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PAARL Summer Conference 29 April- 1 May, 2009 Aparri, Cagayan

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Presentation on theme: "PAARL Summer Conference 29 April- 1 May, 2009 Aparri, Cagayan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Readers’ Services on Demand and the Changing Mode of Information Delivery
PAARL Summer Conference 29 April- 1 May, 2009 Aparri, Cagayan Alicia C. Esguerra Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan

2 -American Library Association-
Readers’ Service Those activities and operations of a Library that bring staff into regular direct contact with its users -American Library Association-

3 Everything is centered and done in the library!
READERS’ SERVICE Circulation & Reserve Reference Service Library Orientation Library instruction Current Awareness Service (CAS) Everything is centered and done in the library!


5 traditional readers’ service:
The problem with the traditional readers’ service: “Libraries provide a lot of services, some of which reach users. However, there are far more people who do not find or receive library services and tools than those who do.” Chris Anderson

6 “the web makes it possible to provide services to small niche of people” -Michael Habib

7 The trick is to find ways of reaching to both groups!
Those who go to the physical library …and those who prefer to go to the virtual library.

8 Panacea to improved library services?
Web 2.0 Panacea to improved library services?

9 Web 2.0 Conceptualized by Tim O’ Reilly in 2004
Collaborative in nature Interactive Dynamic Users created the content as much as they consume it A web of multi-sensory communication User-centered

10 Web 2.0 Tools Social Bookmarking
The practice of saving bookmarks to a public website and ‘tagging’ them with key words; it opens new ways of organizing information and categorizing resources It enables users to create subject headings for the object at hand. It allows users to add and change not only content (data) but also metadata. Delicious; Library thing;

11 Web 2.0 Tools Social Bookmarking Examples: Delicious; Library thing;

12 Web 2.0 Tools Blogs A website that gives an individual the power to share news or commentary on anything; reader’s can comment on blog postings.

13 Web 2.0 Tools Blogs Examples:

14 Sample Blog…

15 Web 2.0 Tools Social Networks Examples: Delicious; Library thing;

16 Web 2.0 Tools Instant Messaging (IMs)
Is a form of real-time communication between two or more people based on typed text messages Delicious; Library thing;

17 Web 2.0 Tools Instant Messaging (IMs) Twitter; digsby

18 Web 2.0 Tools Wikis A website anyone can edit with little knowledge of mark-up language; it allows for collaboration and sharing of information Delicious; Library thing;

19 Web 2.0 Tools Wikis Delicious; Library thing;

20 Sample Wiki…

21 …and our very own PAARL wiki

22 Web 2.0 Tools RSS Feeds and Aggregators
A family of formats which allow users to find out about updates to the content of RSS enabled websites without actually having to go and visit the site Information repackaged by provider or creator to give the user more control over delivery of information Delicious; Library thing;

23 WEB 2.0

24 Better Readers’ Service?
Web 2.0 = Library 2.0 = Better Readers’ Service?

25 “Library 2.0 word cloud” @

26 What is Library 2.0? “It simply means making your library space (virtual and physical) more interactive, cooperative and driven by community needs. The basic drive is to get people back in the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.” – Sarah Houghton

27 What is Library 2.0? “It describes a subset of library services designed to meet user needs caused by the direct and peripheral effects of Web 2.0”- Michael Habib

28 LIBRARY 2.0 Readers’ Service Global Expression Virtual 24/7 Ubiquitous
Dynamic LIBRARY 2.0 Readers’ Service Virtual 24/7 Ubiquitous Collaboration Interaction User- centered

29 Why the Need for Library 2.0?

30 Why the Need for Library 2.0?
Because it’s where our users are!

31 Conclusion: Times are evolving. We need to adapt to change…otherwise,
we will only find ourselves to be losing the primary reasons why we exist: our information users!

32 It all boils down to this:

33 Questions?

34 Thank you very much for listening!

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