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MD Southern Colonies VA NC

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1 MD Southern Colonies VA NC The Southern Colonies included: Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (SC), and Georgia (GA). SC GA

2 Jamestown: First Permanent English Settlement
1607 -Virginia Co. hoped to profit from Jamestown settlement Settlement was sponsored by the Virginia Company through use of a charter. Charter- legal document giving certain rights to a person or company

3 First Representative Government
In spring of 1610, the new charter brought more colonists and a representative gov’t Representative Gov’t- voters elect citizens to make laws for them. This government would come to be called The House of Burgesses

4 Jamestown-A Profitable Colony
1619- first African Americans arrive at colonies as indentured servants (a laborer or tradesmen under contract for certain period of time.) 1619- John Rolfe, who later married Pocahontas, established tobacco as as first profitable cash crop Practice of owning African slaves for life would result from the labor need in the colonies.

5 Hardships in Jamestown
Jamestown fell on hard times after the departure of its leader, Captain John Smith. The settlement was swampy and filled with mosquitoes that carried diseases Settlers were interested in hunting for gold and soon found that their food supplies were low. Captain John Smith returned to England in This resulted in a “starving time”.

6 Stable Government: House of Burgesses
Until Virginia Company of London created the group to give colonists a say in their own government The House of Burgesses was an assembly of representatives that made laws for the colony. BURGESS- a representative; Patterned after British local government Colonists would make their own laws instead of obeying those made by England First step toward self government in the colonies!

7 The Southern Colonies The Carolinas were discovered and divided in the North and South because of large settlement populations. Virginia was one of the last colonies. They came for religious freedom They came for a chance to prosper. (Prosper = grow) Lord Baltimore founded the colony of Maryland. Maryland was the first colony to pass a law granting religious freedom. * It was called the Act of Toleration

8 The Southern Colonies Georgia was not a colony of religious freedom.
Georgia was used as a refuge for prisoners (DEBTORS). debt.or : (noun) a person or institution who owes a sum of money The prisoners were poor people who could not afford to pay their debt. Georgia then became a colony where people could work of their debt and gain a new start.

9 Southern Colonies Climate
The Southern Colonies enjoyed warmer weather and a longer growing season than the colonies in the north. Rich land and plenty of rain along with coastal plains, swamps, forests, harbors made the south prime for successful settlement Picture Credit: cogent/gallery.htm

10 Farms and Plantations in the Southern Colonies
Colonists soon found that it was profitable to raise rice and tobacco on large plantations. The big plantations were started along rivers on the coast. Rivers provided an opportune way to move goods to other markets.

11 The Growth of Slavery As plantations grew and became more profitable, plantation owners were in need of a labor force with basic skills. In 1619, the first Africans in the colonies arrived as indentured servants, a laborer who agreed to work a set number of years for a person who would pay the cost of their trip. The practice of owning slaves for life would result from the labor need in the colonies Slavery became viewed as an economic need in the south as the demand for cash crops grew

12 The Slave Trade As demand for slaves grew, European slave owners set up trade agreements and slave trading posts. Many black Africans were abducted and sold illegally into slavery by members of rival tribal groups. The trip from Africa to the Americas was known as the “Middle Passage”. Africans were crammed into ships for many days under horrendous conditions.

13 Triangular Trade Raw materials changed into finished goods in European factories Picked up: Rum, Raw Materials Dropped off: slaves, sugar, molasses MIDDLE PASSAGE Picked up: sugar, molasses Dropped off: SLAVES Dropped off: Manufactured goods Textiles (cloth) Picked up: SLAVES

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