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Mission 1 Instructions.

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1 Mission 1 Instructions

2 Your First Mission Mission start: 30 October 2017
Raise awareness and drive demand amongst your Partners for either: Cisco’s Enterprise Networks (wireless, switching, routing including Meraki) OR Cisco Security Solutions (Next Generation Firewalls, Advanced Threat, /Web Security, Policy & Access including Meraki). You have the choice of which of these two product areas to drive in Q2. Mission start: 30 October 2017 Mission end: 31 January 2018 Submit Mission by: 31 January 2018 Please ensure you complete the mission by specified date. If the submission is late, your entry may not be counted.

3 Instructions Step 1: Create and execute a digital marketing campaign (incorporating video) to drive awareness and demand for your Mission DCC targets. Don’t forget you can also use the content and co- brandable creatives in the Mission: Digital On and SecureIT.Now campaigns to complete your Mission Get selling! Schedule multiple floor days and focus days to build pipeline and drive sales using your campaign. Step 2: Complete multiple dCloud demos aligned to your Mission using the Cisco dCloud platform here Demonstrate your capabilities by running demos with your partners and to end users Step 3 Identify and target partners with activation campaigns (cross sell, dormant and new/competitive) using the digital marketing campaigns available here. Step 4 Ensure DDI planning is aligned to your Mission goals and initiatives and submitted in DMP with #CiscoDCC18 Step 5 Feeling social? Share your Mission activities on Twitter or social media platforms using #CiscoDCC18 and your unique Distributor hashtag. Submit your first Mission results by 31 January 2018 here

4 Reminder Each quarter we’ll provide you with a sales and marketing Mission designed specifically to help you achieve your sales targets. To qualify for a place on Distribution Champions Club you will need to achieve your sales target and complete all the Missions at a country level. You must mark all Missions complete by the specified date, here Feeling social? Share your accomplished Missions on Twitter and ensure you use #CiscoDCC18 and your unique Distributor # . Click here to find your # Don’t forget to follow us on and look out for hints and tips to help you complete your Missions!

5 Are you ready?

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