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The Web Sensor Gateway Architecture for ZIGBEE

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Presentation on theme: "The Web Sensor Gateway Architecture for ZIGBEE"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Web Sensor Gateway Architecture for ZIGBEE
Milan Ganesh [1JS07EC054]

2 What is ZIGBEE? ZigBee is the set of specs built around the IEEE wireless protocol Intended for 2.45 Ghz , 868 Mhz and 915 Mhz Band. Low in cost ,complexity & power consumption as compared to competing technologies. Intended to network inexpensive devices . Data rates touch 250Kbps for 2.45Ghz ,40 Kbps 915Mhz and 20Kbps for 868Mhz band.

3 The need for ZigBee Standard in a fragmented market
9/21/2018 The need for ZigBee Standard in a fragmented market Many proprietary solutions, interoperability issues Simple protocol, Global Implementation 2.4GHz Low Power consumption 6 months to more than 5 years battery life for most applications Low Cost High density of nodes per network 250 nodes per network, multiple co-located networks Data rate requirements Few bits to 250kbps sufficient

4 802 wireless space September 21, 2018

5 Frequencies and Data Rates
9/21/2018 Frequencies and Data Rates ISM Worldwide 250 kbps 16 2.4 GHz ISM Europe 20 kbps 1 868 MHz ISM America 40 kbps 10 915 MHz BAND COVERAGE DATA RATE # OF CHANNEL(S) 2 MHz Channel 0 868MHz / 915MHz PHY Channels 1-10 868.3 MHz 902 MHz 928 MHz 5 MHz Channels 11-26 2.4GHz PHY 2.4 GHz GHz

6 ZigBee/Bluetooth Comparison
9/21/2018 ZigBee/Bluetooth Comparison Bluetooth ZigBee AIR INTERFACE FHSS DSSS PROTOCOL STACK 250KB 28KB BATTERY rechargeable non-rechargeable DEVICES/NETWORK 8 2^16 LINK RATE 1Mbps 250 kbps RANGE ~10 meters ~30 meters w/o power amp

7 Zigbee Protocol Stack

8 9/21/2018 Promoters Participants

9 Internet – Zigbee gateway
Gateway : Network point that acts as an entrance to another network. Basic functionalities : a) query-distribution b) data-aggregation c) message-conversion Internet provides flexibility and convenience of access

10 Implementing web-sensor gateway
Configure IP approach Internet over WSN approach WSN over Internet approach

11 The Proposed Web-Sensor gateway
Connecting Heterogeneous Networks Web-Sensor Gateway Architecture Control and Data Exchange Process

12 Zigbee networks and Internet Communication System
Connecting Heterogeneous Networks Zigbee networks and Internet Communication System

13 Gateway consists of three parts:
Zigbee/IEEE protocol stack Embedded TCP/IP protocol stack gateway translation layer

14 Web-sensor gateway protocol architecture

15 Control and Data Exchange
Initialize embedded web-server Client creates socket and initializes Establish connection Three way Handshake Send request Request_to_Send Retrieve result Response_to_Request Connection termination

16 Control and data transfer

17 Main events Setting event flags Event polling

18 General APS Frame Format
This information can then be processed remotely by a web analytics company,

19 OPNET Simulation Model
Two Models for Gateway Node Model in OPNET Process Model in OPNET

20 Node model in OPNET Set of interconnected modules
Gateway translation layer module Connects web-server application layer and zigbee AP application layer Interface between wired network and wireless network

21 Narayana Swamy September 21, 2018

22 Process model in OPNET The packet translation process details are described further in a process model. In OPNET, the process domain defines the logic flow and behavior for programmable module,

23 State Transition Diagram
extract_ip encap_to_zb PACKET_IS_ZIGBEE PACKET_IS_IPV4 default idle init test PACKET_IS_ZIGBEE PACKET_IS_IPV4 extract_zb encap_to_ip

24 Applications monitors sensors TV VCR automation DVD/CD control
INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONSUMER ELECTRONICS TV VCR DVD/CD Remote control PERSONAL HEALTH CARE PC & PERIPHERALS monitors diagnostics sensors mouse keyboard joystick HVAC---Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (供暖,通風,空調) ZigBee目前的應用有: 1. 工商業的自動控制系統 2. 個人健康診斷 3. 攜帶型娛樂工具 4. 家庭消費電子設備遠距控制 5. 個人電腦的周邊無線控制 6. 居家安全與自動監控 HOME AUTOMATION TOYS & GAMES consoles portables educational security HVAC lighting closures


26 Thank you…

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