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Parallel Universes Parallel Universes.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Universes Parallel Universes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Universes Parallel Universes

2 Parallel universes have to do with Quantum Mechanics, and would be opposed by Einstein, who called it "spooky movements at a distance."

3 Quantum Mechanics, taken very very simply is just the examinations of possibilities and probabilities. Quantum Mechanics is all around us, but works mostly (almost entirely) in the very, very small or the very, very fast. Newtonian (classical) works fine if things are about our size, and not going too fast. When things get tooooooo big, all bets are off. Neither Newton nor Quantum Mechanics can tell us, right now, why the universe is inflating at an accelerating rate.

4 Universe Size Atoms Stop Light Speed

5 Show "What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole"
33:24 Double Slit Experiment

6 Show "What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole"
46:00 "Entanglement"

7 Show "What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole"
Chapter 31 "Flatland"

8 There would have to be more than a flat or spherical universe, in order to have room. Or else there would have to be more than one universe. The question is where these other universes would be. Show discovery clip.

9 Show Elegant Universe Clip

10 If there is a chance, even a very small chance, say
If the pool of chances is unending, then the outcome is a certainty.





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