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Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006

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1 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 Introduction to TRADE FACILITATION Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

2 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Key points Scope of Trade Facilitation; SME’s possible concerns; Important aspects of an international trade transaction; Key areas of work; Conclusions. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

3 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 Operational Issues Regulatory Issues The scope of Trade Facilitation Bank & Insurance Issues Customs Issues 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

4 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 Trade Facilitation: Improving the environment of trade transactions Operational Issues Regulatory Issues Trade Facilitation Bank & Insurance Issues Customs Issues 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

5 Development Dimension Issues
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Development Dimension Issues Trade facilitation is a development factor and not simply an administrative tool with an impact limited to border-crossing trade operations. It strives to create commonalities in standards & practices not only between the trading partners’ respective environments but also between different actors within the same country. It can foster better public capacity to monitor and supervise foreign trade as well as support existing and potential national exporting trading communities. At the same time, the facilitation needs and priorities of countries may differ with regard to the structure of trade, the trading partners involved and the available transport infrastructure and services. Rules on trade facilitation are currently being discussed within the WTO Council of Trade in Goods, with a view to determining the modalities of possible negotiations after the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference and identifying the trade facilitation needs and priorities of members 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

6 SME’s possible concerns
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 SME’s possible concerns 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

7 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Concerns of SMEs Lack of understanding of the international trade transactions (issues related with what may happen beyond the national boundaries). Complexity of procedures and documents. Complexity of the organization of door-to-door deliveries. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

8 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 What do SMEs want ? Transparency Non-discrimination Simplification Most Favored Nation treatment… ? 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

9 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 Table 12.1 Which indicators make up the ranking? Starting a business Procedures, time, cost and paid-in minimum capital to open a new business Dealing with licenses Procedures, time and cost of business inspections and licensing (construction industry) Employing workers Difficulty of hiring index, rigidity of hours index, difficulty of firing index and firing cost Registering property Procedures, time and cost to register commercial real estate Getting credit Strength of legal rights index, depth of credit information index Protecting investors Indices of the extent of disclosure, extent of director liability and ease of shareholder suits Paying taxes Number of tax payments, time to prepare tax returns and total taxes as a share of commercial profits Trading across borders Documents, time and cost to export and import Enforcing contracts Procedures, time and cost to resolve a commercial dispute Closing a business Recovery rate in bankruptcy Source: 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

10 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Source: 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

11 Some important aspects of an international trade transaction
21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

12 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
The Trade Transaction S GOODS B INFORMATION PAYMENT 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

13 A domestic trade transaction
21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

14 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
The traded goods Must comply with local norms and regulations (commerial, industrial, health, safety, etc.). Must be properly documented (commercial invoice, transport contract, etc.). Must be properly packaged for safe movements. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

15 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Moving goods… Services Information Legal set-up Operations Vehicles Infrastructure 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

16 Interests controled by the agencies
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Interests controled by the agencies Insect/pest control; Toxic wastes; Production processes; Manufacturing emissions; Endangered species Environmental Protection Health, Agriculture, Industry Health and Safety Food; Consumer goods; Animal disease; Plant disease; Generic safety Immigration Vehicle registration Interior Entry Controls International Security Protecting national interests: New national concerns about the quality and use of imported goods in developed as well as developing economies. Governments, industry, consumers, and special interest groups call for enforcement of restrictions on goods for export and import, as well as on their trade-related services.. These requirements involve many different federal agencies that have the potential and ability to disrupt supply chains and to increase transaction costs for exports and imports. National interests are legitimate issues of sovereign governments. But if not implemented efficiently, protection of these interests can become a significant burden on the global trading system. Moreover, these burdens are even greater in countries where governments simply cannot cope with the increasing volume of trade and the need for safeguards without disruption in the flow of legitimate commerce. Anti-terrorism; Gun controls; Arm trafficking; Weapons of mass destruction Army 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

17 Finances, Commerce Transport
Duties; Taxes; Fees Revenue Generation Quotas; Dumping Entry Controls Finances, Commerce Patent; Trademark; Copyright Intellectual Property Consumer Protection Terms & conditions of services contracts Drugs, narcotics; Pornography; Money laundering; Fraud Prohibited Transactions Revenue Generation Highway tolls Entry Controls Driver’s license Transport Health and Safety Vehicle safety Traffic Management systems 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

18 Key agencies concerned
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Key agencies concerned Finances Customs Commerce Industry Interior Transport Foreign Affairs Chambers of Com. Infrastructure Operations Services Vehicles Goods 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

19 An international trade transaction
21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

20 The movement of goods in International Trade
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 The movement of goods in International Trade Country A Country C Destination Transport Origin Border 1 Country B Transit 3 2 International link 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

21 Providing International Services
Information Legal set-up Infrastructure Operations Vehicles Mode A Infrastructure Operations Vehicles Interface Infrastructure Operations Vehicles Mode B Infrastructure Operations Vehicles Interface Infrastructure Operations Vehicles Mode C Country Origin Country Destination 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

22 Crossing the border affects the movement of the goods….
Country A B Country B Movement 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

23 The concept of “border”
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 The concept of “border” A border is where the status of the goods, vehicles, or persons transporting/driving them is assessed. Are goods, vehicles, or persons transporting/driving them in conformity with the national interests of the country in which they pretend to enter? Do they comply with local laws and regulations? Protecting national interests: New national concerns about the quality and use of imported goods in developed as well as developing economies. Governments, industry, consumers, and special interest groups call for enforcement of restrictions on goods for export and import, as well as on their trade-related services.. These requirements involve many different federal agencies that have the potential and ability to disrupt supply chains and to increase transaction costs for exports and imports. National interests are legitimate issues of sovereign governments. But if not implemented efficiently, protection of these interests can become a significant burden on the global trading system. Moreover, these burdens are even greater in countries where governments simply cannot cope with the increasing volume of trade and the need for safeguards without disruption in the flow of legitimate commerce. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

24 Role assigned to Customs
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Role assigned to Customs Revenue Collection of import taxes (duties & excise) CUS TOMS F UNC T I ON Protection of Economic Interests (domestic production & services industry) Protection of society <health, safety> (drug trafficking, firearms, environment, counterfeit etc.) Economic development <trade, investment> (trade facilitation) Techniques Partnership with trade Risk management Authorized traders Use of IT Co-operation with other agencies Co-operation with other Customs administrations Security <terrorism> (shifting focus to supply chain) 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

25 Crossing the may create…
BORDER Country Destination Discrepancies GOODS Products conformity, standards & regulations SERVICES Commercial regulations and practices OPERATIONS Traffic regulations and operational practices VEHICLES Vehicle standards and regulations INFRASTRUCTURE Design, construction, maintenance and inter-operability Country Origin 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

26 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
However… The concept of “border” has changed. Borders are no longer necessarily geographic. The status of the goods, vehicles, or persons transporting/driving them can be assessed at inland locations remote from the geographic border. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

27 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Areas of work 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

28 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 Key elements TRADE TRANSPORT Trade Facilitation CUSTOMS 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

29 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 CUSTOMS Customs Reform and Modernization Customs Facilitation Simplification & harmonization of documents & procedures Faster clearance Update of Customs laws Increased Collection Automated Systems ASYCUDA 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

30 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 TRADE Best practices Trade Facilitation Faster return on investment Simplification & harmonization of procedures & documents Increased Competitiveness Institutional framework Facilitation Platforms NTTFC 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

31 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 TRANSPORT Best practices Transport Facilitation Avantages of Integrated Transport Better use of means Increased cargo flows Legal set-up for Door-to-door transport Intermodal Solutions 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

32 IMPORTANT: Promote cooperation at national and corridor levels
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 IMPORTANT: Promote cooperation at national and corridor levels 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

33 Promotion of Trade Facilitation
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Promotion of Trade Facilitation Ministry of Transport Ministry of Trade Ministry of Finances Customs reform & modernization Trade facilitation measures Door-to-door Logistics Private Sector Key stakeholders Government (Min. Transport, Trade, Finances); Trading communities (importers/exporters); Services providers (transport operators, FF and 3PLs, ancilliary services, banking & insurance) Reduce transaction costs Monitor external trade flows 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

34 Towards a necessary cooperation at national level
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Towards a necessary cooperation at national level Between the institutions concerned by foreign trade: Finances, Commerce, Transport; With the private sector in the trading community (importers and exporters); With services providers: transport operators, banks, insurance companies… 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

35 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
The Three Key Players Governmental Authorities USERS of trade & transport services PROVIDERS N.T.T.F.C. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

36 National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committee
A national forum to propose, discuss, consult and search consensus between commercial parties and governmental authorities on facilitation measures to improve international trade & transport. 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

37 Cooperation mechanisms
BORDER Country A Country B Bilateral consultations on trade & transport issues Government Authorities Min. Trade, Finances (Customs), Transport, Interior, Foreign Affairs, etc. Government Authorities Min. Trade, Finances (Customs), Transport, Interior, Foreign Affairs, etc. NTTFC, Clusters, Public-Private Partnerships NTTFC, Clusters, Public-Private Partnerships Regional coordination Private sector Chambers of Commerce, professional associations, corridor-based interests (around projects such as: ICD, Free Zones, etc.) Private sector Chambers of Commerce, professional associations, corridor-based interests (around projects such as: ICD, Free Zones, etc.) Professional networks 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

38 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
CONCLUSIONS 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

39 Trade Facilitation is …
Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006 21/09/2018 Trade Facilitation is … Comprehensive (it embraces a wide spectrum of important issues); Mainly a domestic issue; An opportunity to “revamp” national institutions and mechanisms supporting foreign trade; An opportunity for reforms within certain institutions of the public sector; An opportunity to foster national private sector. An opportunity to introduce modern methods and technologies (e.g. ICTs) at national level; 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

40 Beirut, Lebanon, 6-7 November 2006
21/09/2018 The WTO context Trade Facilitation embraces a wide spectrum of important issues. Within the context of the mandate on Trade Facilitation, WTO Members have limited the scope of their work to the review, clarification and improvement of three articles of GATT 1994: Article V: Freedom of Transit; Article VIII: Fees and formalities connected with Importation&Exportation; and Article X: Publication and administration of trade regulations 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction Basics on Trade Facilitation

41 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction
Independently of the result of the negotiations within the context of the WTO, Trade Facilitation will carry on the innovation process initiated well before the Ministerial Conferences of Singapore, Doha and following … 21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

42 More details:
21/09/2018 Workshop on Trade Facilitation Introduction

43 THANK YOU! Peter Faust (
Maxence Orthlieb José Rubiato Jan Hoffmann Regina Asariotis Trade Logistics Branch Division for Services Infrastructure for Development and Trade Efficiency

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