent, community, and operating grantmaking foundations amounted to the fourth-largest share of charitable dollars in 2013, with 11 percent of the total. The health subsector received the fifth-largest share of charitable dollars in 2013, at 10 percent of the total. Public-society benefit organizations received 7 percent of total charitable dollars in 2013, ranking sixth of total gifts received. The arts, culture, and humanities subsector received the seventh-largest proportion of charitable dollars in 2013, at 5 percent of the total. Gifts to the international affairs subsector amounted to the eighth-largest share of charitable dollars in 2013, with 4 percent of the total. Environment/animals organizations received 3 percent of total charitable dollars in 2013, ranking ninth of total gifts received. Gifts made directly to individuals amounted to one percent of total charitable dollars in 2013.

10 Other Research Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving Atlas of Giving
Survey based on an estimate of 3-4,000 of their nonprofit clients. Reported a 4.2% increase in total charitable giving. Consistent with Giving USA estimate of 4.4% increase. Atlas of Giving Reported a total giving increase in 2013 of 13.2%. Much higher than Giving USA estimate. Methodology and sources aren’t known so its hard to evaluate this.

11 International Perspective
World Giving Index 2013 of the Charities Aid Foundation (UK) Survey involving more than 130 countries Index score based on 3 giving behaviors: donating money, volunteering time, helping a stranger USA ranked #1 overall Ranked 1st in helping a stranger Ranked 3rd in volunteering Ranked 13th in donating money behind Myanmar, UK, Malta, Ireland, Thailand, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia

12 Conclusions Overall story of Charitable Giving in the US is moderately positive Increases in 3 of 4 types of sources, except corporations But charities still feeling significant challenges: Non-philanthropic sources of revenue, such as public funding and contracts, continue to be uncertain Charitable giving has not and can not replace these losses This is especially true for human services organizations and those that rely on small sum donors

13 Download the Giving USA 2014 free report Highlights and purchase other Giving USA 2014 products at Use 30% discount code GI2014

14 Thank you for joining us!

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