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Colonization and Colonialism

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1 Colonization and Colonialism
When a big momma country tries to set up a mini version of itself in another country (kind of like a clone). Colonialism- the practice of one country exercising political, economic, and cultural power and control over another region/people. Example: 1. France = big momma New France = the mini version 2. Dr. Evil and Mini-me

2 Colonization One of the major concerns of King Louis XIV (14) and especially Intendant Jean Talon in the 1660s, was the relatively low number of people settling in the colony Low people = Low profit/return to mother country

3 Colonization The earlier plan to have a commercial company, such as the Company of One Hundred Associates (aka – the Company of France), bring settlers to new France in exchange for exclusive fur trading rights completely bombed.

4 Colonization The King set up Royal Government in 1663 so that he and Talon could be in charge of bringing people over Taking control of New France by populating it, not relying on a third party (Company of One Hundred Associates) to do it for them

5 Colonization Stats: The guess is that over 30,000 people came to New France, but only about 1/3 stayed So the King set over the filles du roi to try and boost the numbers in his colony Talon and the church leaders encouraged big families (the more habitants, the more taxes get paid to the momma country!) Bachelors could actually lose their hunting/fishing/fur trading licenses if they did not marry a fille du roi!! CRAZY!

6 Colonization Colonization was also happening in the southern part of North America Not by the French…. but by the British

7 Colonization 13 Colonies: Q: Who were these guys?
A: The beginning of the U.S.A Q:Where were these colonies? A: Along the eastern (now American) coastline Q: What was their big momma country? A: England (France’s enemy…..)

8 Colonization By 1740, there were 906,000 people living in the English colonies (13 Colonies) and only 43,000 people living in French colonies (New France) That a 21:1 ratio! Basically, the North American continent became a battle for which king gets the biggest toy (colony)

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