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Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Activity Think of someone who has made a positive impact on your life   
Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves Friend called their child senerity – taring on the playground One question – make character educational intentional – should see the timetables we have.

2 Write three words that describe them: 1. 2. 3.
Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves Friend called their child senerity – taring on the playground One question – make character educational intentional – should see the timetables we have.

3 Why are those qualities important. What impact have they had on you
Why are those qualities important? What impact have they had on you? Have you tried to emulate, cultivate or foster similar qualities? Why? Why not?   Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves Friend called their child senerity – taring on the playground One question – make character educational intentional – should see the timetables we have.

4 Eulogy and Reseme virtues – David Brooks


6 Six simple steps to excellence in character education leadership  Daniel Moulin-Stożek DPhil Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues University of Birmingham   Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves Friend called their child senerity – taring on the playground One question – make character educational intentional – should see the timetables we have.

7 Introducing the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues

8 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the centre 2
Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the centre 2. Fruit of the Spirit Discussion Paper 3. Leadership of Character Education Report 4. Applying best practice 5. Reflection (personal and as a group)  


10 Six simple steps to excellence in character education leadership 1
Six simple steps to excellence in character education leadership 1. Recognise 2. Reflect 3. Define 4. Consider 5. Share 6. Invest

11 Simple steps. Different leadership approaches, different focuses, e. g
Simple steps? Different leadership approaches, different focuses, e.g. Fullan’s model Kotter’s model Spear’s model Holistic coaching

12 Discuss steps 3-6 in the context of your school: how will you. … 3
Discuss steps 3-6 in the context of your school: how will you... … 3. Define relevant virtues? 4. Consider potential impact of different leadership models? 5. Share vision? 6. Invest in development of leadership virtues?

13 Report back on someone else’s context: how will they:
Context is important Report back on someone else’s context: how will they: Define relevant virtues? Consider potential impact of different leadership models? Share vision? Invest in development of leadership virtues?

14 Final activity Think of one virtue you have identified as important for your context, and one way you will seek to promote it    Nervous talking as a parent My kids – behaving themselves Friend called their child senerity – taring on the playground One question – make character educational intentional – should see the timetables we have.

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