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Welcome Teachers! AK Rocks the Vote! Prepare for Takeoff: Bell Work

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Teachers! AK Rocks the Vote! Prepare for Takeoff: Bell Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Teachers! AK Rocks the Vote! Prepare for Takeoff: Bell Work
Find a seat with a chromebook and settle in Roll Call Question: Are you registered to vote? Login to your chromebook Go to  Click on “More” in the top banner  Click on #AKROCKSTHEVOTE  Click on Election Pre-Assessment on the right hand side of the page  Take the quiz AK Rocks the Vote!

2 #AKROCKSTHEVOTE A Homeroom Lesson Plan

3 Day 1: Where Are You on the Political Spectrum?
Political Inventory Quiz SNL Spoof AK Rocks the Vote!

4 Day 2 – Where Do Your Candidates Stand?
Clips of Debates (Potential Class Debate) Research and Analyzing Platforms Taxes Healthcare Terrorism AK Rocks the Vote!

5 Rules of Engagement – Should you choose to debate
Everyone Participates Step Up, Step Down – notice if you are taking up too much or not enough talking space Disagreement is expected. But it should be done respectfully All students have a shared responsibility for the success of the conversation AK Rocks the Vote!

6 Rules of Engagement Listen AK Rocks the Vote!
Key to effective communication. Pay attention to – what is said, how it is said as well as non-verbal messages. Listening means not interrupting and working hard to understand how the other person thinks and feels AK Rocks the Vote!

7 Rules of Engagement Share AK Rocks the Vote!
Requires active participation. It requires engagement. At its best, sharing means being open and honest. For sharing to feel safe, people need to be respectful of one another AK Rocks the Vote!

8 Rules of Engagement Decide AK Rocks the Vote!
Before you make decisions, make sure you have all the facts – the whole story! Without them, you will likely not make a good decision. Getting the information you need to make a good decision may require some patience and asking lots of questions AK Rocks the Vote!

9 Day 3 – What’s the Magic Number?
Electoral College Video Electoral College Map Electoral College Close Read AK Rocks the Vote!

10 Electoral College Activity
1. You are a campaign manager for a presidential candidate 2. You only have enough money to go to 25 states 3. Send your candidate to the states you need to win the required 270 electoral votes 4. Choose the states you want to go to by lightly shading in with pencil 5. Add up the ECVs. How many do you have? Electoral College Activity

11 Republicans can’t go to…
Democrats can’t go to… California & New York Texas & Georgia

12 Day 4 – Rock Your Vote Voter Registration Cast Your Ballot
Create Campaign Posters AK Rocks the Vote!

13 Materials Access the Lesson Plan Materials on… Weekly Bulletin Any Civics Teacher Marquez, Bacheldor, Lott, Tonissen, Peach, Patterson

14 Materials We Provide You Provide Powerpoint Candidate Platforms
Electoral College Map Voter Registration Ballots Chromebooks Materials for Campaign Posters If interested in participating in this Lesson Plan, look out for sign-up info in the 10/23 Weekly Bulletin

15 Closure – You’ll Have the Time of Your Life!

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