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A Direction for the 2010 Census

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1 A Direction for the 2010 Census
March 15, 2010.

2 Contents Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ An Outline of the Census in Korean
Challenges for the Census A Direction for the 2010 Census A Plan for the 2015 Census Q & A

3 Ⅰ. An Outline of the Census in Korea
1. What is a Census? To clarify the size, structure, distribution, and characteristics of the population, households, and housing of Korea 1) Purpose Every 5 years since 1925 2) Periodicity

4 3) Census day and enumeration period
Census day : November 1, 2010 (17th Census conducted in 2005) Enumeration period : November 1 ~15, 2010 3) Census day and enumeration period Census covers all areas incorporated within the scope of the administrative jurisdiction of Republic of Korea 4) Scope & coverage Population, Household, and Housing * Foreigners are also counted, while diplomats are excluded 5) Enumeration units

5 Internet, Mail, and Interview 6) Methods of data collection
Short Forms : July 2011 Long Forms : December 2011 7) Data release within a year after the census Population and Housing Census is the most fundamental statistical survey of the Republic of Korea, stipulated on the articles 17 and 37 of Statistics Law.

6 KNSO (Population Census Division)
2. Administrative Organization of the Census KNSO (Population Census Division) 16 Cities & Provinces 260 Local Governments 3,478 branch offices of local governments * General Managers : 3,470(’10) * Managers : 9,223(’10) * Enumerators : 94,406(’10)

7 We have two forms for a Census : Short Form and Long Form
3. Types of forms and the number of items We have two forms for a Census : Short Form and Long Form • collect data from 90% of the household * 21 items at the 2005 Census. * 19 items for the 2010 Census Short Form • collect data from 10% of the household * 44 items at the 2005 Census. * 50 items for the 2010 Census Long Form

8 < Items of 2005 Census >
3 items for each province Short Forms (21 items) Long Forms (44 items) Name, Sex, Age, Relationship with the head of Household, etc. (8 items) Name, Sex, Age, Relationship with the head of Household, Education, Child care, Mental or Physical impairment, etc. (24 items) Type of household, Rooms in use, Household facilities, etc. (7 items) Type of household, Rooms in use, Household facilities, Duration of residence, Number of automobiles, Parking place, etc, (11 items) Type of housing and total floors of the building, Floor space, etc. (6 items) Type of housing and total floors of the building, Floor space, etc. (6 items) Population Household Housing

9 Economically active Population Survey Consumer sentiment survey
4. How to use census results 1) Used for a sampling frame for surveys Using the household of the census to select samples Economically active Population Survey Consumer sentiment survey 활용 예 ♣ About 172 of 345 sample surveys use the Census data for their sampling frames (January, 2008) Sample surveys using the census data as their sample frames are as follow:

10 2) Used for policy making, research, and business purposes
Census data Universities and research institutes use the data such as household items to analyze the status of the aged and working women Companies use the data such as single person and a working woman for marketing strategies Census data such as household and housing items are used for the government to make policies for providing housing Policymaking Research Business purposes

11 Cost trend of the census
Ⅱ. Challenges for the Census There have been questions about the usefulness of the census from the National Assembly, academia, and even the KNSO 1. Criticisms for the huge cost of census Cost trend of the census < Unit : Billion won(\), 1 $=1,150 \> Year 1995 2000 2005 2010 Budget of KNSO (A) (US $, million) 91.4 ( 79.4) 148.2 (128.8 ) 238.8 ( 207.6) 409.4 (356.0 ) Cost of the census (B) 53.9 ( 46.8) 83.4 (72.5) 129.0 (112.1 ) 180.8 (157.2) B/A 58% 56% 54% 44%

12 One person household and the elderly aged over 65
2. Environments for the census are getting worse 1) The increases of one person household and the elderly make it difficult to collect data. One person household and the elderly aged over 65 <Unit : Million> Year 1995 2000 2005 2010(estimation ) One person households 1.6 2.2 3.2 3.4 The elderly aged over 65 2.4 4.4 5.4

13 Population and Housing Census It’s a matter of privacy!
2) It is also difficult to interview respondents because of growing awareness of privacy Hi ! Population and Housing Census No!, It’s a matter of privacy!

14 3. A SWOT analysis for the 2010 census
Analyzing internal factors (Strengths, Weakness) and external factors (Opportunities, Threats) to make strategies for improving the Census SWOT analysis (Strengths) • Good administrative registers and experience of using them in 2005 Census • Experiences of Internet Survey (Weakness) • High cost of the Census • No statistical organizations at the branch offices (Eup, Myun, Dong) of the local governments (Opportunities) • Register-based census in northern Europe * Increasing use of registers • High qualities of IT (Threats) • Growing awareness of Privacy • Uncertainty for budget Strategy 1 : To change the methods of data collection Strategy 2 : To construct an efficient Census Management System and to provide the data users want to know Strategy 3 : To reduce the burden of respondents

15 Ⅲ. A Direction for the 2010 Census
◈ Producing the basic data on the population and housing to support the users who are making policies for low fertility, the aging, multi-cultural society, etc. ◈ Conducting a low-cost and high-efficient census for the 2010 Objective To construct an efficient Census Management System and to provide the data users want to know To change the methods of data collection To reduce the burden of respondents Strategy 2 Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Strategies ⊙ Extending the internet Uptake rate ⊙ Improving the Census Management System (E-census) to recruit, train the field staff and to allocate workload ⊙ Selecting the items that can explain the rapidly changing society ⊙ Using the administrative registers to replace the housing items instead of survey Programs

16 Strategy 1 : To change the methods of data collection
⊙ Extending the internet penetration rate from 0.9% in 2005 to 30% in 2010 ⊙ Introducing mail survey Direction Interview-based data collection * with 0.9% of internet at the 2005 census Using such methods as Internet and mail to collect the data in addition to interview

17 1. Extending the penetration rate of internet Survey
1) Internet Survey in the 2005 Census ◈ Period : Nov ~Nov * Face to face Interview : Nov ~ Nov ◈ Number of internet respondents : 141,000 HHs (0.9% of total HHs) < Respondents’ Characteristics of internet survey > Internet Respondents Total Households Age 30~39 40.5% 17.5% 20~29 23.9% 15.6% Education College and over 51.6% 34.3% High School 21.4% 41.2% Type of Housing Apartment 66.7% 52.7% Detached dwelling 14.8% 32.2%

18 reducing the use of papers
2) Internet Survey for the 2010 Census ◈ Goal : 30% Making the 2010 Census a “Green Census” , reducing the use of papers 3rd (Oct. 2008) 2nd (Apr. 2008) 4th (Apr. 2009) 1st (2007) 13.3% 5.8% 22.1% 32.1% < Internet uptake rates of 4 pretests >

19 < Process of Internet Survey –>
Confirm Finish ? Participation DB Fill out the form Preparation Address DB, Household list, Housing DB P.R Pull & Push Strategy Manage the persons who haven’t completed the form Manage the process No Automatic editing * Send SMS to encourage Completion of the form Yes Thank You Note (SMS) E-Census Management system Create Internet Access Code Give Internet Access code

20 < Pull & Push Strategy >
Pull Strategy Campaigns for internet survey, especially encouraging students to participate in internet survey. (It works) Public Campaign Providing gift certificates by lot. (It seems to be quite useful) Giving Internet Access Code, not using individual PIN number Incentives Convenient System Push Strategy Internet first Internet Mail interview Without paper Paper questionnaires are not provided during internet survey

21 Census Management System (E-census)
Strategy 2 : To construct an efficient Census Management System and to provide the items users want to know 1. Improving the Census Management System (E-census) to recruit, train the field staff and to allocate a workload Census Management System (E-census) ◈ E-Census is an IT based system built at 2005 to conduct our census efficiently • Checking the penetration rate of internet on the real time • Recruiting the field staffs (general managers, managers, enumerators) • Giving a cyber training program to these field staffs, etc.

22 Database & dissemination
Contents of E-Census system Checking the internet uptake rate Data processing Database & dissemination Recruiting the staff, and allocating a workload Giving the cyber training program to the field staffs Q & A

23 Qualifications of field staffs
1) Recruiting the field staffs In Korea, such field staffs as “general managers, managers, enumerators” are selected on the basis of competence. Types of field staffs Enumerators General Managers Managers Supervise Qualifications of field staffs ① Must be over 18 years old with the minimum of a high school diploma ② Persons with experience in Population Census are preferred

24 < How to recruit the staff and to assign the workload >
260 local governments will recruit the staff, using the E-Census System General Managers * 1 person for each local branch (3,470) Managers * 1 person for every 11 enumerators (9,223) Enumerators (94,406) Workload Enumerators for Short Forms * for apartment enumeration districts : 8 areas (about 480 households) * for other enumeration districts : 3 areas (about 180 households) Enumerators for Long Forms : 2 areas (about 120 households)

25 Recruiting Procedure on E-Census
Local government officer (Deciding acceptance or reject) E-Census System Accept or reject Applying by internet List of applicants Notification of employment SMS Applicant

26 2) Training the field staffs
5 types of training programs will be used at the 2010 census For general managers and managers For the editors For the instructors For the coders For the enumerators Training Programs

27 Cyber education programs Contents of cyber education
Our current training programs are just for one day or two days. These programs seemed to be insufficient for the census staff. (especially for the enumerators). Therefore, a cyber education program using E-census system will be used for the 2010 Census. Let’s see the one of the 2005 ` Time : 60 minutes (Sept.16~Oct.3, 2005) Trainees : General manger, managers, and enumerators * After recruited, enumerators should participate in the cyber education program Cyber education programs Time : 60 minutes Trainees : General manger, managers, and enumerators * After recruited, enumerators should participate in the cyber education program Cyber education programs A guidelines of the census Concepts of population, household, housing, mapping, and enumeration area, etc. How to collect data * Participation rate : 82.6% Contents of cyber education A guidelines of the census Concepts of population, household, housing, mapping, and enumeration area, etc. How to collect data * Participation rate in2005 : 82.6% Contents of cyber education

28 2. Selecting the items that can explain the rapidly changing society
Our society has rapidly changed and many foreigners have come to live as our neighbors. To meet the needs of our people, we are considering to adopt some questions for the 2010 census. New Questions 1) Citizenship 2) Year/Month of Arrival 3) Social activity 4) Use of transportation means

29 < Tentative items for the 2010 Census >
3 items for each province Short Forms (19 items) Long Forms (50 items) Name, Sex, Age, Citizenship, etc. (8 items) Name, Sex, Age, Citizenship, Education, Place of birth, Child care, Residence 1 year ago, etc. (28 items) Type of household, rooms in Use, Household facilities, etc. (6 items) Type of household, Rooms in use, Information / Telecommunication facilities, Water supply and drinking water, etc. (13 items) Type of housing, Total floor Space, The umber of rooms, etc. (5 items) Type of housing, Total floor space, Number of rooms, Total area of housing site, etc. (6 items) Population Household Housing

30 < Characteristics of items for the 2010 Census (Tentative) >
Citizenship Child care Low birthrate, Aged society Year/Month of Arrival Number of children planned to have Multicultural family The 2010 Population and Housing Census Social Participation Low carbon Green growth Heating facility Digital broadcasting Main means of commuting Social activity Use of transpor tation means I/T facilities

31 Strategy 3 : To reduce the burden of respondents
1. Using the administrative registers to replace the housing items instead of interview 1) Type of housing and total floors of the building 2) Total floor space 3) Year of construction 4) Number of rooms 5) Number of housing facilities Housing items for the apartment district areas are to be replaced by administrative registers

32 < Reference 1 : Data capture >
◈ We will introduce “ICR system” for the 2010 census. ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) system Server PC for recognition of images Scanner PC for scanner Correction of recognition errors

33 < Reference 2 : Data Dissemination for the 2010 census >
◈ Press release of the results • Preliminary results : • Releasing the results for short form : ~ 7. • Releasing the results for long form : ~ 12. ◈ Publication of Census report and CD : ~2012.6 ◈ On-line Dissemination (KOSIS) : ~

34 Ⅳ. A Plan for the 2015 Census We are considering replacing “the short form” with “registers”. In other words, we are preparing “register-based census”.

35 1. What is a register-based census ?
⊙ A register-based census is one of the methodological approaches for the Population and Housing Census that produces census like results, using the existing administrative sources such as ① resident registration data, ② registration data for housing ③ registration data for a family relationship * Short form for : 19 items ⇒ Short form of 2015 register based census : 16 items (tentative)

36 Thank You For Attention !
Ⅴ. Question & Answers Any Question ? Thank You For Attention !

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