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2 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms
Central and eastern European countries ____(apply) for membership in the EU need to reform their public administrations to meet the Copenhagen and Madrid criteria for accession. Most areas of government ____(cover, passive) or____(affect) by the acquis communautaire (i.e. the entire body of legislation of the EC).

3 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms
Candidate countries ___(need) to transpose EC legislation into the domestic legal order and then implement and ___(enforce) it. Difficulties and delays____(link, passive) to the process and pace of implementation due to a lack of capacity.

4 Fill in the missing words: components, emerged, governance, horizontal, managerial, participation, Targets No acquis communautaire exists for setting standards of ____systems of_____ of national public administrations. ___and orientations for public administration reform in the perspective of EU governance have ____ among democratic states. These ____include the rule of law, principles of reliability, predictability, accountability and transparency, but also technical and ____competence, organisational capacity and citizens’ _____.

5 consensus, jurisprudence, legal, principles, subsequently
Despite the lack of an acquis communautaire, this ____ has established principles for public administration shared by EU Member States with different ____traditions and different systems of governance. Over the course of time these ____ have been defined and refined through the ______ of national courts and,___, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

6 Key No acquis communautaire exists for setting standards of horizontal systems of governance or national public administrations. Targets and orientations for public administration reform in the perspective of EU governance has emerged among democratic states. These components include the rule of law principles of reliability, predictability, accountability and transparency, but also technical and managerial competence, organisational capacity and citizens’ participation.

7 Key Despite the lack of an acquis communautaire, this consensus has established principles for public administration shared by EU Member States with different legal traditions and different systems of governance. Over the course of time these principles have been defined and refined through the jurisprudence of national courts and, subsequently, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

8 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms:
Timeliness in the action of public administration strongly ____(support) the principles of predictability and reliability. Delay of public administration in ___(make) decisions and ___(take) action can cause frustration, injustice or severe harm for both the public interest and for private interests.

9 Key Timeliness in the action of public administration strongly supports the principles of predictability and reliability. Delay of public administration in making decisions and taking action can cause frustration, injustice or severe harm for both the public interest and for private interests.

10 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms
Delay can ___(result) from inadequate resources or lack of political resolve. But often it ____(associate, passive) with inefficiency and incompetence of civil servants. Legal rules can help to alleviate the problem by ____(set out) clear time limits within which things must ____(do, passive).

11 Key Delay can result from inadequate resources or lack of political resolve. But often it is associated with inefficiency and incompetence of civil servants. Legal rules can help to alleviate the problem by setting out clear time limits within which things must be done.

12 Fill in the missing words: bias civil, integrity, Professional, relies
Professionalism and professional___ in the ___ service supports the notions of reliability and predictability of public administration. ___integrity of civil service ____ upon the notions of impartiality and professional independence. Impartiality refers to the absence of ____.

13 Key Professionalism and professional integrity in the civil service supports the notions of reliability and predictability of public administration. Professional integrity of civil service relies upon the notions of impartiality and professional independence. Impartiality refers to the absence of bias.

14 assessing, domain, inclination, interest, particular, right, unjustified
Within the public administration ___, bias means having an___ in favour of a___ outcome in ___ a given situation, causing as a consequence an ___or unfair detriment to the general ____ or to the ____ of other interested parties.

15 Key Within the public administration domain, bias means having an inclination in favour of a particular outcome in assessing a given situation, causing as a consequence an unjustified or unfair detriment to the general interest or to the right of other interested parties.

16 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms:
The Constitution of 1990 ___(introduce) the semi-presidential system based on the French model. From 1990 to 2001, public administration in Croatia ___(develop) in the conditions of etatization, centralisation and politicisation of an authoritarian type. Besides an ever-increasing number of civil servants, the characteristics of these period ___(be) an insufficient level of professionalism of administrative personnel and politicization of administrative services.

17 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms:
The space for administrative-technical principles, expertise and professionalism ___(limit, passive). Democratic political values ___(repress, passive), while law ____(regard, passive) as the mere instrument of politics. The lack of co-ordination _____ (compensate) for by arbitrary, ad hoc political interventions. Political-administrative system ___(close, passive) and bureaucratised, imbued with the climate of secrecy

18 Key The Constitution of 1990 introduced the semi-presidential system based on the French model. From 1990 to 2001, public administration in Croatia developed in the conditions of etatization, centralisation and politicisation of an authoritarian type. Besides an ever-increasing number of civil servants, the characteristics of these period were an insufficient level of professionalism of administrative personnel and politicization of administrative services. The space for administrative-technical principles, expertise and professionalism was limited.

19 Key Democratic political values were repressed, while law wasregarded as the mere instrument of politics. The lack of co-ordination was compensated for by arbitrary, ad hoc political interventions. Political-administrative system was closed and bureaucratised, imbued with the climate of secrecy

20 Fill in the missing words: administrative, customs, executed, foreign, frequency, poorly, reform
Before the first significant ____ of the territorial ___system in 1993, the Croatian state administration had passed through a number of frequent changes and ___ conceived and ____reorganizations characterised by political voluntarism. The ___of such reorganisations was partly caused by the necessity of creating the new administrative organizations in a new State (___ affairs, defense, ___service, etc.).

21 central, civil, criteria, government’s, opposition, screening, socialist
The strong communes, inherited from ___Croatia either became the central ___obedient servants, or established themselves as the focal points of a strong___, even resistance to the ___ government. Rigorous ____ took place in the ranks of the state and local ___servants and personnel in the public services based on political, national and similar ___.

22 Key Before the first significant reform of the territorial administrative system in 1993, the Croatian state administration had passed through a number of frequent changes and poorly conceived and executed reorganizations characterised by political voluntarism. The frequency of such reorganisations was partly caused by the necessity of creating the new administrative organizations in a new State (foreign affairs, defense, customs service, etc.).

23 Key The strong communes, inherited from socialist Croatia either became the central government’s obedient servants, or established themselves as the focal points of a strong opposition, even resistance to the central government. Rigorous screening took place in the ranks of the state and local civil servants and personnel in the public services based on political, national and similar criteria.

24 central, considerably, Constitution, constitutional, decentralisation, local, self-government
The Revisions of the ___of 2000 (NN 41/01) marked the beginning of the ___process. The new ___provisions meant a radical turn: they___ constrained the powers of the ___ government by granting citizens the right to local and regional ___, and by accepting the concept of ___self government as a counterbalance to the central government.

25 Charter, legislature, public ratification, regional, subsidiarity, transferred
The Croatian ___began to harmonize the relevant provisions of the domestic law with the European ___of Local Self-Government more than three years after its ___. The Constitution ___the responsibility for certain groups of ___ affairs to local and regional units as a real substratum of the citizens’ right to local and __self-government and accepted the principle of ___and solidarity

26 Key The Revisions of the Constitution of 2000 (NN 41/01) marked the beginning of the decentralisation process. The new constitutional provisions meant a radical turn: they considerably constrained the powers of the central government by granting citizens the right to local and regional self-government, and by accepting the concept of local self government as a counterbalance to the central government.

27 Key The Croatian legislature began to harmonize the relevant provisions of the domestic law with the European Charter of Local Self-Government more than three years after its ratification. The Constitution transferred the responsibility for certain groups of public affairs to local and regional units as a real substratum of the citizens’ right to local and regional self-government and accepted the principle of subsidiarity and solidarity

28 Put the verbs into the appropriate forms
Around the world, citizens of various countries ____(live) under a governing body and ____(need) to interact with government. These governing bodies can range from central to regional to local governments, ____(depend) upon the specific country or state the citizen ___(reside) in. Some interactions ___(be) mandated (e.g. ___(pay) taxes or ___(get) a driver’s license), while others are voluntary (e.g. ___(subscribe) to a social service).

29 Put the verbs into the appropriate forms
Businesses and other organizations also ___(need) to interact with the government on a regular basis. Depending upon the maturity of the government organization, the size of population within their scope, and the age of the delivery systems, governments ___ constantly ___(challenge, passive) to deliver day-to-day services to all of their citizens and organizations effectively. To help address these challenges, many governments ___(seek) to streamline service delivery and bring greater speed, certainty, and transparency to the process.

30 Key Around the world, citizens of various countries live under a governing body and need to interact with government. These governing bodies can range from central to regional to local governments, depending upon the specific country or state the citizen resides in. Some interactions are mandated (e.g. paying taxes or getting a driver’s license), while others are voluntary (e.g. subscribing to a social service).

31 Key Businesses and other organizations also need to interact with the government on a regular basis. Depending upon the maturity of the government organization, the size of population within their scope, and the age of the delivery systems, governments are constantly challenged to deliver day-to-day services to all of their citizens and organizations effectively. To help address these challenges, many governments are seeking to streamline service delivery and bring greater speed, certainty, and transparency to the process.

32 Fill in the missing words: citizens, electronic, improve, providing, public, refers, services,Technology A promising solution is a concept called E-Government, which ____ to government’s use of Information and Communication ____ (ICT) to exchange information and ____ with____, businesses, and other arms of government to ___internal efficiency, the delivery of ___ services, or processes of democratic governance. A similar concept is referred to as Electronic Services Delivery (ESD), which refers to ____ government services through the Internet or other ____ means.

33 concept, governments, information occurring, welfare
The ____ of E-Government is not a new one. Discussions and planning on this topic have been___ within European ___as early as the late 1900’s with the intention of using ___technology to help transform society by making daily life easier for the population as a whole and ensuring for future prosperity and___

34 Key A promising solution is a concept called E-Government, which refers to government’s use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government to improve internal efficiency, the delivery of public services, or processes of democratic governance. A similar concept is referred to as Electronic Services Delivery (ESD), which refers to providing government services through the Internet or other electronic means.

35 Key The concept of E-Government is not a new one. Discussions and planning on this topic have been occurring within European governments as early as the late 1900’s with the intention of using information technology to help transform society by making daily life easier for the population as a whole and ensuring for future prosperity and welfare

36 Vocabulary To act in accordance with something Conform
To line up with something or someone Align The act of governing: the office, power, or function of governing governance

37 Vocabulary Joining something (e.g., the EU) Accession
To carry out; to give practical effect Implement The freedom and authority to use one’s own judgement to decide what to do discretion

38 Vocabulary To make sure that something (a law) is obeyed Enforce
Making sure that something is obeyed enforcement To obey something Adhere to Extremely important crucial

39 Vocabulary A result that one aims to achieve Target, objective
General agreement Consensus To eliminate, to wipe out eradicate

40 Vocabulary Careful study or observation; examination Scrutiny
Set of rules Code Obligatory binding

41 Vocabulary A principle or belief, or a set of princiles or beliefs, which is thought by its supporters to be true and acceptable Doctrine The people who work for a particular organization, business or other establishment personnel

42 Vocabulary The quality of being readily understood Transparency
Related to doctrines Doctrinal To change something to fit new conditions adjust

43 Vocabulary To accept something, to agree to something Adopt To extend
Spread Unity and agreement with each other, especially in supporting the same aims and actions solidarity

44 Vocabulary Special skill or knowledge Expertise
To encourage something to develop or succeed Promote Predictable foreseeable

45 Vocabulary Expressed in an indirect way Implicit Expressed clearly
Explicit The act of making information known disclosure

46 Vocabulary Something that must happen or exist before another thing is possible Prerequisite Full, which includes everything that is essential or necessary Comprehensive The act of enforcing an act or rule enforcement

47 Vocabulary In favour of being active; operational Proactive
Not done or decided according to any plan or system; done without consideration Arbitrary Clear and easy to understand coherent

48 Vocabulary A person who has acquired a great knowledge of a particular academic subject Scholar A place where historical documents and records are stored Archive A collection of historical documents, records, photographs archives

49 Vocabulary Documents which contain information Records
To make a rough plan or version of a document draft

50 Abbreviations SIGMA Support for Improvement in Governance and Management OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development

51 Abbreviations IMF International Monetary Fund WB World Bank

52 Translation Godine EU i Organizacija za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj pokrenule su zajedničku inicijativu koja podupire nastojanja za reformom javne uprave u zemljama pristupnicama EU. Ta se inicijativa naziva SIGMA.

53 Kako bi zadovoljila kopenhaške i madridske kriterije pridruživanja, zemlje Centralne i Istočne Europe moraju reformirati javnu upravu. Glavni osnivački pravni tekstovi EU (Rimski ugovor, 1957 i Ugovor iz Maastrichta, 1992) ne nude model javne uprave koji bi zemlje članice trebale provesti.

54 Kada je jednom utvrđena demokratska priroda njihova političkog režima, pitanja upravljanja i javne uprave prepuštaju se zemljama članicama. Tako, s formalnopravnog stajališta, zemlje članice imaju veliku administrativnu autonomiju.

55 Članstvo u EU zahtijeva da svako područje uprave i industrijski sektor zemlje članice poštuje acquis. Ustanove državne javne uprave provode i primjenjuju pravnu stečevinu EZ. Prema izviješću, kako bi se to moglo učinkovito provesti, javna uprava zemlje kandidata mora se držati općih načela dobrog upravljanja i zadovoljiti upravne standarde na način definiran unutar Unije.

56 Opći sustavi horizontalnog upravljanja u zemlji kandidatu moraju zadovoljiti zahtjeve EU, jer su ključni za pouzdano funkcioniranje čitave uprave, uključujuću područja acquisa. Uspješna provedba i primjena jasno ovise o strukturama i sustavima horizontalnog upravljanja, kao što su procedure za upravne radnje i mehanizme koji osiguravaju da je rad javnih službenika u skladu sa standardima EU.

57 No, ne postoje opće zakonske odredbe koje se mogu primijeniti na područje javne uprave i upravnog prava. “Ne postoji acquis koji bi utvrdio standarde horizontalnih sustava upravljanja ili nacionalne javne uprave. Cijevi i usmjerenja reforme javne uprave u svjetlu pridruživanja EU stoga su manje jasni.

58 Premda zemlje članice imaju “potpunu slobodu” odlučivanja o načinima i sredstvima ostvarivanja rezultata koje pred njih postavljaju Ugovori i sekundarno zakonodavstvo EC, s vremenom je došlo do općeg konsensusa o glavnim komponentama dobroga upravljanja u demokratskim državama. Tim su sporazumom utvrđena načela javne administracije zajednička zemljama članicama EU s različitim pravnim tradicijama i različitim sustavima upravljanja.

59 Translate Pokušaj utvrđivanja administrativnih načela uglavnom je pravni po svojemu usmjerenju. Dokument SIGMA započinje tezom da je unatoč nacionalnim razlikama moguće dogovoriti zajedničku definiciju upravnog prava kao: “niza načela i pravila koji se primjenjuju na organizaciju i upravljanje javnom upravom, te odnosima između uprave i građana.”

60 Translation Europski sud pravde ima važnu ulogu u oblikovanju tih zajedničkih načela upravnog prava: “Može se reći da danas postoji zajednički acquis zakonskih načela upravnog prava koja je razvio Europski sud pravde.” Glavna načela upravnog prava zajednička zapadnoeuropskim zemljama mogu se sistematizirati na sljedeći način:

61 Translation 1. Pouzdanost i predvidivost (pravna i sudbena sigurnost. Dokument opisuje brojna načela i mehanizme upravnog prava u nastojanju da se iskorijeni proizvoljnost u vođenju javnih poslova: pravna država; pravna sposobnost, upravne diskrecione ovlasti (sloboda odlučivanja); načelo razmjernosti; načelo proceduralne pravičnosti; pravovremenost; profesionalizam i profesionalni integritet (poštenje).

62 2. Otvorenost (uprava je dostupna vanjskoj kontroli) i transparentnost (kroz upravu se može “vidjeti” u svrhu kontrole i nadzora) 3. Odgovornost: svako tijelo javne uprave treba odgovarati za svoje postupke drugim upravnim, zakonodavnim ili sudbenim vlastima

63 4. Učinkovitost (vrijednost u upravljanju koja se u osnovi sastoji u dobrom odnosu između uloženih sredstava i postignutih rezultata) i uspješnost (kojom se osigurava da je rad javne uprave uspješan u ostvarivanju ciljeva i rješavanju javnih problema koje određuju zakon i vlada).

64 Ove zajedničke temeljne vrijednosti i načela javne uprave dovele su do približavanja nacionalnih javnih uprava. Treba primijetiti da navedena upravna načela nisu formalizirana u obliku pisanih zakona, ili sistematizirana u zakoniku. No, ona su ipak etički i pravno obvezujuća.

65 Prema dokumentu, postoji “zajednički acquis koji se sastoji od načela upravnog prava, koji bismo mogli nazvati neformalizirani acquis u smislu da ne postoji formalna konvencija.” Taj neformalizirani acquis snažno pridonosi europeizaciji nacionalnih uprava i upravnog prava zemalja članica EU i učvršćuje “europski administrativni prostor” u nastajanju.

66 Translation Suvremeni razvoj uprave karakteriziraju dvije utjecajne doktrine: nov javni management i dobro upravljanje.

67 Translation Doktrina novog javnog menadžmenta vrlo je utjecajna od Karakterizira je orijentacija prema ekonomiji, uspješnosti i učinkovitosti, nastojanja da se državna uprava i javni sektor podvrgnu tržišnim načelima i metodama koje razvijaju poduzetničko ponašanje te, općenito, nastojanjem da se “većina vrijednosti i tehnika upravljanja privatnim sektorom nametne javnom sektoru.

68 Translation Mjere i učinci menadžerskih reformi javne uprave su strukturalni, funkcionalni, usmjereni prema osoblju i drugi (financijski, politički, usmjereni prema osoblju itd.)

69 Translation Nova javna uprava široko je prihvaćena na Novom Zelandu, Ujedinjenom kraljevstvu, Australiji, Kanadi i SAD-u. Menadžerski pristup proširio se u Europi i drugim kontinentima različitom brzinom i u različitom stupnju. Međunarodne organizacije kao Svjetska banka i Međunarodni monetarni fond zagovaraju menadžerski pristup.

70 Translation No, od 1990-ih godina primjećuju se i neki nepovoljni učinci minimalizirajućih i tržištu usmjerenih reformi javne uprave. Nejasne linije političke odgovornosti, loši kontakti s javnošću, smanjena transparentnost, korupcija, dodatni troškovi, ponovno jačanje regulacije, zanemarivanje prava građana su neki od njih.

71 Translation Pod tim uvjetima, UN, EU, OECD, Međunarodni monetarni fond i Svjetska banka počeli su zagovarati dobro upravljanje.

72 Translation Među načelima dobrog upravljanja, EU naglašava otvorenost, sudjelovanje, uspješnost i razumljivost. Nova doktrinarna orijentacija naglašava ulogu građana i civilnog društva, transparentnost, legitimitet, učinkovitost, ljudska i građanska prava, pravnu državu, bolju kvalitetu javnih službi, uvođenje moderne informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije i bolje upravljanje ljudskim resursima.

73 Translation Građani se smatraju partnerima koji značajno pridonose krajnjim rezultatima aktivnosti javne uprave. Građane treba informirati i konzultirati, moraju sudjelovati u stvaranju javne politike i upravnim i drugim javnim procesima. Sve u svemu, “dobro upravljanje je…kombinacija demokratskog i učinkovitog upravljanja”

74 Translation Osnovni ciljevi reforme javne uprave u Hrvatskoj su europeizacija i modernizacija. U procesu pridruživanja EU, Hrvatska se mora prilagoditi europskom iskustvu javne uprave i prihvatiti upravne standarde koji se šire europskim upravnim prostorom u nastajanju.

75 Translation Europski standardi javne uprave obično nisu pisani – manje se bave konkretnom strukturom, organizacijom i veličinom javne uprave, a više njezinim osobinama i sposobnošću provedbe europske pravne stečevine.

76 Translation U većini slučajeva, govorimo o iskustvu koje se katkada prenosi u smjernice, kao što je vladavina prava,načelo supsidijarnosti, načelo transparentnosti, itd. Građani se postavljaju u prvi plan i načini vođenja politike su usmjereni prema rezultatima.

77 Translation Program SIGMA (zajednička inicijativa OECD-a i EU) postigao je određenu konkretizaciju kriterija za utvrđivanje upravne sposobnosti, no ti su kriteriji još uvijek samo okvirni.

78 Translation Modernizacija znači dublje promjene u strukturama i procesima u javnoj upravi koje nalaze poticaj u današnjim utjecajnim upravnim doktrinama novog javnog managementa i dobrog upravljanja. Budući da hrvatska javna uprava još nije dostigla standarde niti tradicionalnog weberijanskog modela organizirane, dobro dokumentirane, nepristrane, etične, profesionalne i učinkovite javne uprave, treći cilj reforme mora uključiti upravni razvoj utemeljen na tradicionalnom modelu.

79 Translation Vrijednosti koje treba uključiti i poštovati u modernoj javnoj upravi su tradicionalne i “nove”. Tradicionalne su se vrijednosti utvrdile tijekom prošlog razvoja.

80 Translation To su: demokratske političke vrijednosti (politički legitimitet, politička odgovornost izabranih zastupnika, sposobnost udovoljavanja potrebama i željama građana, javnost i transparentnost uprave, dostupnost, itd.), pravne vrijednosti (vladavina prava, zakonitost, pravna sigurnost, jednakost u upravnom postupku, nepristranost, zaštita građanskih i ljudskih prava, pošteni upravni postupci, pravna odgovornost javne uprave – materijalna, disciplinska i kaznena, sudski nadzor nad javnom upravom), društvene vrijednosti (društvena pravda, solidarnost, društvena osjetljivost, socijalna skrb, briga za dobrobit građana, suosjećanje, pomoć građanima, itd.) i ekonomske vrijednosti (učinkovitost, ekonomičnost, uspješnost).

81 Translation Nove, ili ponovo otkrivene vrijednosti su obrazovanje, stručnost i profesionalizam; supsidijarnost i decentralizacija; moralnost, nepristranost i nekorumpiranost; kvaliteta javnih usluga;koordinacija, uspostavljanje horizontalnih mreža i kompjuterizacija; poduzetništvo, tržišno natjecanje i tržišna orijentacija.

82 Translation Pojam javne vrijednosti ukorijenjen je u sklonostima ljudi, budući da samo javnost može utvrditi što je uistinu vrijedno njezinim članovima. Ukorijenjena je također u sposobnosti vlade da stvara ono što ljudi žele. Rezultati razvojnog procesa koji unapređuju kvalitetu života ljudi, zakoni koji su potrebni i pravedni, usluge koje odgovaraju potrebama ljudi, pravednost, pravičnost, zakonitost postupanja, povjerenje u vladu koje dolazi od uvida u njezino ukupno djelovanje stvari su koje ljudi žele i uvažavaju.

83 Translation Plaćaju za njih sredstvima i ovlastima kojih se odriču i u zamjenu za koje očekuju da vlada pridonosi stvaranju javnih vrijednosti. (Ukoliko su odgovarajuće etičke vrijednosti – i osobito vrijednost ljudske solidarnosti – na svom mjestu, ta razmjena nije podložna minimalističkom tumačenju:

84 Poznato je da su se ljudi odricali svoje individualne slobode kako bi pridonijeli općem dobru i imali od njega koristi.) S tog gledišta, e-uprava je opravdana ukoliko pojačava sposobnost javne uprave da poveća javne vrijednosti, tj. ono što ljudi žele.

85 Ovaj model međusobnih odnosa između ljudi, vlade i javne vrijednosti – ako se primijeni na analizu e-upravljanja – jednostavan je i izravan. Ljudi izražavaju svoje sklonosti, vlada koristi informacijsko-komunikacijsku tehnologiju da poveća svoju sposobnost pružanja onoga što ljudi žele, i na kraju nastaje javna vrijednost kao rezultat visoke kvalitete života. U stvarnom životu taj je model često teško primijeniti i održati.


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