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Fume Hoods.

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1 Fume Hoods

2 Fume Hoods, Proper Use The hood is NOT a waste disposal mechanism.
All containers in the hood must be closed Do not store chemicals or unnecessary apparatus in the hood. Exhausts into the environment Source: Ph.D Comics

3 Fume Hoods, Proper Use Check the air flow daily. Acceptable range is 80 to 150 linear feet per minute, at the designated sash opening (usually 18 inches). Report malfunctions to Facilities Management ( ). Ensure baffles are not blocked. Raise equipment off floor so air may pass beneath it. Keep all apparatus at least 6 inches back from the face of the hood. Do not place electrical receptacles or other spark sources inside the hood when flammable liquids or gases are present. Keep sash closed as much as possible. Work behind horizontal sliding sash if one exist, and if there is a chance of explosion, eruption, or splashes, etc Minimize foot traffic in front of the hood. Great resource on Kewaunee Dynamic Barrier Low-Flow Fume Hoods by Innovative Laboratories and U of MN – DEHS Also some youtube videos are available: - - UMN, Duluth. General Safe Work Practices for Laboratory Fume Hood. Last Update: March 3, 2009

4 Fume Hood, Proper Setup Bad Better Best
Locate equipment as far to the rear as possible, without blocking the lower slot in the rear baffle. Never operate equipment closer than 6” behind the plane of the sash! Bad Better Best Green indicates ‘SAFE’ airflow Amber light indicates warning Red indicates a face velocity failure and ‘ALARM’ will activate Press ‘ENTER’ to mute the alarm while you set up equipment in the hood. Innovative Laboratories and U of MN DEHS, Kewaunee Dynamic Barrier Low-Flow Fume Hoods.

5 Fume Hood, Real Examples
Close the hood sash! Work 6” back from the sash!

6 Fume Hood, Real Examples
Equipment elevated to promote air circulation Clutter

7 Fume Hood, Real Examples
Solvent evaporating into the environment!

8 Fume Hood, Real Examples
Researcher name and contact information. Reaction schemes alert coworkers of reactions that are in progress.

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