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Co-operation in planning the EU regional sea

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1 Co-operation in planning the EU regional sea
Lessons learned in the development of a marine planning resource and network for the North Sea

2 Why develop a marine planning exchange?
Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) [2008] OJ L 164/19 Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for marine spatial planning [2014] OJ L257/135

3 What is a marine planning exchange?
‘Centre of knowledge’ Not a physical structure Not a decision making forum; not dispute resolution; no ownership of information or data Access to information for ‘community’ as well as regulators / developers / NGOs Access through an information platform

4 Considerations 1. What area of the North Sea should be covered?
2. Who is the target audience? 3. What information already exists? 4. How much detail should be/can be provided? 5. Is national law needed?

5 What already exists? UK level European level

6 Is national law needed? Complex web of national legislation, competencies and intricate internal governance structures. Need for accuracy and consistency in legal information

7 How would it differ from existing sources?
…there are no mapping tools that provide integrated information on all the activities for which the authorities have developed overall frameworks under the management plans. Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, Meld. St. 37 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper), Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the North Sea and Skagerrak (Management Plan), p.78

8 Project development and progression to date
Anne-Michelle Slater et al, ‘An Examination of the Viability and appropriateness of a Marine Planning Exchange for UK Waters’ Final Report to the Planning Exchange Foundation, April 2012 North Sea Conference Workshop, June 2014 Gap analysis – Draft Working Report, Workshop One, January 2015 Website design and development Workshop two, July 2015 Betasite launched, February 2016

9 A marine planning exchange

10 Search tool

11 Comparison tool

12 Added value 1. Facilitate north sea countries to fulfil legal obligations – MSFD etc. 2. Increases transparency – therefore it makes political sense. 3. Makes scientific sense – ecologically managing the North Sea at a sea basin level. 4. Makes economic sense – from all sides i.e. government/regulator and developers/users . 5. Enhances knowledge and understanding of marine issues in general – this facilitates participation – ultimately required by the ecosystem approach so it provides the vehicle through which holistic ocean governance is actually put into practise and not merely given ‘lip service’.

13 Feedback: a.m.slater and Alison Macdonald,

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