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ARDUINO     What is an Arduino? Features 14 Digital I/O pins 6 Analogue inputs 6 PWM pins USB serial 16MHz Clock speed 32KB Flash memory 2KB SRAM.

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5 What is an Arduino? Features 14 Digital I/O pins 6 Analogue inputs
6 PWM pins USB serial 16MHz Clock speed 32KB Flash memory 2KB SRAM 1KB EEPROM

6 What is a Microcontroller
A small computer on a single chip containing a processor, memory, and input/output Typically "embedded" inside some device that they control A microcontroller is often small and low cost




10 What is a Development Board
A printed circuit board designed to facilitate work with a particular microcontroller. Typical components include: power circuit programming interface basic input; usually buttons and LEDs I/O pins

11 Arduino Uno Board

12 Inputs Digital inputs will come to the Arduino as either on or off (HIGH or LOW, respectively). HIGH is 5VDC. LOW is 0VDC. Analog inputs will come to the Arduino as a range of numbers, based upon the electrical characteristics of the circuit. 0 to 1023 .0049 V per digit (4.9 mV) Read time is 100 microseconds (10,000 a second)

13 Arduino-Digital Output
Digital Out put is defined as sending on/off or 0/1 signals from one of the digital pins on the Aurduino board (pin 2-13) to the electronic actuator that recognize on/off or 0/1 signal. The so-called digital pins are highlighted here.

14 Basic Electric Circuit
Every circuit (electric or electronic) must have at least a power source and a load. The simplest circuit is a LED. Plug in the LED, and it lights up. Unplug it, the light goes out. Electricity flows from the power source, through the load (LED).

15 Basic LED Circuit Connect the positive (+) lead of a power source to the long leg (anode) of an LED. Connect other leg of the LED (cathode) to a resistor. High resistance means a darker light. Low resistance means brighter light. No resistance means a burned out LED. Connect other leg of the resistor to the negative lead of the power source.

16 Arduino-Digital Output-LED
LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a light feature that can be used as an actuator of the space. Being a Diode, an LED is a directional piece meaning that it is activated only if it is placed in the circuit in the right direction Ground Pin Digital Pin

17 Arduino-Ground Pin For electricity to flow in a circuit, we need difference in level of electricity energy. In Arduino board this difference is provided by making a circuit between one of the output pins and ground pin. When we send a signal through output pin any signal that is not 0 or LOW will provide the desired difference between the two ends of the circuit and will result in electricity flow between the digital output pin and ground pin- The level of electricity energy at Ground pin is zero, as a result any non zero signal on the digital pin gives us a difference and an electricity flow. You can also create this situation using two output pins, one sending the low signal and one sending a high signal. The low signal pin in this case will function as the ground.


19 Blink Sketch void setup( ) { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop( ) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13, LOW); Connected to one end of the circuit Connected to other end of the circuit GND to ground and 13 to power 330 ohm ground and LED LED to 330 ohm and power

20 4 LED Blink Sketch void setup( ) { pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
} void loop( ) { digitalWrite(1, HIGH); delay (200); digitalWrite(1, LOW); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, LOW); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, LOW); digitalWrite(7, HIGH); digitalWrite(7, LOW); }

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