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Curtin University Library Learning Success

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1 Curtin University Library Learning Success
WORKING AS A TEAM Group Work Curtin University Library Learning Success

2 Successful Groups TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More 30.07.2010

3 Group assignments? People working together can produce a ‘stronger’ result Group skills are considered essential for professionals in business and government (Curtin Uni graduate attributes): Demonstrate intercultural awareness and understanding Respect individual human rights; Recognise the importance of cultural diversity particularly the perspective of Indigenous Australians; Value diversity of language. THE 9 CURTIN UNIVERSITY ATTRIBUTES 1.Apply discipline knowledge, principles and concepts; 2.Think critically, creatively and reflectively; 3.Access, evaluate and synthesise information; 4.Communicate effectively; 5.Use technologies appropriately; 6.Utilise lifelong learning skills; 7.Recognise and apply international perspectives; 8.Demonstrate intercultural awareness and understanding; and 9.Apply professional skills. Applying professional skills Work independently and in teams; Demonstrate leadership, professional behaviour and ethical practices. 9/21/2018

4 How many clusters / categories can you develop from these images?
H/O 1 CLUSTERING/CATEGORISING. In groups (4-5), in 8 minutes, students are to come up with at least 20 categories of these images and a name for their group. When the time is up, the students have 5 minutes to decide/agree on their group name and their top 5 categories to report back to the entire group. Consider from a mining perspective; or specifically, metallurgy; mineral and oil exploration; land management; agriculture; health; urban and regional planning; infrastructure management; water and air pollution; business marketing. 9/21/2018

5 Tips towards a Successful Group Assignment
Make consistent positive contributions – not just one! Reach a consensus on a common goal Communicate assertively – not aggressively Be creative Be dependable and be able to depend on one another To build a dynamic that creates RESPECT + OPEN COMMUNICATION + TRUST + RESPONSIBILITY = SUCCESSFUL GROUP OUTCOMES. H/O 2 The LEARNING CENTRE GROUP STRATEGIES H/O 9/21/2018

6 What NOT to do when working in a group
Dominate the discussion Ignore other people’s ideas Interrupt people when they are talking Criticise people’s ideas unfairly Rely on one person to do all the work Waste discussion time. H/O 3 STRANDED IN THE DESERT EXERCISE. Give out Answer sheet separate to pack Mention SPARK peer assessment guide for those units where SPARK is used. 9/21/2018

7 How do you see yourself? Belbin’s (1970-80’s) team roles

8 How do others in the group see you?

Strengths Multiple talents Sharing workload Developing communication Bouncing ideas Team experience Weaknesses Time management Individualistic style Opportunities Growth of knowledge Improve confidence Make new connections Greater output Threats Varying commitment Plagiarism Personality clash It’s actually OK to have weaknesses and threats because you can take action to improve and they give you the Opportunity to develop. 9/21/2018

10 All groups can work
"More cowbell" is an American pop culture catchphrase originally derived from an April 8, 2000 Saturday Night Live comedy sketch which fictionalized the recording of the song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by Blue Öyster Cult. Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken. 9/21/2018

11 Some more Tips towards Successful Group Work
Try not to be in a group with just or most of your friends: working with friends can be harder than you think Factor in time to work TOGETHER to finalise your assignment Gain group consensus on a schedule and tasks Meet and communicate frequently – f2f or online Ensure you have every group members’ contact details Ensure every group member gets updates Remain task focussed – not personality focussed. 9/21/2018

12 Group work online tools
Blackboard WIKI and Blackboard Collaborate Via your OASIS login portal - Blackboard Curtin Groupmap Group s Curtin Mobile/Apps & online services – study & research apps For easier connection and for an ongoing record of work division and decisions. 9/21/2018

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