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Space Proximity Atmospheric Research above Tropospheric Altitudes

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Presentation on theme: "Space Proximity Atmospheric Research above Tropospheric Altitudes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Proximity Atmospheric Research above Tropospheric Altitudes
HumTemP Team SPARTA Space Proximity Atmospheric Research above Tropospheric Altitudes Jerod Baker Lisa Caraway James Mathis Norfolk State University

2 Mission Goal Our goal for this experiment is to accurately characterize the atmosphere by investigating humidity, temperature and pressure, as it relates to altitude, within the troposphere, tropopause and lower stratosphere. 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

3 Science Background 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

4 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

5 Science Background 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


7 Science Objectives Relative Humidity Measurements above the Tropopause
Compare to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

8 Science Objectives 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

9 Scientific Requirements
Data points needed: 100 Minimum pressure measurements: 3 mBars Minimum Relative Humidity Levels: 0%-5% Altitude Resolution: 304.8m (1000ft.) 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

10 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


12 Technical Objectives Launch 500g payload 30km
Collect data in near vacuum environment 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR SPARTA - PDR

13 Technical Requirements
Data rate once per minute Temperature and Humidity sensors function in -70 degree environment. Power supply functions in cold Payload withstands force of landing Recover data after landing. 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR SPARTA - PDR

14 Technical Requirements cont.
Power ~ 3 hours Interior temperature maintained above -20o C Sensors outside of payload to detect temperature and humidity Minimal movement inside of Payload 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR SPARTA - PDR

15 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR System Design

16 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Payload Diagram

17 Weight Budget Items Weight (g) Uncertainty (g) Box/Insulation 100 ±10
Circuits 120 ±15 Power & Cables 110 ±20 Total 330 ± 100 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


19 Software Design: Preflight
9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Software Design: Preflight

20 Software Design: In-flight
9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Software Design: In-flight

21 Software Design: Post flight
9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Software Design: Post flight

22 Data Format and Storage
Byte Data Stored Format Sampling Rate 1 Hours 00-24 N/A 2 Minutes 00-59 3 Seconds 4 Temperature TBD 1 pt./ min 5 Pressure 6 RH ##% 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


24 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Electrical Design

25 Control Electronics and Sensor Interface
9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Control Electronics and Sensor Interface

26 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR Power Supply

27 Total Min Current drain Total Max Current drain
Power Budget Power Source 1 Operational Voltage (V) Current (min – max) (I) Hours to Function (H) Total Min Current drain (I*H) Total Max Current drain BalloonSAT 5V 53.7mA 3 161mA  Power Source 2 Pressure Sensor (Approx) 7V - 9V  75mA - 100mA 225mA 300mA  Humidity Sensor (Approx) 7V – 9V 50mA - 60mA 150mA 180mA Temperature Sensor (Approx) 50mA – 60mA 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


29 System Testing Shock test Software test Vacuum test Thermal test
9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


31 Risk Severity Matrix 5 4 3 Undocumented changes Bad Solder joint
Exceed weight budget 3 Not installing new battery for launch Not taking computer/program to launch Payload not recovered 2 Payload dropped preflight 1 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

32 Timeline 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

33 Timeline 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

34 Milestones Preliminary Design Review Critical Design Review
Flight Readiness Review Balloon Launch Science Presentation 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

35 Team leader/Management
SPARTA Organization Responsibilities Team Member Team leader/Management Dr. Hinton Mechanical Design Jerod Baker Software Design JP Mathis Electronic Design Lisa Caraway 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR


37 Conclusion Launch a balloon payload up to 30km
Measure relative humidity, temperature and pressure Compare our data to NOAA’s Reach milestones PDR CDR FRR Science Report 9/21/2018 SPARTA - PDR

38 Thanks for Your Attention!

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